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Invite your cousin man. The more the merrier. 


Bring a chair, something to drink, and anything else you'd like to eat. 

i'll have to hit him up tomorrow, and i can bring a few chairs if i can find the crab net that used to be on the back, i think i threw it away though


oh god i have to get the bike motor out of the back

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" Asperger syndrome... Individuals with AS experience difficulties in basic elements of social interaction, which may include a failure to develop friendships or to seek shared enjoyments or achievements with others (for example, showing others objects of interest), a lack of social or emotional reciprocity (social "games" give-and-take mechanic), and impaired nonverbal behaviors in areas such as eye contact, facial espression, posture, and gesture "

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I know this may not be a popular position. But I blame meds. Only meds can numb a persons humanity in such a way. Aspergers is pretty interesting, and can certainly have an affect on ones empathy and even mental obsessions. But so frequently these mass murderers are on the same cocktail of drugs. Benzos, Lithium, etc. phuck pharma.


My heart goes out to those who lost love to hate.

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I think I have a horrible position on this subject. I blame the parents for not properly disciplining the dumbass. And the dumbass for not having enough self discipline to realize that he's an idiot


Also, pharmaceutical fixes don't actually work,they just make shit worse.

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Sorry if my opinion pissed people off but I was raised with a paddle, my daughter isn't getting the same but she will be taught discipline and integrity as she gets older. I think my generation got a little to spoiled on the next is worse and it's only going to keep getting worse unless the parents actually do something about it, which, some just aren't doing

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I know this may not be a popular position. But I blame meds. Only meds can numb a persons humanity in such a way. Aspergers is pretty interesting, and can certainly have an affect on ones empathy and even mental obsessions. But so frequently these mass murderers are on the same cocktail of drugs. Benzos, Lithium, etc. phuck pharma.


My heart goes out to those who lost love to hate.


I think I have a horrible position on this subject. I blame the parents for not properly disciplining the dumbass. And the dumbass for not having enough self discipline to realize that he's an idiot


Also, pharmaceutical fixes don't actually work,they just make shit worse.




By definition a mental disorder isn't corrected by parental discipline or self discipline. You can't beat 'the Devil' out of someone. There is no cure and symptoms are barely manageable. You can't blame the treatment for this. It is what it is, and perhaps an earlier diagnosis or intervention would have helped.

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And medical cocktails won't fix a mental disorder either. I've been trained as a shrink and during my training was diagnosed with a disorder of my own. I will admit that aspergers (im sure I spelled that wrong) is one of the ones that makes it harder to self control but this sort of reaction isn't based on the mental disorder alone, there is some personal responsibility involved as well. Although I guess with aspergers you can use the whole not understanding social situations thing which makes my argument invalid


I could invalidate my own arguments all day as a matter of fact. And my reasoning may not be valid in this discussion but it is still valid in the rest of the culture that I live in


I will step back out of the discussion, sorry for wasting your time

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I do think a lot has to do with parenting and upbringing in a case like this, but really I don't know all the facts so that's just my opinion.  Either way there is definitely some lack of parental oversight considering they enabled him to have the car & guns.  There are plenty of opinions on the local, non-affiliated, citizen-run news site.  Of course the anti-gun people are popping up, regardless of the fact that he first stabbed 3 people to death and also seriously injured multiple people with his car.

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