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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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Wait...are you trying to offend me by making me search through a pantload of posts looking for something offensive you did? If so, well done.



I was in between my first jar of coffee and my second and thought someone had hit the dang report button which almost always  leads to a post delete,,,,,,,,, but  in the middle of the second jar,,  i went back one more page. :baby: :rofl:


 i said i'm still pissed because i hadn't got all the unwarranted pissed-offedness out of my system even if i realized i was ,,,,, what's the word??  ,,, hell i don't know.






Note to self ,, where am i?







Is Hindi like Mindy only without the Mork character living in an egg??








There must have been a door there in the wall. When I came in















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Tapioca is. Well that and custard and...






I am so not offended by any and all of Tendril's posts. 





But his screen name becomes borderline with context. 


How the Japanese see him...



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don't quite understand? care to elaborate?  



You obviously know what a tendril is. 

Subtle parts of the definition may be construed as offensive in certain instances. 


You're a smart guy. I have faith you get it. 

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