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So Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich as (tentative) members of President Trump's cabinet is "draining the swamp"?


Sorry , I just don't believe it.


Did you know:


Obama's cabinet was selected largely in part by Citibank? 



So Trump selecting his OWN cabinet is a net gain. Also, Trump is a 100% outsider. He is going to needs people loyal to him, who know the inner workings of Washington DC.

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Did you know:


Obama's cabinet was selected largely in part by Citibank? 



So Trump selecting his OWN cabinet is a net gain. Also, Trump is a 100% outsider. He is going to needs people loyal to him, who know the inner workings of Washington DC.


Yes I did know that.


But if you are standing on the assertion that he will clean up Washington D.C. or "drain the swamp" by replacing the current politicians with more of the same politicians...


...I will counter that you are naive.


He may be a 100% political outsider but President Trump is no outsider to corruption.


Him and his cabinet will profit from their times in office but that is just my opinion.

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Fair enough. Everyone is certainly entitled to an opinion.


I won't agree or disagree with you regarding the draining of said swamp. From middle school student body president to POTUS, all campaigns are built on broken promises. 

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Hey I mentioned before I support my President as is my duty no matter who it is.


One thing that has definitely shifted around here in the gynocracy of SoCal...


...is that it counts again to be a white man. I am definitely feeling not outright deference but more a somewhat sense of "deflation" from women and non-whites.


It stopped mattering to me years ago, like I really did not need outside confirmation to derive identity from, but having seen in the past few days how much a Hillary victory meant to women and others ( non- whites) in general..


...and how much people base their identities on external signifiers...


My eyes have definitely been opened..


It feels alright but I'm not gonna gloat

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Time will tell and not an opinion. Give Trump about a couple of months and let see what he does. Plain and simple.


Ahhah, a voice of reason.


FWIW, I concur.


Seriously though, people are rioting in the streets over the promises the President Elect made during his campaign?


Chill the fuck out peeps, dont they realise no Politician alive EVER keeps their campaign promises!

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Ahhah, a voice of reason.


FWIW, I concur.


Seriously though, people are rioting in the streets over the promises the President Elect made during his campaign?


Chill the fuck out peeps, dont they realise no Politician alive EVER keeps their campaign promises!


I think you underestimate the amount of fear that is programmed into people (and that people let themselves be programmed by) in this country by both the right and left.

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Time will tell and not an opinion.  Give Trump about a couple of months and let see what he does. Plain and simple.


This, the first 100 days in office are crucial to shaping the direction of your administration, Obamacare needs to go, but first and foremost there has to be an up and running replacement BEFORE PULLING THE PLUG ON OBAMACARE, you cannot just undo, that will create more chaos hurting the people who really need healthcare and cannot afford it in the private sector, again, you can't just pull the plug.

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