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nothing is more annoying than a door guy at a club not letting you in to take a piss because of your attire. This happened to me in Sacto at a club called "Faces" I went in there looking for a drunk friend and some total douch rod with a faux hawk and fitted black Kenneth Cole button up shirt looked at me and simply said "I cannot let you in here" I told him I was just looking for a friend of mine and didn't want to hang out and he said "I cannot let you in here". Jesus now I know how the Trench Coat Mafia felt.

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Girlfriends dad used to drive truck for a not to be named food distributor. When the guys had empty trailers that they were hauling they would swerve with a quick jerk and swing the retailer out into whatever unlucky animal was in the road. I think he said company record was 4 deer with one swing and something like 10 in a single trip

He sounds like a real piece of shit.

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whoa, imagine Adam Sandler with huge teeth and a faux hawk working the door, was just a quick reminder to how hard some people want to be the next GQ model. 

I'm not a big fan of bars not people in general but that spot takes the Douch Lord Grand Supreme award. 

Theres a few spots in Oakland you might like EB521.

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wipe it out and dump it right there.

We were doing work at a mall real early in Seattle a few years back. Security wouldn't let a guy in to use the bathroom until opening. Dude whipped it out and pissed all over the front door. I kinda motivate to shit like that.

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Guy I work with was at sturgis 20 some years ago, hammered and pissin in some alley. All of a sudden there is a hand on his shoulder and it whips him around and he's nose to nose with a cop. Cops asks him "what the hell do you think you're doing?". To which he replies "I'm pissin on yer leg!". Needless to say the rest of the cops thought it was so funny he got special treatment in jail for the next couple days.

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In their defence (not really defending what they did) but it was what kept them awake.

WTF! How about 5 hour energy. Anyone who purposly mangles defensless animals and leaves them to suffer a slow painfull death is truly fucked up in the head! If someone can get pleasure out of doing something so horrific, what else are they capable of...  

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WTF! How about 5 hour energy. Anyone who purposly mangles defensless animals and leaves them to suffer a slow painfull death is truly fucked up in the head! If someone can get pleasure out of doing something so horrific, what else are they capable of...


Littering and tax evasion.
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Its nice to know some people still have a heart for animals, actually it is pretty fucked up, they are just going about there day like anyone else. I'm not sure why I hit like on that comment. :sick:


Just a slight change of tone here not to change the subject. Found this in front of my studio today, never seen 10" rims before.


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Never never never never use 'oil treatments' ever.


What about all natural products ?? I dumped some of this in the ZX tank to clean the carbs and it worked perfectly.





And a card my neighbor found when he was mowing the yard up front a week or so ago. I found others that were left there (years ago) but this one must have been under something and dislodged some how. and blew across yard.

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WTF! How about 5 hour energy. Anyone who purposly mangles defensless animals and leaves them to suffer a slow painfull death is truly fucked up in the head! If someone can get pleasure out of doing something so horrific, what else are they capable of...

This was the late 70's they didn't have 5hr energy the company drug tested I'm sure, and it was the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere.


I'm pretty sure the didn't suffer, getting plowed by a 54' trailer doing 80 will do you in real quick




Now what was that about the rasberry carb cleaner?

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