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All I know is I wouldn't mind having a woman as president, just not Hillary! I didn't mind the idea of  black president either, but I am burned out with Obama and his Unaffordable Healthcare Act! So far as a gay president... who cares? Would being gay keep them from doing the job properly? What is their platform and views? Where do they stand on this or that? Gay marriage...Approved. You got it. NEXT! What about other things? I don't see what difference their choice of sexuality would make, I just wish I could skip forward into the future where homosexuality is viewed as completely normal. Not that I  support or care about the gay agenda, but I AM SICK OF HEARING ABOUT IT!  "I'm gay!" "I'm gay!" Athlete comes out, actor(actress) comes out, singer comes out, McDonald's cook comes out... Okay, good for you. Do you expect a medal or something? Does being gay have any effect positive OR negative on how you perform your job? No. Why do you feel the need to "come out" with it? 


I want a president who can bring the damn economy of this country back up, get jobs back, ban Obamacare, and legalize weed! I don't give a damn if they are purple and an ACTUAL asexual being. I know how to fix the economy AND get jobs for the people, DUH! They go together! Stop giving these goddamn compaines tax breaks for shutting down plants here and moving them to third world countries and INSTEAD tax the shit out of them for it! Which of course would require an HONEST politician who won't take bribe money for corporate big wigs. :poop:

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This last election proved to me how much BS there is in politics. There is no way in hell Mitt Robme had the confidence of the Republican VOTERS. They purposely did not give Ron Paul a chance to debate or give him any support whatsoever. Because he was NOT the chosen one for their party. Romney was shoe'd in from the start.  Which is why I stayed home for the elections. Why waste my time voting for the lesser of the two evils? It was almost as if the Republican party WANTED Obama to be reelected by having a joke of a candidate to oppose him. That and I finally learned to understand how the electoral college really works. NOT quite the BS way I was taught in school, that is for sure. Your vote does not matter. Your states votes are "pooled" and counted by percentage of voters registered by party.  Who do you know who is registered as Libertarian? Anyone? No, didn't think so. Those non two party votes are wasted as much as writing in Mickey Mouse or your own name.




Now who wants to discuss religion? :rofl:

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This last election proved to me how much BS there is in politics. There is no way in hell Mitt Robme had the confidence of the Republican VOTERS. They purposely did not give Ron Paul a chance to debate or give him any support whatsoever. Because he was NOT the chosen one for their party. Romney was shoe'd in from the start.  Which is why I stayed home for the elections. Why waste my time voting for the lesser of the two evils? It was almost as if the Republican party WANTED Obama to be reelected by having a joke of a candidate to oppose him.


thats because the Republicans have absolutely no grasp on what is apealling to majority America, they sure as fuck are wasting there time with both Ted Cruz and Scott Walker,

not trying to be offensive to anyone but those two are goofy and only appeal to a small group.

We'll see........... i don't think Hillary will win either

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I want a president who can bring the damn economy of this country back up, get jobs back, ban Obamacare, and legalize weed! I don't give a damn if they are purple and an ACTUAL asexual being. I know how to fix the economy AND get jobs for the people, DUH! They go together! Stop giving these goddamn compaines tax breaks for shutting down plants here and moving them to third world countries and INSTEAD tax the shit out of them for it! 

you have no Idea of how the three branches of government work in the U.S.

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The republicans can't seem to put a decent candidate forward for any race; local, state, or presidential.  They're all jokes, and as long as the democrats keep buying voters with more and more free stuff, they'll never have a chance.  Guess what, guys?  Record revenue, and still record deficit this first half of fiscal 2015.  Enjoy it while it lasts...

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I dunno. I have no faith in this country at all for the first time in my 42 years. NONE WHATSOEVER. I actually ripped my American flag and the mount off my porch last year. The system has failed me.  I lost my job, and all my insurance through the wife's job, and cannot find a full time job for the past two years. All due to the goddamned "(UN)Affordable Healthcare Act!" Fuck America!

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