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Got fired. This is bull

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That is the difference between my salary as a high skill R&D project lead and the top end of the scale for a low skill production worker. It's retaliation for me climbing up their ass and biting a piece off for them bouncing paychecks and handing out paychecks weeks late. I saw it coming tho. I worked for Fiberdyne before it was bought out by carbures international, a Spanish (not Mexican) company. The Spanish don't like our "John Wayne" attitude. Basically anyone who isn't a proletariat. I'm a skilled tradesman not the trained monkey the Spanish are accustomed to pissing on.


Stay and be the worm in the corporate apple.

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Sucks man.. At least gas prices are down right now so going back and burning the place to the ground won't cut into your kids Christmas as much..

We were all thinking it, but now it's on the interwebs and you completely foiled any chance of him doing it. Dude.


Sounds like they were having trouble making pay period. I'd expect you were not the only one facing this outcome. If you are, they could be rolling this notice out to others one at a time to prevent collaborating. If I were in this position, I'd request a meeting with the owner. I'd lay out for him what it is you add that is not easily, or likely replaceable at two thirds the rate. Don't spend a moment of his/her time on how much you need the money. You don't. You can move on and make more money at your next job. If the conversation takes a turn to the irreversible, you could add how difficult it is to find workers these days that will disregard OSHA requirements for workplace safety. Then shift the conversation toward severance pay.


You have nothing to lose. Go in there with your balls on your sleeve. Remember fight club? That is how to leave a job. Confident and resolved with a message to get across.

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"It's retaliation for me climbing up their ass and biting a piece off for them bouncing paychecks and handing out paychecks weeks late"


If they are bouncing checks and slow paying they are either on the ragged edge of going belly up or are just total fuck up's, either way companies that operate that way usually don't last very long.

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That sucks big time!


Having had my own problems with my employer recently (though I still have my job) I can only imagine how hard that sort of shit would be.


You've mentioned the aerospace industry and special effects.


Are their any employment opportunities in the boat building industry or specialist car design/build workshops or race car teams?


Defence contractors or the US D.O.D?


Manufacture surfboards, make ZG flares and other bits?


Hell, whatever ends up happening, best wishes and hopefully you get it sorted soon.

theres a composite shop in olympia that makes surf boards, girl i know left and went there and says she hates it. i might go poke around and go see whats up tho. i just hate production work. i get bored too fast. i was a DOD contractor for 5 years on JBLM doing heavy maint on helicopters. pay was good but the union sucked balls


think Boeing would be hireing in Composites?


BMW opening a composite factory in Moses Lake soon

imma look that up right now... thanks! and ill pass on boeing. i worked for the IAM 751 union before. buncha crooked bastards. really. 


We were all thinking it, but now it's on the interwebs and you completely foiled any chance of him doing it. Dude.


Sounds like they were having trouble making pay period. I'd expect you were not the only one facing this outcome. If you are, they could be rolling this notice out to others one at a time to prevent collaborating. If I were in this position, I'd request a meeting with the owner. I'd lay out for him what it is you add that is not easily, or likely replaceable at two thirds the rate. Don't spend a moment of his/her time on how much you need the money. You don't. You can move on and make more money at your next job. If the conversation takes a turn to the irreversible, you could add how difficult it is to find workers these days that will disregard OSHA requirements for workplace safety. Then shift the conversation toward severance pay.


You have nothing to lose. Go in there with your balls on your sleeve. Remember fight club? That is how to leave a job. Confident and resolved with a message to get across.

pretty much what i did. i sat him down tuesday before thanksgiving and said pretty much that. i told him it was BS and would not be tolerated. wednesday no paychecks. the chicken shit bastard didn't even have the balls to come in that day. so i called him at home and asked him whats up? we just had this conversation yesterday and you promised this very thing wouldn't happen. the next monday after the break for the holiday it was my ass. i could really tell he was intimidated cause he wouldn't be in a room alone with me... and didn't stick around long. also.... everyone else still didn't get paid. i made them put it al in writing. pay cut or fired. pretty sure i can get some traction off of that. they really don't like anyone with balls enough to stand up. 


Shitty gig. 


I'd say walk away laughing all the way to the employment office. 

i did. 

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If your state is anything like California, you should have some legal recourse with state labor folks. IF they bounce checks, get the local DA involved. There are strict laws about not paying employees and also, make inquiries and see if this company has kept up on their SS contributions on your behalf. Be careful what you say on interwebs so it doesn't become an issue for future employers, but protect yourself. On the bad check thing, get one or more of your former coworkers to also file complaint with DA.


In my county, if I hear of an employee or merchant who gets stuck with a bad check, especially a bad payroll check, our DA whups ass. (I work in County government in economic development and film and tourism, I work with a lot of business folks and the public.)


I am sorry this is happening to you. Sound alike this guy is fiscally going down the toilet and is trying to make his problems his employee's problems. He may be trying to get you call to quit so he doesn't have to pay unemployment, etc.


This is off topic, but it would be interesting to see some posts of your composite work. I am constantly amazed at the talent represented by posters on this forum. 

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Yeah the local labor board should definitely have something to say about pay schedule getting played with and bounced pay checks. When that happens in my industry we usually get a nice bonus per day per dollar.


Sony Studios screwed my pay around on MIB3. I asked for the $3500 get owed me and they ignored it. I talked to my union and the labor board and Sony couldn't pay me $7800 fast enough, I probably could have asked for more.

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When I leave a job its kinda like leaving a chick. Sometimes its your doing and sometimes theirs. Either way move on and dont look back. Did you plan to retire from there? If not don't worry about it. Kick back and collect un employment for a month or two and spend some time with your family then get back out there and find something good.

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That blows man. Looks like youre already checking other paths though, good on you. Doing some hollywood stuff would be tits! Employers are dumb as shit these dyas it seems.I was a mech for turbine engines. Fully qualified to take my AnP test and worked quality assurance. I went to a bike shop for a part time job and they turned me down. God knows a bike is harder to build than an engine.

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Not sure if its just the area, or my boss; we don't get breaks, we don't get ot regardless of how many hours we work. We don't get lunch breaks on weekends, but are expected to "clock out" anyway. We don't have a time card system, we just write our hours worked down, so there's no accountability.

That being said, I get crap for being on the stool, but he hired me that way.

I wish he'd just fire me so I could apply for disability...,

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Guest Rick-rat

I have never been"fired" from any job, however when I had some medical problems they would not put me on an extended leave of absence. They said that it was in my best interests that I should not reyurn to work. True story was i was considered an old-timer and a dinosaur because I would not just follow the kiss-ass line and be on board with every decision that was made by upper management and would call them on their bullshit when thats all it was .I happily agreed to any decisions that were sound and helped to make our division  safer and more productive. They were very happy when I retired. That left one less thorn in their side.


The best thing my dad left me was to say , always call bullshit, bullshit when it is. And stick by it if you can back it up

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