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Who is the Himmler to Milo's Rohm?


That is a good question for which I have no answer.


I am not sure anyone in the formative "movement" has "distinguished" themselves yet.


Stephen Bannon is obviously an intriguing character, but the first thing I saw when I saw his picture was...damn this guy likes his whiskey.

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What a fucking tool. You can support who you like privately, but if you go out and do it in public what the fuck do you expect??? If you see a crowd marching up the street in sheets and you are black, you don't go marching into them. If marching for Trump you would be a moron to march into them with a Hillary poster. What idiot would base their vote on how many people you see marching with posters? Marching for a candidate makes the marchers feel good but....




"it doesn't convert one Hillary supporter.... wat da fuuuk"

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Newly released FBI documents Vince Foster suicide was actually murder. Vince foster died in 1993 and is on the Clinton body count list.


Info on foster:



Info regarding FBI doc:



Actual FBI doc (page 135):



..an individual involved in this, identified as Vince Foster, who had reportedly committed suicide was not, in fact, a suicide but a murder victim. He indicated that there was a van involved, no color given, with the first three numbers of the tag being '227'



The Clinton murder list conspiracy is interesting particularly where it intersects the Kennedy Investigation murder list (Danny Casolaro)...


...but it begs the question, if the Clintons have a ready made list of assassins available, or have means to hire them at will....


...how is Trump still alive?

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What a fucking tool. You can support who you like privately, but if you go out and do it in public what the fuck do you expect??? If you see a crowd marching up the street in sheets and you are black, you don't go marching into them. If marching for Trump you would be a moron to march into them with a Hillary poster. What idiot would base their vote on how many people you see marching with posters? Marching for a candidate makes the marchers feel good but....




"it doesn't convert one Hillary supporter.... wat da fuuuk"

wait - are you saying that public political expression cannot involve two opposing factions without descending into violence?

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wait - are you saying that public political expression cannot involve two opposing factions without descending into violence?


There is no answer for this question, it's a loaded question as it really depends on who you are talking about, if Hilary is involved, no it cannot be peaceful as she or her political machine will do what is necessary to win, right and wrong don't have a place in her world, the almighty buck determines what is right and wrong in her reality.

This is what we don't need in this country, we need honest people running this country, we need term limits, and then the new blood needs to take the money out of it, once it is against the law to take money, hang them when they do take it, and hang the ones that gave it to them, that will take care of the CEO issue we have in this country, as they won't be making billions anymore, they will make whatever they are worth for running a company on the up and up, and the ones running this country will be working for the majority of the people of this country.

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You said violence. I said public political expression of support does not convert opponents. If you support Hillary and a mile long Trump parade comes at you, you will still vote Hillary after it passes. I also said that you would be an idiot (actually it was moron) to oppose that march. Even though theoretically you are legally at liberty to do so, common sense should tell you not to. 


I would add that if you choose to have the living shit kicked out of you, this is not likely to change your position either. Save the trip to the ER.




Here I see neighbors pepper their lawns with election signs and they are a blight on the landscape. It's against the law to deface them but on the way to work I kick every one over I can find on public property. Do they really think people vote by who has the most signs? It would make more sense to just say VOTE. Most people vote the same every time. "My father and his father and my great grandfather voted Liberal. We're a Liberal family... always have been.... always will be" I heard this once and laughed. If I could know in advance who was going to win I would vote the opposition just so I could complain and never regret my choice.

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You said violence. I said public political expression of support does not convert opponents. If you support Hillary and a mile long Trump parade comes at you, you will still vote Hillary after it passes. I also said that you would be an idiot (actually it was moron) to oppose that march. Even though theoretically you are legally at liberty to do so, common sense should tell you not to.

I understand the "don't make waves" mindset but not to the extent that in the current year 1st Worlders can't express different political ideologies in close proximity to one another without physical confrontations. the only way I can accept that view is that if one group has learned that they can resort to violence and not be punished by authorities.

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Hillary said is was though...



Rasmussen is reporting Trumpy has a better voter turnout and higher support base than Hillary Tic Clinton.






Indictment is imminent for people in the Clinton Foundation.



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Anyone for some pre-published results graphics 




These are pre-done graphics created for news stations nation wide. In prep for the elections come the 8th. They already ave the Tic winning before votes are counted.




Numbers have been changed to zero since the story broke about them presetting the results..



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Anyone for some pre-published results graphics 




These are pre-done graphics created for news stations nation wide. In prep for the elections come the 8th. They already ave the Tic winning before votes are counted.




Numbers have been changed to zero since the story broke about them presetting the results..







All of the presidential fields on this had data yesterday. After being exposed.. all zero'd out today.

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On the wikileaks front from today:



March 4, 2015. This is one day after the Congressional preservation order (March 3), and the day of the Congressional subpoena (March 4) :
Jim Margolis:
If there is a release of the 55K, are there others that are not being released?
Joel Benenson:
So from the very start they know they will not release all the emails.
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On the wikileaks front from today:



March 4, 2015. This is one day after the Congressional preservation order (March 3), and the day of the Congressional subpoena (March 4) :
Jim Margolis:
If there is a release of the 55K, are there others that are not being released?
Joel Benenson:
So from the very start they know they will not release all the emails.



So intent has been proven by Citizens, and FBI is left with its pants around it ankles.

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Some of you may have heard there was a primarily black church burned down by "a rogue trump supporter" yesterday. AKA, the Clinton machine.



Pro trump reddit thread started go fund me to rebuild. Currently at $168k and still goin.



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Hillary said is was though...



Rasmussen is reporting Trumpy has a better voter turnout and higher support base than Hillary Tic Clinton.






Indictment is imminent for people in the Clinton Foundation.



Lots of people have to end up in jail including Bill and Hillary when this is over, or else our DOJ is equivalent to one of a 3rd world corrupt as fuck nation, simple as that, no buts or ifs....I would really love to see an investigation into the RNC to clean that shit out as well, that Ryan guys is a two footed rat, all or nothing!



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