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CANBY Welcoming Committee.....................

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Wait, not me right? I'm Justin too..(I know ya'll ain't talking about me.)


Anyone that calls someone's work place and then cusses that the boss is just a real idiot. I mean really, that is such tasteless douche bag right there, did your boss tell you what this was saying...was he trying to get you fired?


First up, it sounds like someone who has a beef with you for what reason tho seems to the big deal here yeah? This guy sounds like a real ass and if he knows ratsun, safe to say he's watching right now.

Two, this could be a big misunderstanding on this guys part...maybe SOMEBODY did harass him at Canby but got his info wrong when he went to find it who it was.

Three, if he is making threats about showing up at Canby with a few of his buddies, he's more than liking looking to cause you (and anyone else) harm.


I say if you have a carry permit, take your gun, odds are this idiot will. Has much has I hate typing that but really...this is what the world has come too.

nah, not you.. 


im referring to justin mcmartin aka Datsunoob. dont mention that around him tho.. hes still touchy about it. 


if it is really justin or one if his friends, then it would prolly have to deal with the situation from last week where i called him out for picking fights everywhere.. he sent me back a bunch of private messages that said he was gonna bust my face open and whatnot.. he didnt like me sharing these openly on facebook, so he kept going with the threats.. 


im guessing hes not forgotten about it..

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Glad hes not bringing the welcome comity to blue lake, they got park rangers there to fuck anyone up that starts shit.


Honestly wtf is with people?  All i can say to this person is grow the fuck up, kids act like this, now grown ass adults.  Next thing you know he will be showing up on your lunch break begging you to hit him first.  

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Glad hes not bringing the welcome comity to blue lake, they got park rangers there to fuck anyone up that starts shit.


ask eagle adam what happened last time :rofl: when some one rear ended eddys rotory 510 and tried to take off

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whatd your boss say he said? 


this shit is getting weird...


Boss had time so he played his game for a minute.....said he was gonna "bash my face in".......then my boss ask him if he was in a relationship....


"I'm a faggot" he said..."wouldn't it be funny if I bash his head in?"


My boss continued to tell him he has issues and needs to let it go.......that's where he started attacking my boss....making claims of being an HA member but rides a Triumph....


.....then backpedaled and said he was a Nomad and his dad was HA......whatever....don't know what that has to do with anything....


I know for a fact that I said nothing to anybody at Canby that would warrant this behavior.....that's why I'm thoroughly confused as  :poop:


Wait, not me right? I'm Justin too..(I know ya'll ain't talking about me.)


Anyone that calls someone's work place and then cusses that the boss is just a real idiot. I mean really, that is such tasteless douche bag right there, did your boss tell you what this was saying...was he trying to get you fired?


First up, it sounds like someone who has a beef with you for what reason tho seems to the big deal here yeah? This guy sounds like a real ass and if he knows ratsun, safe to say he's watching right now.

Two, this could be a big misunderstanding on this guys part...maybe SOMEBODY did harass him at Canby but got his info wrong when he went to find it who it was.

Three, if he is making threats about showing up at Canby with a few of his buddies, he's more than liking looking to cause you (and anyone else) harm.


I say if you have a carry permit, take your gun, odds are this idiot will. Has much has I hate typing that but really...this is what the world has come too.



For sure he's watching these threads......he addressed me as Busta Nut a couple times.......following me for who knows what reason.....and yet won't tell me what I did or said....


Hopefully a misunderstanding........like I said.....I'm not the type....don't exactly go around starting shit......I'm a family guy.....


I fit comes down to carrying a gun.....I just wouldn't go.....no event is worth not seeing my kids grow up.....if fact..............nothing is....

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I wonder if it's Braden .... :rofl:  ..... somebody's drunk or doesn't have anywhere to go


Wait a minute ..... Dick .... is wanting to get ahold of Busta Nut  ....... don't leave the dick blue balled Busta .... :rofl:  jk


Perhaps it's some of your friends that get drunk and fight ..... you know "white people" ..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: .... (I was howling at that earlier :D I'm white like Michelin Man :lol: )


Tripple240z Busta Nut reminds me of Hamuck .... happy peeps ...



I'm pretty laid back in terms of trash talk from anyone ... lay hands on me and I don't know you ... then I'll gladly shake your hand with a touch of vigor out of respect of course :devil:


Damn ... I want to be threatened now .... I feel left out .... :crying: ..... been lifting lately too ...

Please threaten me via pm or here k thanx :D


meh prank or puss :)

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Wait a minute ..... Dick .... is wanting to get ahold of Busta Nut  ....... don't leave the dick blue balled Busta .... :rofl:  jk


Perhaps it's some of your friends that get drunk and fight ..... you know "white people" ..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: .... (I was howling at that earlier :D I'm white like Michelin Man :lol: )



That's why I thought it was Nanner.....he's the only one I'm waiting for.....


Maybe I pissed off some KKK members with that comment........although....


......it holds true in this case.

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That's why I thought it was Nanner.....he's the only one I'm waiting for.....


Maybe I pissed off some KKK members with that comment........although....


......it holds true in this case.


Oh ! I didn't think it was nanner  ;.... :console:


hahahahahhaha .... I was laughing my head off at that comment ... shit no sweat and anyone that gets offended that easily ... tell em to pull the stick out of their ass :rofl:


yes some WP are kinda weird like that .... :rofl: :rofl:

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