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Going to the scrap yard with a load of shit from the side of my shop always bugs me. Because it's not really "scrap" for the most part. Axle housings, drive shafts intake manifolds, exhaust manifolds, well, the list is huge. It's stuff I will personally never use, but knowing that SOMEWHERE there is someone who will pay more for some of this shit than what scrap price is bugs me. Then again, I have tried selling some of it, and at darn near give away prices with no luck, either that or someone looking to trade me a dead car battery and a used toothbrush for it. So off to the yard it goes. I took most of it in yesterday, had a little over 3.5 tons, the truck almost sat level, it was a good look.

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Yeah, one thing I find weird about this truck. Normally, you throw a couple of tons in the back of a truck like this and it really smooths out the ride, but with this one, it actually rides pretty darn good empty (relatively speaking of course) but when you stack it full of weight, it gets kind of harsh. I think what they have done is made the leaves more of a progressive rate than the older one. The first little bit is pretty plush, you go past that and it acts like the huge spring that they are.

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No, nothing like that. That center section was 55 to 64 in memory serves. I will keep my eye open for one. So many ended up in the scrap pile due to guys changing them to something else. Only one I had was for a pickup, but the were a 4.11 anyway.

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I wonder if there will be any pay off for being the first guy to send an old VW dune buggy rim into orbit. I have been trying all morning to get a tire bead to seat. Cleaning, soaping, sanding, polishing the whole deal. I finally just took it out in the middle of my driveway, hooked my air hose to it, opened the valve and high stepped it into the house. Fucker is sitting out there right now with a 135 psi in it. I think it's going to seat any second. 


On a totally unrelated note, if anyone has a VW rim land in their yard, it's mine and I want it back.

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Not to get off the subject of Barbie dolls, but I really liked this clip.




The Denis Leary, version of this scene was alot shorter..



Blah, blah, whine, whine ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SHUUUUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUUUUPP!!!

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