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I didn't go to Canby, I read somewhere that it is sausage fest, glass packs and mud sacks. Still wana go tho. Damn smoke happy birthday! Mine is always cursed i fucking hate it. Chic left me on one, best friend committed suicide on another, lit my room on fire once also. Apart from your pup passing being alone for your bday is a blessing. Sorry to hear that man.

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Saw, or I should say heard, a lot of that at Nissan Jam this weekend. People coming in the drive, cars scraping. It hurts to hear that.


Oh man,  remember those days. I also remember cutting the power to the entire building so I could sleep without hearing the bass of his stereo thumping away at midnight.

I had a neighbor like that. I would've cut the power too but the owner of the building actually lived in the building at the time. The bf and I have been looking for a house but prices have gotten ridonkulous again. We're thinking about renting one until the market crashes again...which it will.


My wife walks on her heals so it sounds like Frankensteins monster making coffee in the morning.

I'm pretty sure that's how that broad walks. If I didn't know better I'd swear she weighed 800 lbs. She's probably only a buck thirty. Aside from the stomping it's sometimes followed by the occasional thud. I'm pretty sure she's landed on her head. I've had visions of going up there and inflicting some hobbling. 

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When I was in school in AZ, I was above one set of neighbors, and beneath another. It was the worst. It sounded like elephants wrestling upstairs constantly, as well as a TV blaring from beneath. What made it even better was when I would have people over, I'd get a knock at the door and it would either be the apt. manager or a police officer(depending on the hour) in response to a complaint that I was apparently hosting a raging party. I hate apartment living.

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Neighbors and roomates can be such a bummer, I can sleep through anything accept rock of love reruns. My new sitch is killer! Metro PC store to the left, citybank to the right, greasy spoon in front and homeless couple behind, dead nuts quiet after eight pm. I actually dislocated my pinky banging on the walls of my last place. Annoying drug couple faught every night. Guy eventually went to jail, but we moved anyway.

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Ever make the mistake of trying to abide by the law? 

I have been driving my buggy around for a while without a plate. Well, it has a plate, just different ones I throw on it as I feel like it. I decided to get this put in my name, get plates and the whole deal. FFFFFFUCK! 


I show up at the DOL, I have the title, bill of sale and all that jazz and tell them I wish to put the car in my name. "Well what is it?" I explained it's a dune buggy (like the title says). She then asks if I have a bill of sale "sure do" hand her over the bill of sale written out on their very own form. She then sees the bill of sale states that I paid 800 dollars for it (which I did). Now, all of a sudden, the bill of sale is not good enough to wipe with. Ya, see, the bill of sale is very valuable to them if it shows you paid an assload of money for something. If it's a low amount, then it's worthless. Soooooo, what do I do? I have to have it appraised, but not by just anyone, oh no...they have special list. The asshats on this list want 250 bucks. I figure I can get around that scam, because one of my very good friends is a writer for several VW magazines and has been for like 15 years. A logical person would THINK that this person may be better suited to tell you what a VW dune buggy would be worth over some clown in khaki pants who sells new Hondas on the corner...but no, not acceptable. 


So I just take it in the shorts and go to get the 250 dollar appraisal. This dick appraises it at 7 fucking thousand dollars. This is what I am now supposed to pay taxes on. What choice do I have right? So I go back for another raping and now I am told I have to go to one of the scales (on their special list of course) to weigh it. At this point, I'm pretty sure I smelled burnt toast and I left.


In short, fuck all that noise. I'm doing something "else" to solve this.

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Yeah and that would not be THAT bad, but there is no fuckin way this thing is worth 7 grand. It would sit on craigslist for YEARS at that price. There are much nicer ones than mine that have been on there forever, for less money. It's unrealistic at best.

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So it would be a wheelchair rolling arounds then. :lol:

She's upstairs. No elevator. And doesn't seem like she has any friends cause there's never anyone over there. She's an odd bird. My mom was visiting one time and got a glimpse of her. First thing my mom says is "she don't look right," as in mental. It was rather comical. I got a note back from her saying it's the building and not her. Um, I never heard my previous neighbor and she outweighed this broad by 50lbs. Twit.

