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What do you hope to come back as?

a better smarter being. I'm not sure where I am in my process, sometimes I seem further along than I think I am, other times I seem to be further behind. Still learning and evolving, eventually I'll get there. As long as I ain't stuck in the same space I'm in now in my next life I'm happy. Forward movement is always best
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having a mind firmly unreceptive to new ideas or arguments: It's hard to argue with, much less convince. (Mike)


 I'm not un-receptive to new ideas and arguments, hell we are arguing right now. Nothing has been argued that would compel me to change my belief.


I could use the same argument against you. Think about it. Close minded people are only those who don't believe in what you do???? Only open minded people can believe in a god or an after life??? Rubbish.

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Pics please!

Pork roast covered with some kind of garlic / pepper steak seasoning shit ,,,cut-up a onion, a tomato , a bunch of carrots , a bunch of celery, and a bunch of red potatoes. 


Been going since 10 am









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You're unreceptive argument is invalid due to your unreceptive stance, did you even read what you just wrote?

How about: You have faith. (if I may say so for argument sake, religious faith) I believe you do too. I on the other hand, from my own personal experience and observations, do not share this faith. Now if you were to try and convince me I was wrong and failed this does not mean that I am closed minded, it's just means that your argument was not compelling enough to change my view. 

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