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Guest DatsuNoob

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Guest DatsuNoob

I arrived home this morning around 5:30am and began scraping the ice off my gf's Sentra. I finished the front, and was moving around the side when I noticed the door was cracked open a little, which was weird because she always is very good about locking doors. I get further back on the rear pass. window, and the tiny, I guess what would almost be referred to as the "wing" window, has a good hole in it. Everything was opened up and scattered everywhere, but luckily all they got was a few burned cd's. I'm pretty sure that's all that's gone, but it still sucks, to get a new window put in is $150 thanks to the $500 deductible. Luckily they didnt get the garage door opener, which was good! Everything considered she was pretty calm about the whole thing. I'm the one that's pissed to think that I have chickenshit bastards like this to worry about preying on my family while I'm away at work. She says the economy is driving people to rob, I say then they're driving themselves to get acquainted with a few of my shotgun shells. I work for what I have, and I wont tolerate thieves.

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Guest DatsuNoob

I live off of 136th and Meridian, right off the road, I always got kids and shit walking by. Whoever it was, was lucky I wasn't home. I'm not trying to be tough, but I would honestly have pulled my gun on them and at very least, made them think twice before ever doing this shit to someone else again. I just cant stand to think of something happening to my family while I'm off trying to support them. We take our garage door openers in with us now. My brother got his whole car jacked in front of his house not even a month ago. He's a plumber/fire sprinkler fitter. Had quite a bit of coin wrapped up in all of his hand and power tools and full fishing gear (Quantum pro tour reel, lamiglass rod, breathable waders, boots, tackle, salmon net). Never found it.

Police dont give a fuck about car theft, they have tickets to write. Typical....

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Police dont give a fuck about car theft, they have tickets to write. Typical....


ain't that the truth. i had my jeep broken into a few years ago and mom caught em in the act. police were called but since nothing was missing, they just came out and took a statement. 2 DAYS later i come home from dropping mom at work to find the door open and the dash in peices. called the cops. "theres nothing we can do if you didn't see them do it." no prints ere taken, nothing.

hell if theres an accident in seattle, they will literally tell you "If there are no fatalities, its not our problem." cops suck ass!

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Guest DatsuNoob
consider yourselves lucky... When our sentra got stolen my wife had checks in the car... We're still fighting that from 3 years ago, mfers were driving the car aroundvas if they owned it, when they were caught the cops said they wouldn't even be charged with car theft or check fraud!!


I'm at a loss for words. I cant say it surprises me in the least. Everyday I'm reminded of just how thoughtless and shitty the average person is. Right now, I just want to kick the fucker's front door in, guns ablazin', and make him shit his pants. It could very well be my 19yr old drug running wigger neighbor and his shithead friends, but what can be done for now? Nothing. Cops are as useless as a pecker on a pope, they wonder why folks resort to vigilante justice and take matters into their own hands. Because nothing ever gets done about anything otherwise. I have very little faith in our legal/judicial system, and believe it was put in place to screw the average

person instead of protect him. There doesnt seem to be much consequence for the run-of-the-mill shithead cashing your checks or driving your car around town like he bought it from you, nor does there seem to be any for broken windows and/or violating my family's sense of security and safety. I'm all for the concept of if you take a chance in robbing someone, you take a chance with a bullet in your ass. Maybe I should move to Texas :lol:

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Just some food for thought. Most peoples home owners insurance dont care at all if your car gets busted into in your driveway and you dont want your auto insurance to go up because of it either. What i have found is that if you are on homeowners insurance get your wife/kid/dog to have renters insurance. you can insure the hell out of you shit for really really cheap. When I got my truck stolen from my place on 104th behind the mall my auto said "homeowners will cover it" homeowners said " auto will cover it" wifes renters insurance said "how much $$$ are you claiming you lost?" so we came out ahead and got the truck back. just something to look into if you ask me

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the cop who took my report on my stolen wheeler told me...



"if you find em, its prolly better you handle it your self then call us. not much will happen if we arrest em."





i really could use something to work my issues with thieves out on, GTA just isnt cutting it in that dept.

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Hey....... On the subject of copper wire........... And YES what I have I have owned for years........Can it be melted down somehow into a "ingot"?? I have been scrounging and saving wire for years. My Dad had a lot as He was an electriction. I doubt if I will ever use it all. Anyway, there is at least 4 milk crates full of scraps. I hear that tweekers melt or burn it to remove the insulation. Can I get it all into one form (ingot) to condense space?? I don't necessarily want to cash it in right now, just get rid of 4 more milk crates full of non-usable stuff.

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Mike you can strip the wire and melt it down, fairly easy to do with the proper tools.

Burning the insulation off is a bad idea, most average meth heads are not worried about their future health :rolleyes:


Nuff, I'm picking up an AR with my tax return, might help let off a little steam...:D

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