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watch out for apartment buildings that allow section 8 housing. I lived in one and this guy attacked another neighbor with a knife. I think they could only keep him detained for 48 hours and then the dude was back. 

People are just weird and crazy. I had a guy make complaints about me when I wasn't even home. One night I was dead asleep and he banged on my door like a freak, he thought he was like a Robert DeNiro type and people were intimidated by him, even when he talked he had this fake Jack Nickleson vibe. I told him if he ever nocked on my door again I would................ anyway.  Dude was such douch.


Thinking of buying land and building my own place for me and my lady, want to build a Tudor wood framed house.  



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My new sitch is killer! Metro PC store to the left, citybank to the right, greasy spoon in front and homeless couple behind, dead nuts quiet after eight pm.

is the greasy spoon still opened? My grandpa said that place was really good in the 70's. i lived off of davis for 7 years in the neighborhood by the little ceasers as you head towards walmart.........not that it matters.its the beer talking

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is the greasy spoon still opened? My grandpa said that place was really good in the 70's. i lived off of davis for 7 years in the neighborhood by the little ceasers as you head towards walmart.........not that it matters.its the beer talking

I know the area your talking about, not sure if its still dishing out. There is like a korean BBQ spot there now. That neighborhood is Chevy headquarters, seen some of the craziest camaros  and Nova's cruising around, shit that looks like it just came off the track.

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Fuck that bull shit Smoke!


Sounds like a damn Mafia shakedown operation. Is this stuff just accepted as common practice, or is it buried in the bowels of bureaucracy?  How the fuck do they decides if you have to get an appraisal? Is there a threshold criteria for probable cause in cases of vehicular tax evasion, some complex automotive profiling rubric, or is it just the arbitrary call of some puckered twatt behind a desk, who maybe doesn't like your mustache? If you, a private citizen, have been denied dispensation by any government licensing agency, they have a legal obligation to provide you with cause, and due process of appeal.


Document your experience, time and expense, make copies of their list of crony insider businesses, outline your buddy's professional qualifications and get his appraisal in writing, and copy a few comps from CL. Use this to write a WTF letter, send it to local news stations, newspapers, radio, and CC the DOL along with a formal legal request for cause in your case. Kick up a fucking stink, and watch what happens. They know 99.9% of the public will bend over and take it like good little sheep. They don't want that .01% shit kicker to drag their little revenue racketeering scam out into the light of day. 


BE good man, but never BEhave.

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So random air freshener #2 found at work today. No offense intended here.




Complete with directions on

the back



i know the last one came from archie mcphees, wouldn't surprise me if this one did as well. gonna have to make a trip down there again soon

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Fuck that bull shit Smoke!


Sounds like a damn Mafia shakedown operation. Is this stuff just accepted as common practice, or is it buried in the bowels of bureaucracy?  How the fuck do they decides if you have to get an appraisal? Is there a threshold criteria for probable cause in cases of vehicular tax evasion, some complex automotive profiling rubric, or is it just the arbitrary call of some puckered twatt behind a desk, who maybe doesn't like your mustache? If you, a private citizen, have been denied dispensation by any government licensing agency, they have a legal obligation to provide you with cause, and due process of appeal.


Document your experience, time and expense, make copies of their list of crony insider businesses, outline your buddy's professional qualifications and get his appraisal in writing, and copy a few comps from CL. Use this to write a WTF letter, send it to local news stations, newspapers, radio, and CC the DOL along with a formal legal request for cause in your case. Kick up a fucking stink, and watch what happens. They know 99.9% of the public will bend over and take it like good little sheep. They don't want that .01% shit kicker to drag their little revenue racketeering scam out into the light of day. 


BE good man, but never BEhave.

I was thinking about this last night and I think this might just fall into what you said about the gal I have been dealing with, she was extra snatchy right off the bat. There is another one of these joints like 30 miles south of me. I am going to take what I have down there and see if I get the same racket run on me. If not and I get it all taken care of, I think it's mandatory that I raise a stink about this.

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Yaaaaa, I would NEVER...you know, cuz I'll go to hell.

Oh wait, this just in, I'm already going anyway.


Take the motor, seats and dash out and tow it there on stock dub tires and rims..





Hang freely within sin tainted zone

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