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Michael Schumacher ski accident, in critical condition.

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While Skiing in the French Alps yesterday, Michael Schumacher fell on his head and is now in a concussion in critical condition fighting for his life.


There is a very strong possibility that he may not make it, and the world may loose one of the greatest Formula One drivers in history.


I am not sure how many of you ever even followed Formula One, But Schumacher was a force to be reckoned with. He is not my favorite driver at all, but he is one of the greatest to ever enter the track.


Edit: Apparently he smashed the right side of his head on a rock, I hate to make this comparison, but Senna died of a majorly similar injury, with Schumacher in follow if you recall.

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You can not make a comparison to Senna. Senna had a piece of his suspension pierce his helmet and his skull. That is what killed Senna. Not to mention Senna was going 180 miles per hour at impact.


This is the latest on Schumacher:


Formula 1 offered the following statement Monday morning after he was taken to the University Hospital in Grenoble, France yesterday: 

Addressing a news conference on Monday morning, the team treating him confirmed Schumacher will be kept in a medically-induced coma for the time being, saying: "We can say he is fighting for his life. We judge him to be in a very serious situation. We cannot tell what the outcome will be yet. 

"We are working hour-by-hour but it's too early to say what is going to happen and to have a prognosis."

The report went on to say that his family is at his bedside and that they believe had he not been wearing a helmet he would not be with us today. We have prayed for his recovery and return to strength. He is 44 years of age and remains an influential voice and person in the racing community!

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You can not make a comparison to Senna. Senna had a piece of his suspension pierce his helmet and his skull. That is what killed Senna. Not to mention Senna was going 180 miles per hour at impact.


Bullshit, they were hit in the same area of the head doing different things, I can definitely make a comparison to the fact that both of these people are




Injured in the same place of the head.


I never said they both wrecked at 180mph in a F1 car. all I said was they had very similar injuries, which they do.

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Wow, that's the first thing I looked at.  Had a helmet on.  I sure hope he makes it, that is a shitty way to go out.  I have ski stuff in layaway right now, I'm planning on going skiing later this season after I finish paying it off.  I used to ski all the time when I was a kid, but I haven't in 5-10 years.  One of the things I got for Christmas was a ski helmet.  Something I never thought was really needed, but then I always wear my helmet on my mountain bike.  Accidents like this make me think it's probably a good idea to use one.


Pull through Michael Schumacher, pull through!

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Hold up.
I can speak for a 65mph crash and a helmet.
I hit my head so freaking hard on the door jam brace.
It split the helmet in two. 
I was tee boned on the way to the track. It was kind of funny.
Because, never wore a helmet on the way to a race. 
I had the green light and he was driving drunk with no lights on.
Doctor says, If helmet was not on. I would not be here today!
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Meaning, ponder that!

Our brains are very sensitive, and has a hard time repairing it's self.
Please wear a helmet, you family will thank you for years to come.

May he get well soon. And his family be blessed, with many good thoughts.
He left racing to spend more time with his family.
He was doing just that guys, what better way to die? ( spending time with you family)
Be safe my brother and many times teacher.
I learned a lot from his driving style.
Be blessed, Mike S.

helmets are not worth much past  20 mph in what ever your doing....

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Just a guess.  Someone like Michael S. who is such a good driver because he has a talent for taking cars right up to and holding them on that ragged edge, just before losing control, probably skis the same way, sometimes.


Reality is that we humans can be hurt seriously, or killed easily.  You can easily trip and fall, and if you hit your head wrong, you could snap a cervical vertebra, and sever the spinal cord in the neck, and then your brain no longer tells your hears to pump, or your lungs to breath.

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Our brains are very sensitive, and has a hard time repairing it's self.

Please wear a helmet, you family will thank you for years to come.




i fully agree with this .


i wear a helmet in every thing i do that involves speed and solid objects around me


snowmobiling, bmx, skateboarding, snowboarding, rock climbing etc.


you getting hit by a car at 65 and him hitting a tree at 20 are the same thing.


you can die either way, its a roll of the dice, and also physics.



and i wish him nothing but the fastest recovery. 


but i still stand by but edited


"helmets are not worth much past 20mph in whatever your doing..if physics and the dice are not in your favor"

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Bullshit, they were hit in the same area of the head doing different things, I can definitely make a comparison to the fact that both of these people are




Injured in the same place of the head.


I never said they both wrecked at 180mph in a F1 car. all I said was they had very similar injuries, which they do.


Dude - you need to lighten up.

The only similarity is they both raced in F1.

Senna was dead on impact because, as I stated earlier, a piece of his car punctured through his helmet and through his skull and into his brain killing him instantly. 

Michael suffered a blunt force trauma injury resulting in swelling to his brain and a bleed inside his skull. The doctors have gone in in two places in his skull to relieve the pressure. They are keeping him in a medically induced coma and keeping his body temperature low to reduce the swelling. None of this was done to Senna because he was dead on impact. The similarity stops with they both suffered a brain injury. 

I've decided to start my New Years Resolution early and this will be my last post on this topic because I've decided to not get into a battle of wits with the un-informed or under-informed!

Happy New Year!


IBTL  :thumbup:

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What authority is quoted when making the statement "helmets are not worth much past  20 mph in what ever your doing...."????? Or is this just an opinion. I know a guy who was thrown (successfully) from a car in a bad rollover wreck. He doesn't believe in seat belts either. 


I haven't heard of too many times when it was worse to have a helmet on in an accident. At any speed

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im not saying they dont work , just saying helmets used for most snow sports are useless after a certain speed impact with a fixed object.


as for car racing those helmets are rated different speeds.  




While helmets are effective at preventing or reducing minor injuries, they have not been shown to reduce the number of fatalities despite the fact that as many as 40% of skiers and snowboarders wear helmets. "There is no evidence they reduce fatalities," according to Dr. Jasper Shealy. "We are up to 40 percent usage but there has been no change in fatalities in a 10-year period."[10]

Helmets are tested for effectiveness at about 14 mph (23 km/h), but the typical maximum speed of skiers and snowboarders is approximately twice that speed, with some participants going much faster. At such speeds, impact with a fixed object is likely to be fatal regardless of helmet use.

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In one example, if you slide and fall at 20.001 MPH and faster, it's better to have the helmet grinding away on the asphalt than your scalp. You'd have to have a thick skull to say they're "not worth much" in whatever you're doing that creates a risk of a scalp to asphalt scenario, lol.


Hope Schumie gets better soon.



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