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Damn... I miss this place.

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It's been a while since I've been on the ratsun boards. Hoping not much has changed, same ol insomniac thread business, talented individuals teaching the tips and tricks, epic stories of travels across the country in vehicles built in japan 40 years ago, etc. I'm sure there are many new faces and new talent but how many of the legends are left?


I've had a serious itch to work on the old 521, covered in a tarp, behind the garage, waiting for the last few years for me to obtain the proper work space needed to build a true piece of automotive excellence.


To all the ratsun family, I thank you for the inspiration and character building from the years I spent on here.



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My hardbody goes beyond where the Toyotas go.  ;)  I do like the lowered red one though.  And erichwaslike's Cressida was pretty nice at Canby.  It's just in my blood to hate Toyota, even if I do like some of their offerings.  Kinda like Chevy vs. Ford.

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I learned to hate Toyota when I worked as a technician for Lexus. Prior to that was Ford. Ford was so much nicer to their consumers. Warranty issues were fixed with no questions asked. Toyota was assholes about it. Trying to blame the customers for their buying sub par parts. Poor customer service if you ask me. Here lately it came out in the open with their throttle issues and how they handled it. They had us picking over cars with a fine tooth comb. I felt dishonest doing that, which is why I left.

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Don't know who you are.....but Welcome back.....


If you know the forum and have been here before you should know what I'm thinking then..............






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Oh yeah, and welcome back. And I love the old Toyota minitruck!


We get sidetracked here sometimes...


Don't get me wrong,  I love older Toyotas, but you couldn't give me a new one after working for them. That goes for Garbage Motors too after working for them for two years and owning the biggest POS I ever had in my entire life, a Pontiac Fireturd. The government bailout and this recent recall of ignition switches they knew about for years is just the icing on the cake!

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