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wife wants new car... might have to get rid of the datto...

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If I remember correctly the QR25DE has terrrrriibbble oil consumption problems. After they fixed that supposed issue, the air cleaner boxes caught fire!

The Juke does not have the qr motor.

There were early oil consumption issues with the 2.5, but everyone got recall notices for it and we would test and replace thousands of engines. If there are any left it is because the owner chose to never bring it to the dealer.

The early 08 Altima came with an air filter that was flammable if it came in contact with a heat source, i.e. someone tossed a lot cigarette out the window and it traveled through the ram air setup and into the filter it would be bad. These were quickly remedied with a different filter and baffles in the ducting. Hardly any cars met their maker because of this.

Yes those are big, shitty issues, but it has not deterred me from loving the shit out of my 2.5 cars.

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If your truck makes you happy and your wife knows it, and still wants you to sell it AND then go into debt...... Sounds like a discussion needs to happen. Maybe she thinks you feel the same way about the truck as she does(Probably thinks its an old junky truck taking up space)


I have 2 toys and a daily and the wife said she would never even suggest I get rid of something that makes me happy. On the other hand, im there for her if her car breaks or she has to get something else.


Dont sell your shit just because man. Make sure its for a good reason.

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im 25yrs old and engaged.  we got my fionce a '10 chevy cobalt, not the fanciest car on the market but reliable, cheap on gas, and a good sticker price. I daily drive her old 94 accord POS but that thing is a true soldier that keeps on going the distance. I gave my frontier to my mother because she didn't have a car to drive. my favorite car we own is my Datsun 720 and ive been spending money on it to do a KA swap. my fionce likes the look of the 720 but she says its a money pit, I turn around and tell her that its none of your business on how I spend some little chump change on it, it makes me happy. I tell her that she spends money on yoga, hair cuts, nails, and other shit that I think is pointless but hey its ok. life is all about compromise, you cant take away what she likes spending money on to make her happy, and the same goes the other way around. figure out a happy medium and all is good.

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maybe cuz its three pages of the same thing same responses... time for a little rough justice as judge milian calls it ... ok op from your pic u posted u look about 22....if your wife is already steering u away from things u enjoy and love and want then,  well all I can say is good luck......theres NO logic in selling a 1000 truck to go get upside down .....U got 8 k??? fuck cars go put that money down on a house ...now ... cars are losers especially new ones...buy a house it will appreciate....if u want a happy wife its time to sit her down and tell her kindly and gently ... u like what u like and if she's gonna come with the get rid of it train already well then your headed down a road of resentment.   ok more rough justice .....if I had 8 k and my what ever wanted a car I sure as hell wouldn't waste it on a juke..... go get something that's proven ...that car is a piece of crap .. have I driven one .. no ... but look at it ...and think in ten years who will wanna buy my gently used easter egg and what will it be worth .... 2500.00  its the facts that car wont be worth shit unless t has some option for space travel and or time travel .. and if it is capable of time travel time to go back to the time it was designed and slap the guy drawing it for making the car look like a escape pod from the the movie flash gordon....


stop kidding yourself drop that 8 k on a place to live....don't sell the truck and tell her hey if u wanna make it in life sometimes u gotta make sacrifices ......todays is were not wasting our money on a lunch box with wheels ,  we are not getting rid of a truck that can haul your plants from the nusery and if your worried about your friends think well fuck them ... there only hating cause they're unhappy in there own lives....(hint hint)....the worlds a fucked up place ... that's a fucked up car and its easier just to have the discussion now then in 5 years when she wants another new car but u cant get rid of anatomical model of mr. burns head in vehicle form .....

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Newly married, young and still in collage working at walmart looking to buy a new car? Sounds like a train wreck waiting to happen to me. Take your 8k, buy a 2.5k beater and save the rest. Put up your "car payment" every month until you have 8-10k saved up and sell the beater. Buy a newer nicer car. Let someone else take the new car hit. Nothing wrong with a well maintained 2-3 year old car.


I'm going to suggest y'all take a finacinal peace course. Also start listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio. Be smart, you don need debt to live a good life.

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If your truck makes you happy and your wife knows it, and still wants you to sell it AND then go into debt...... Sounds like a discussion needs to happen. Maybe she thinks you feel the same way about the truck as she does(Probably thinks its an old junky truck taking up space)


I have 2 toys and a daily and the wife said she would never even suggest I get rid of something that makes me happy. On the other hand, im there for her if her car breaks or she has to get something else.


Dont sell your shit just because man. Make sure its for a good reason.

Sounds like we both have the same type of wifes...AWSOME!

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Newly married, young and still in collage working at walmart looking to buy a new car? Sounds like a train wreck waiting to happen to me. Take your 8k, buy a 2.5k beater and save the rest. Put up your "car payment" every month until you have 8-10k saved up and sell the beater. Buy a newer nicer car. Let someone else take the new car hit. Nothing wrong with a well maintained 2-3 year old car.


I'm going to suggest y'all take a finacinal peace course. Also start listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio. Be smart, you don need debt to live a good life.


I guess I didn't read all the info. Do NOT go into debt over a god damned car!!!! In fact, avoid ALL debt while in your most precarious position. Over buying supports bankers, car companies, money lenders and debt collectors. A $25,000 vehicle is worth $20,000 as soon as you hit the street in front of the show room. Every year it is worth less or worthless.

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I tell her that she spends money on yoga, hair cuts, nails, and other shit that I think is pointless but hey its ok.


Ha! Seriously, My GF's haircuts are like $150, where-as I do my own for free at home with clippers. They can get their pedicures, and spa days, and I'm cool with that, as long as they don't harp on me about stuff I like to do. Luckily for me my girl encourages me to go hang with my buddies, goes to the junk yards with me, and we're even building a 510 for her.


When I hear about relationships where someone is forcing the other to do something, like sell their hot rod, or give up motorcycles, I can't help but think they're in the wrong relationship. It's not fair to crush someones dreams just to make you happy.


Our deal with cars is this: I have a job, and I can buy whatever I want. She has a job, and she can buy whatever she wants. If she wants a new car tomorrow, that's fine, she's paying for it. Now as far as the OP here is concerned, if *YOU* want to sell your 620 to get a better vehicle for your family, by all means, do it. Nobody would fault you there. But if she is forcing you to sell your 620 so she can have a new car, that's a pile of crap.


As for debt, it frickin sucks. I'm just a couple payments away from paying off my 2006 Frontier, which I bought used. But I can say it's been hard (impossible) to keep the credit cards down, and also do the things we like doing. I won't be making car payments again for a LONG time. It takes so much away from the other things you can do in life. Get something used, and pay cash for it. Then save your money for a couple years and get something nicer, while still paying cash for it. I did this for years, and it always worked out great, then I caved and bought the 06 Frontier, and have had money issues ever since. I should have kept the 98 Frontier that I had paid cash for. I'd be WAAYY better off financially right now.

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