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ya'll killed the insomnia thread?

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lol ok who shut our thread down.. now where are we suppsoed to bull shit?? oh heres a thread! i guess some people are startin to not like us.. which everyone has right to they're own opinion.. but im not tryin to step on toes or whatever.. maybe theres some way we can chat an post funny stuff an not bother people via the interweb

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dammit. I was gonna post this there.




lmao... its sad that i know this, but thats the inside of an oil can henry's and if you look close (or have the badass feature like me that you can zoom into your screen from your mouse.) you can see the hands of the pit jockey putting his hands up on the front bumper of the car. i'd be amazed if they didnt get a fine for this too. Its actually a $1500 fine for the pit jockey to be in the alley when a car is being staged.

Edited by sly-yota
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I don't know why it was locked. Maybe some admin thinks an off-topic post whore thread isn't allowed here. We have one on Zdriver for random stuff and its a few hundred pages long.


Hmmm well this 'shit' has to go somewhere. General Discussion is the place to go if you feel the 'urge'. Some of it is funny, some disturbing, a majority is empty space filling.. no, wait... that's a post count whore, some is just socializing when it's late, snowed in, unemployed, bored, can't sleep.


'Insomniacs' ran it's course and had peaked. Lock, unlock? In the words of Skib: "FTMFW" They can just start another if it stays locked. Other's don't have to read it same as they don't have to read about 610s. Sorry bonvo, it's just an example. (I always read it)

Edited by datzenmike
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I don't know why it was locked. Maybe some admin thinks an off-topic post whore thread isn't allowed here. We have one on Zdriver for random stuff and its a few hundred pages long.


I locked it. :P


This may not make me popular, It was locked because it ran it's course. This type of "off topic" banter can be done in the social group section. No one gets annoyed that way. We all have started "off topic" threads and some of them are very entertaining (even the insomniac thread) but they run their course and die. This one needed help, Dr Kavorkian style.


I think the Insomnia thread ran it's course and should be allowed to die. Let's move on to more important things. Just my opinion.


Ditto. :D


Hmmm well this 'shit' has to go somewhere. General Discussion is the place to go if you feel the 'urge'. Some of it is funny, some disturbing, a majority is empty space filling.. no, wait... that's a post count whore, some is just socializing when it's late, snowed in, unemployed, bored, can't sleep.


'Insomniacs' ran it's course and had peaked. Lock, unlock? In the words of Skib: "FTMFW" They can just start another if it stays locked. Other's don't have to read it same as they don't have to read about 610s. Sorry bonvo, it's just an example. (I always read it)


Yes, another thread could be started but I would encourage this to be done in the social group sections. ;)

Edited by Phlebmaster
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I told you all that "the united posts of insomnia" would one day run its course and be locked. and that days has come, so just enjoi the BSing ya had there and move along,.


If anyone wants to keep BSing in the middle of the night click my banner for the Ratsun Insomniacs group page, you can post in there.

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I told you all that "the united posts of insomnia" would one day run its course and be locked. and that days has come, so just enjoi the BSing ya had there and move along,.


If anyone wants to keep BSing in the middle of the night click my banner for the Ratsun Insomniacs group page, you can post in there.


Thank you for your understanding Skib. ;)

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well i think anyone who's bothered by us talkin is just bitter, i mean what the fuck are we hurting by chatting?? no offense to anyone but its startin to piss me off now, makes me feel un welcome .. an i have been here as long or longer then alot of people.. maybe not since the very very beggining but i was chattin with yall on nwde before ratsun was even thought of.. chatting in the group thing is f-ing retarded...

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