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wife wants new car... might have to get rid of the datto...

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My wife told me yesterday to not to expect to keep the 620 :crying: , but on the bright side she does want a JUKE nismo... idk about it though :confused:  anybody heard anything good or bad about it? i know i wont be able to work on it because of electronic bullshit lol so that sucks but i like the idea of her wanting a nissan  :thumbup:




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in college,  wife making decisions already(laying down the law).... might wanna look for a lawyer...your living on borrowed time...so the logic ????... we are gonna get rid of a 1000 car/truck so we can go get upside down on a 4x4x mr2?  first time shes asks for some bark for the yard go fill that piece of shit you pictured up and bring it home ... might wanna pick up a six pack so u have something to drink while shes blowing a gasket...if u buy that Christmas ornament u wil l spend the rest of days regretting your truck is gone and u have officially given up your back bone in life....just sayin



im still trying to understand how getting rid of your truck will make the purchase of el diablo mouse trap any better or more affordable...

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This video sucks because the logic is all upside down, but what it does kind of indicate is that the Juke (non Nismo?) and a 510, with what appears to have an N/A SR20 swap (?) among other upgrades, seem to be fairly comparable in terms of speed and handling (on the track in the video).  Before I get flamed, I know the video doesn't prove anything and is close to pointless... 



I don't like the way they look, but might be fun to drive?

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I dont mind the idea of the car or going upside down as i have no college debt and we need a credit builder because we have none so i see her logic in that, Its the fact that I have invested 6 months of my time into this truck for 1000 and now i wont be able to work on the new one.... I love my datto but I love my wife more and I can always just sell it to my family and let my gpa drive it on the farm until i can buy it back but I want the ability to haul stuff etc... its just very mind boggling to me... 

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Ugly car nismo or not. Only thing Nissan has that looks good is the Xterra and the GTR nothing else.The straight axle Patrol they sell overseas also. Rest is nothing to claim fame about.


Say , We cant afford it right now.

Tell your wife,Ask Suzie Orman, "Can I afford it"?.



Buy her a Jeep. or soemthing Made in USA but they still cost alot all of them.



Datsun L motors are cheap to keep running. Well at least here in Washington with tons of parts just in back yards

Be honest if parts are hard to get in your area and another vehicle is in store . then get soemthing newer so you dont have to work on it.Thats why one buys new.

But to sell a 620 and not get alot for it and loose a spare rig that is practicle dont make sence unless you dont have a place to park it.

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I agree its ugly as it gets, I told her that I would rather go with a 13 or 14 mazda 3 s grand touring if we were gonna spend that kinda money... I have been offered to trade the 620 before with an 81 200sx but i have no idea what engine or anything about that model. If i could talk her outta it and trade for that i might. But theres just a lot of shit on my plate that needs wiped off before i can eat off it if yall catch my drift. lol walmart is sucking the life outta me


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I dont mind the idea of the car or going upside down as i have no college debt and we need a credit builder because we have none so i see her logic in that, Its the fact that I have invested 6 months of my time into this truck for 1000 and now i wont be able to work on the new one.... I love my datto but I love my wife more and I can always just sell it to my family and let my gpa drive it on the farm until i can buy it back but I want the ability to haul stuff etc... its just very mind boggling to me... 


Good man on putting your wife before the car.  You got your priorities straight.


I don't like the way they look, but might be fun to drive?




They all fun to drive if it aint yours on a dirt road


Point well taken!


lol that vid is shit lol but good for some laughs  :rofl:  the nismo is lower and automatic and only like 7 more hp for like 3k more which blows but she thinks its cute.


It was the only comparison I could find.  :blush:

7hp for $3000?   :no:   Buy the base model and spend $500 on exhaust...

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I see no real logic in selling the truck. Buy the shiny truck. Wait... Car. Wait... Uh. Well, own both. You won't get that much for the truck to pay for your labor. And it won't really help purchase the Nissan. Insurance cost? Let it go un-insured. Build credit? Go to your local branch and ask for the company of the branch manager. Introduce yourself and explain that you would like to do two things. 1. Earn the trust of your bank, and 2. Outfit yourself for your career choice. ( tools, clothes, etc.). Borrow $1000. Pay it off responsibly. Now you've built credit, earned the respect of your financier, and show your wife you know what's what. The Juke looks fine. But buying new is not advisable by me straight out of college. Did you promise a "brand new car" or a car?

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Yeah I think i am gonna have a sit down and explain to her how it would be better to find something a little more practical. Its just really tiny and im 6'5" and Ill argue that lol plus it looks as though the interior is really cheaply done and she always complains about not having leather seats lol and yes I did promise her a new car. Building credit is a bitch lol especially when you have none. @tr8er my career choice is hydroponic farming I cant afford that yet my plan is to get on with a commercial grower and build my experience and then go small niche market near a major urban area such as OKC and sell to restaurants and private buyers

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Love farmers. Hydro is great. Organic hydro is tough, but that's what niche restaurants are starting to seek.

So you're getting a new car because you can't afford you business model? You've got a promise to keep, but on the surface this is not shining a good light on your wife right now. At least find a job before you sign those papers. Jobs in your industry are often low paying starters. And keep the truck. Final answer.

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yeah my fam has been hard dirt farming Cattle etc for close to 150 years I am the only one in my immediate family to go to college etc...Yeah I have seen a few internships out west but I have been hesitant bc of all of the rules and regulations the west seems to love and the liberal mindset that is so ever common. And no family. Thanks guys for all your input I am going to try and get this all figured out. g2g sign papers for some scholarships I won yesterday. Free money is the best now to put it in savings. Minus a nice meal at the waffle house for the wife fri night to talk all of this over. :thumbup:

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first, we need a picture of your wife.  Head shot only, is OK.


Will this be your only car?  Will you need a second car (or truck) soon.  Is the truck running reliably?

I do not know if you wife is dead set on "something new"  but realize the moment you drive it off the dealers lot, it has lost about 1/4 to 1/3 of its value, and probably is worth less that you actually owe in payments.


You could try to sell your wife on lower or no car payments, saving money, and planning a home purchase, instead of renting.  Appeal to her inherent "nesting instinct"  sell her the "nice home, with a white picket fence", close to a good school for your future children.


Now, why would someone who loves you want to take away something you enjoy?  It has been said on Ratsun before.  "Honey, i could spend time in the garage, working on the Datsun, something I enjoy, or go down to the local strip club,  it is your choice"

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 Me and my wife after our wedding june 2012 


I am not saying that datsun owners are liberal lol i am mainly speaking of all of the rules and regulations in business and cars in general along the east coast and an overwhelming majority of the people that are liberal democrats and quite frankly other than you guys in the west and northwest on here everytime i have went out west all i can see is idiots lol Idk if its just me or I dont get off the beaten path enough but people are just weird lol  and as for my wife i went and visited her on lunch and i get to keep the datto!! :thumbup:  provided i stop bidding on r1 carbs on ebay and stop buying everything datsun 620 related i see at yard sales and junkyards... I think that was her main motive for wanting to get rid of the truck she just didnt tell me didnt wanna hurt my pride lol  :angel:  Now since hopefully ive got her backed down abit any suggestions as far as a later model reliable 5 seat sedan that is known for mpg and is not a toyota? roughly 12-16k price range?

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make this EZ

You keep the truck as you wont get alot of money for it. keep it stock or basic. Simple Lower it call it good.

She gets what she wants if she pays for it. Or you pay also but keep the truck simple.


Most couples/families have muti vehucles so I dont see a proplem. why just 1 ?????



Prius comment? I think a prius might be faster than the average 510 off the line

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