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Bills Datsun Shoppe

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Never had an issue with the work that they have done for me. I had a 87 nissan 4x4, and I could not figure out why the thing was running funny after it was warmed up.


I took it down there, and he pulled it right in.  Jock listened to it for about 10 seconds. He grabbed a long screw driver, and pushed the stuck linkage for the choke. Instant fix.


I asked him how much for that? "don't worry about it he says.. I threw him a 20 anyway.  I have probably taken 5 different vehicles to him for small issues over the last 20 years. Never once did I feel overcharged. 


For every negative story about Bills, there are most likely a 100 good ones. Nobody talks about the good stuff.

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To quote danfiveten from another thread recently started about this place:


"Why do i have a feeling this is the current owner of the shop on here.....Just a weird feeling about it trying to find otu why people bad mouth him on here."

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Hey i was quoted, And jdouche, get off our fucking site and stop trying to promote your shitty shop, for every negative thing about your shop, theres 100 more negative things to be said. I had to help a wagon on the side of the road once that had his dual su's fucked up by your shop.



I call for a perma ban. 

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you all sound bitter,  now I see why Jock told me to post something on Ratsun. I feel differently than you do thats all.


And how would you know about 'you all' being a member who just joined today?


If it walks like a duck...

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Honestly dude, No one likes Jock croch rot at all, his shop is a joke, go back and blow him behind the counter and get out of here. We dont take kindly to people that try to promote asshats in the communtiy that fuck cars up ON PURPOSE! Dont make me sick that 22lb pussy from the news on you. 



Also BILL was great, he did awsome work, jcock is a dickhead that didnt change the name because people trusted bill, so suck it boy. 

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Ive had no work done by him, but is someone explicitly tells you to post something on a site to help his rep... obviously something is askew. If he did good work, it would speak for itself and people would feel naturally inclined to let others know. 


If you really are a satisfied customer ( :sleep: ) then were happy that you had good service, but as you can see it wont change anyones mind here. Youre just a single drop of warm water in a cold bath. 

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Tristin i had a doctor that did that, the doctor that fucked me up and disabled me for life, ( Hey dan, their saying bad things about me, can you go to this site and write a positive review about me) as he was handing notes like that to ALL his patients, usually if they want you to write good reviews, theirs a reason they were getting bad reviews (speaks how now im disabled for life, and the guy can no longer practice medicine in the united states. SO if it smells like shit, its usually shit. 

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