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Daily Randomness.........Back to Randomness........................................

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I run into a lot of random stuff at work and every once in a while I'll take a pic......

Please share your daily randomness at home or work......

Here is how much sugar was pulled out of the downtube.........women get nasty sometimes...



......or this bone structure found in the parking lot......



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One of my personal favorites as far as randomness......




This is keeping the battery from sliding......according to the customer.... :rofl:











.....and just for the record.....I did not pull her top down and put a hole in her crotch......



......................someone molested her before me....... :D

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Pellet gun/rifle gallery @ the shop......we have since put sheet metal against the wall.......for obvious reasons.....








We try to spin the cap off or break the top before the rest of the bottle.....



......this bottle was being stubborn.....







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So one day in junior college I'm sitting in class while the teacher is doing roll call. For the passed few weeks I hear her call this other guy with the same last man, them me, but this time the dude was sitting nest to me. So I leaned over and asked, "Hey man, what's your Dad's name? Maybe we're related". He leans in and says "Robert Alva, he's from San Diego, went to Point Loma High school and was the President of a car club call The Torquers". WTF, :confused: That's my Dad! Turns out this guy's my half brother. When my Dad was a kid he got his girlfriend pregnant. It was the 50s, so they got marries in Tijuana. Once she had the baby they had the marriage annulled so at least the kid would have a legit name.


Way too fucking random for words, or pictures.

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^^small fuckin' world, huh?!.....




Shit like that always seems to catch up to me though. I was traveling alone in Istanbul Turkey back in 1986 and check into a funky little "random" place called Hotel Popular. I was told that on the top floor there was a really cool cafe, so I headed up for a bite. I sit down and scan the room and sitting straight across form me is a girl I dated in high school, who was also traveling alone. SWING!


Another time in high school I was cutting gym class with some friends. After roll was taken we snuck back to  the locker room and were changing into our cloths when suddenly a gravely voice boomed "What the hell's going on here?". This leather face old coach named Ben Edens drug us into his office and sat us on a bench. After letting us sweat it out for 10 minutes he asked our names, and I said Ron Masters. He looked me up and down and said " Is your dad Bob Masters? I thought Oh fuck, my shit is stewed. I whispered yes, and he snapped his head and said "OK, you can go". I stood up and walked out while the other two guys sat ther totally gob smacked. Turns out Ben was my Dad's football coach 18 years earlier.


When Ben turned 93 I wrote about this in an alumni newsletter and when he passed that same year it was published in the San Diego Tribune. Here's an excerpt of that article:  



In 43 years as head coach at Point Loma, Bennie Edens left an indelible imprint that reached far beyond the football field.

Asked to submit a paragraph about Edens for an alumni newsletter, Settles replied with a three-page essay that prompted more than 100 affectionate birthday greetings.

Responses came not only from Edens' former players, but from cheerleaders and marching band musicians and ordinary students, from people Edens had taught to swim and from a 1982 Point Loma graduate he had once apprehended in the act of playing hooky.

“The whole time I was sure I would never see the light of day again,” Ron Masters wrote. “Finally, you looked straight at me with a scowl and growled, 'What's your name?' I sheepishly answered, 'Ron Masters.' You then looked me up and down and asked, 'Are you Bob Masters' boy?' I thought, 'I'm a dead man.' My world was collapsing around my ears. You then leaned forward and said, 'OK, you can go.' The other two boys sat there slack-jawed as I walked out of the room.”

When Masters finally recounted the story to his father, Bob Masters beamed.

“Ben Edens remembers me?” he asked.


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driving back to the job  from getting supplies one day and yep 

there is Sammy Hagar getting into his red Ferrari

sorry for the shitty pic 


things you shouldn't do with your truck 




very cool bike one of our suppliers is giving away 

the wheels look like the worm drive on a Skill Saw


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A case of blind ambition.





 I'm out front working on my car when I hear my kids sheepishly calling "Dad... Dad!". I go to the the back yard and this is what I find. A few years ago I built them a razed clubhouse on four foot stilts. Working together these guys managed to climbing up on the roof, but didn't trust each other's ability to lower themselves down. 


"Will now, it seems this was a poorly planned adventure kids, but you need to figure out how you're going to get yourselves down from there". After 20 minutes of screaming and ill fated attempts, they finally worked together and safely climbed down. I should have videoed it, cuz it was frick'n hilarious. would have been an instant youtube classic.


Hopefully a lesson learned though.

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Little bit of rust.....


I'm on the west.....so I don't see it this bad often.....I'm sure you east coasters have seen worse...


......and....this car is still on the road.....












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Little bit of rust.....


I'm on the west.....so I don't see it this bad often.....I'm sure you east coasters have seen worse...


......and....this car is still on the road.....














Little bit of rust.....


I'm on the west.....so I don't see it this bad often.....I'm sure you east coasters have seen worse...


......and....this car is still on the road.....













that's not rust, its compost.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I picked up my kids a couple weeks ago at the usual place at the usual time.....


We walk in the door, I turn around and my son has a yellow 510 hotwheel in his hand..


I'm super confused cause I didn't buy this one for him.....so I ask my daughter how he got that....


She says his aunt gave it to him on accident.....................on accident??


Call up my ex just cause now I'm curious....


Apparently.........they stopped by their aunt's place and she gave them each a small toy...


She had just grabbed a hotwheel off the shelf not paying any attention to what car it was....... and when she handed it to my 2 1/2 year old son he said....



"Das my daddy figh ten!!"



My ex and her sister looked at each other confused until they read the package.....















I almost cried I was so happy.........  :wub:

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I picked up my kids a couple weeks ago at the usual place at the usual time.....


We walk in the door, I turn around and my son has a yellow 510 hotwheel in his hand..


I'm super confused cause I didn't buy this one for him.....so I ask my daughter how he got that....


She says his aunt gave it to him on accident.....................on accident??


Call up my ex just cause now I'm curious....


Apparently.........they stopped by their aunt's place and she gave them each a small toy...


She had just grabbed a hotwheel off the shelf not paying any attention to what car it was....... and when she handed it to my 2 1/2 year old son he said....



"Das my daddy figh ten!!"



My ex and her sister looked at each other confused until they read the package.....















I almost cried I was so happy.........  :wub:

thata boy 

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  • 4 weeks later...

This was in the back of one of our metal recyclers trucks a couple weeks ago.....



.......it's so tiny.....



If I had room for it i would've kept it and restored it.....
















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