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Coca Cola's Unfortunate New Ad Campaign

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I seen a few new commercials for Coca Cola where the actors face various insurmountable situations with the help of that wonderfully

sugarfied fizzy water;


All scenarios leading up to the inevitable ending scenario populated by some movie or music star probably paid seven figures or more for their appearance;


WIth a final shot of the brand ; COKE  and below it their new slogan  YOU'RE ON.




A coupla days ago I am driving south on the five and I see this bigass billboard advertising Coca Cola with their new slogan...only something went wrong.


Some tiny toon decided to put the slogan first then the brand so the sign reads;




F$%^in' hilarious right?

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I assumed an automatic choke.


If you have a manual choke there will be a pull knob on the dash. If so depress the gas slightly and pull the choke out. Pump gas twice to richen it up and crank to start. Colder weather will need more choke, warmer less or none.

Manuel Choke. The starter and battery really struggle in this situation, once it fires off it won't have this problem til the next storm, 

Soooo ..................Press Gas, Pull Choke, Pump Twice and Bang with glove condom

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