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I'm boycotting Wolf Creek Racing, here's why...


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I know that our parts providers are limited. Especially for rare Mikuni carb parts. But I am just sick of Todd at Wolf Creek. He has been straight up an asshole every time I've talked to him. Impatient. Rude. I offered him my 4.625 diff and he told me it was impossible for my diff to be that ratio. I told him that there was no tooth count stamped into the ring gear. Pretty much called me a liar and said there was. I will no longer seek any service of any kind from him. And I wish that others join me. We deserve better than that. It's a small community and I have never felt so belittled as a buyer in my life.

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Alright lets jump on the Hate wagon! Ya gotta do math. 37 ÷ 8 = ???? People forget I guess that these old cars/trucks have been around the block many times. The datsun world is full of such bad information I never believe any of it till I see it for myself.

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Why did you offer him your diff?  Or rather, what did you offer in trade?  Perhaps your earlier interactions with him left a bad taste in his mouth, hence he wasn't open to listening the second go round.  What else has he done or said to indicate being an asshole?  I can't jump on the hate wagon just for not believing you had a 4.625 ratio which came in 620s and can be used with some work in other diffs.  Hell, you can put a Ford 9" in your 510 if you want, just isn't factory.

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Points not about the diff. Point is that he was a huge ass hole.

Yes he is,FUCK that PRICK I was going to do side drafts for my FJ,I called him one day to cancel the manifold only because I could not cancel the other one from right hand drive parts out of Japan and that guy almost came un fuckin glued.I know of a lot of people that dont like him,I dont feel bad and you should not either.I know of one person that was going to buy a one way ticket to pay him a visit in person.

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Yes he is,FUCK that PRICK I was going to do side drafts for my FJ,I called him one day to cancel the manifold only because I could not cancel the other one from right hand drive parts out of Japan and that guy almost came un fuckin glued.I know of a lot of people that dont like him,I dont feel bad and you should not either.I know of one person that was going to buy a one way ticket to pay him a visit in person.

why would someone only want a one way ticket to visit him 

I would want to come back 

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I know that our parts providers are limited. Especially for rare Mikuni carb parts. But I am just sick of Todd at Wolf Creek. He has been straight up an asshole every time I've talked to him. Impatient. Rude. I offered him my 4.625 diff and he told me it was impossible for my diff to be that ratio. I told him that there was no tooth count stamped into the ring gear. Pretty much called me a liar and said there was. I will no longer seek any service of any kind from him. And I wish that others join me. We deserve better than that. It's a small community and I have never felt so belittled as a buyer in my life.





Yes he is,FUCK that PRICK I was going to do side drafts for my FJ,I called him one day to cancel the manifold only because I could not cancel the other one from right hand drive parts out of Japan and that guy almost came un fuckin glued.I know of a lot of people that dont like him,I dont feel bad and you should not either.I know of one person that was going to buy a one way ticket to pay him a visit in person.


There are two sides to everything. Keep that in mind. We tend to think of ourselves as always being correct and add into that hurt feelings when we don't get what we think is rightly ours. Our reasons for something may only be good for us.


Mikuni carb parts.... maybe they are a pain in the ass, take up huge amounts of time and there is no profit in them. Like taking ten min. selling a 5 cent screw.

4.625 diff. maybe he didn't want yours. I've never seen a ring gear without the number stamp, maybe you missed it, maybe it isn't there. Maybe he miss heard you. Maybe you said it wrong


FJ Manifold.... maybe he had huge investment in time or bother ordering it for you and you waltz in and up up and cancel on him.



Hell I don't know. Most people don't stay in business being rude. Maybe he is... and maybe you just took it that way. 


We had another post like this some while back, and it got really out of hand. Ankle deep shit on two forums. So as long as it stays civil it can stay open. Don't feel you have to reply, I take it for granted you're pissed off at him for your own reasons.

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Yes he is,FUCK that PRICK I was going to do side drafts for my FJ,I called him one day to cancel the manifold only because I could not cancel the other one from right hand drive parts out of Japan and that guy almost came un fuckin glued.I know of a lot of people that dont like him,I dont feel bad and you should not either.I know of one person that was going to buy a one way ticket to pay him a visit in person.


Why did I see this comming. LOL  Fuckin Ray... :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

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We had another post like this some while back, and it got really out of hand. Ankle deep shit on two forums. So as long as it stays civil it can stay open. Don't feel you have to reply, I take it for granted you're pissed off at him for your own reasons.


Mr Big hates it when things don't go his way. Jusy sayin... :rofl:  :w00t:

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I'll say it again I deal with Todd on a simi regular basis. He seems OK to me. But I've never purchased from him, Only sold to him. For some reason he has been in the business for quite some time. Like datsunmike said if he treated all his customers like shit I would think he would have been gone a long time ago.

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It's not just the diff. Whenever I ask his questions about parts and prices its like he's trying to get me off the phone as fast as possible. I call Troy all the time for advice and he takes the time to actually explain the part and his price. I'm sure I've annoyed him with questions, but he's never rude. With Todd I guess it's a travesty to not know exactly what part I need or, heaven forbid, I try to offer up a part I have. 

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