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I still like heavy music but have absolutely no time for hate filled babies screaming in my ears, all in the name of being "intense"

Agreed^ No love for tantrum rock. I draw a line between "hate" and anger though, and anger in the form of rebellion get's me every time. Bands like Rage Against The Machine have my number. That and early 70s punk. 

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I cut my teeth on 80's hardcore and punk rock and later all sortsa metal and early industrial (the non-disco kind).


Not putting anyone down for playing it or listening to it, it just wears me out quickly.


I have no use for it anymore.


And I can really do without the half-formed opinions of some self-important drug addled morons so I don't need singers anymore either, (except if they are not too irritating).


Here is some more Vai;


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My own rule regarding David Bowie,.....must always start with Fame.




Rules are rule, who am I to argue with a good one like that.


When I was a kid I went to a skateboarding contest in the parking lot of San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium. Dog Town Z-boys era, Pre half pipe days. Free Style, and Slalom were the only events. Took for ever to start because they were having trouble with the PA system. Dead silent for half an hour and the first sound to come out of the speakers was Fame turned up to 11. Oh hell yah. 

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I spent, or should I say, I blew much of my formative years on Revolution street. I hold The Long Bar, and The Bambi Club responsible for much of my lost innocence. You can't drink enough to un-see the shit that goes on down there. My family also had a little beach house just south of Rosarito Hotel. La Barka, K38 es me bario. 



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Bambi yep and Unicorn. To this day I can not smell tequila with out feeling a wave of nausea. Talked to a guy who went a few years back seems all of these places are still open.



Some great neo prog bands. Pendragon is the one in this group I like the best.


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