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INSMNCS: John Cain

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I thought that was going to be a joke racism rant like Paul Mooney when it first started ,,,,,,,,,,,,  man that story was true and it was horrible.Hope there 

That's so messed up. In some ways that is worse than if she had just shot him in the head because of the suffering.


I don't see race as the issue though.

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I don't think that was what he was saying,, it's just like i would rather have a nice neighbor of any minority race than have to threaten those white trash squatter fucks at the beach with punching them in the fucking head about everytime we go to our cabin down there..

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Horrific story, but I would have to say this TJ ass hole has some serious racist Mommy issues. OK bash that Mom for abandoning her quadriplegic son in the woods, but he bitches as if only black Moms abuse their kids. :blink: That's moronic enough, but then he infers that black Mothers are racist because they abuse their black kids... What a fucking moron Rush Limbaugh want-a-be. Like Limbaugh, this guy is THE quintessential oedipal victim projecting his infantile anger at the failed relationship with his childhood primary attachment figure aka Mommy.  :baby: Usually young men evolve emotionally, grow up, stop blaming Mommy, and get a life of their own. This guy is outright saying he needs his diaper changed.

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Game set match? Fuck, I didn't know this was going to be a competition.


I don't mean to offend your admiration of this TJ guy. but sense when did it become a crime to be "negatively opinionated" on Insomniacs? What, did we all sudden get sensitive or something? Really Nanner, you should know me better than that. Drawing his sward and standing in ready position, I am opinionated as are you. Perry thrust.


It's plain to see this guy is pandering to insecurity by being bombastic. Psychological snake oil for the low of self esteem. Lil TJ's not even good at it though. It pains me to think you actually like this guy.

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Grasping at straws,,,,,,,,,,,,  come on bro i know you could easily type more words than that.



Like i said




Game,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,set ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Match .,




































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Grasping at straws,,,,,,,,,,,,  come on bro i know you could easily type more words than that.



Like i said




Game,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,set ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Match .,



Fucking Children 





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Hmmmm  You pronounce you haven't lost this battle of opinions and and yet you post a picture of probably THE most poor loser OF ALL TIME... to drive home your point.  Hmmmmm


Freudian slip, much??







Fucking Children 








And a gif of probably the worst baseball team to ever suit up ,, getting ONE ball past the batter ,, as there is no box score identifying it is in fact,,,,  the THIRD strike........... In my professional opinion,,,   I would guess that you identify with them being you know what constant losing ,, day after day ,, year after year,,  feels like. ;) ;)






Go Sit Down Son












Sorry for you loss but the pictures speak for themselves. 




Game ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Set,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Match






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