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How do you support your Datsun habit?

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Well as some of you know i am in the Oil business,so to not sound forward but i do well and i dont know what else to do but spend it on my truck and guns and what ever other bullshit i buy.But i work out dont drink to much never did drugs and wasted money on things that would ruin me or others i guess.



My quote i came up with is,I like to spend money but i don't like to waste money.

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I work as the assistant manager of a Circle-K store & Conoco/Phillips 76 gas station. I am training for a management position in the company, with opportunity for further advancement. It's nothing extremely fancy, the job isn't the best paying job in the world but it's really good resume eye-candy. Dealing with schedules, employee screening, regulation, policy enforcement, and handling cash. I'm drug free, I hardly drink anymore, and I have cut down smoking cigs considerably. Used to be a pack a day smoker, down to about half a pack if I am having a 'good' day, lol.


On the off-hours, I also work as a computer consultant and IT tech. Deal with a lot of small business stuff, networks & workstations and the like. Usually just troubleshooting or hardware changes, occasionally I'll build a new box for somebody. Been self employed since 2008, definitely supplements my income. I usually take what money I get from my other gigs and put it in the savings account specifically for Datsun stuff, but as I said above - lot of things have changed.


During the spring and fall, I do some auto detailing and the like. The fine details, like an auto detail SHOULD be. It usually gets me a sizeable amount of money because my work is presentable. Not a single armor-all product enters my garage or car-stuff-cache, and I'm going to be investing in some better buffing/polishing gear in the future and over the winter, as I want to expand into doing full vehicle paint detail. Stuff you can't do with a dual-action.


And if I can get a little odd-job here and there, I'm always up for it.

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I've had my Datsun 24 years. It was my first car and the best car I've ever owned. After so many years of him being so great to me I was happy when I was finally able to be nice to him. I love going to junkyards. It was even better that I was finding parts for my 210. Getting him back to near show room quality has been amazing and it's been fun putting him back together. It's a great little car that has deserved much love and attention. My bf understands my Datsun obsession and supports me in it so bless him for that :) He even goes to the boneyards with me to help me pull parts. I've even been able to apply my graphic skills in making my own 1/4 panel emblems. My hard work has paid off and it is pretty satisfying.







That is a really beautiful car. Great Job. I have a '72 1200 that my Dad bought new and I took my drivers test in the car when I was 16. I am now in the restoration process. I am impressed that you have had your car it's whole life.

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Anyway I can so long as I dont use income from work. 

The ONLY time I will use side work income is if it came from working on a Datsun...

Good thing I have a lot of local Datsun guys that want their cars worked on or Id have to whore myself out more often.

And when I can I sell extra Datsun parts Ive acquired up over the years or in deals where I need one thing and end up with boxes of crap.


Datsun's are self perpetuating... They will breed in your driveway or garage... before you know it you will have 12 or more... But at least they pay for themselves with a little help.

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I sell drugs.  But I'm not a mean crack dealer.  I'm a nice crack dealer, you know, like, hey guys, how's it going?  Want some crack? :D  Not having a wife or girlfriend helps a lot with Datsun funds.  I just tried dating again, that took a lot of money away from cars.  No bueno.  Single now. ;)

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I sell drugs.  But I'm not a mean crack dealer.  I'm a nice crack dealer, you know, like, hey guys, how's it going?  Want some crack? :D  Not having a wife or girlfriend helps a lot with Datsun funds.  I just tried dating again, that took a lot of money away from cars.  No bueno.  Single now. ;)

Hey was up can i buy crack please.

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That is a really beautiful car. Great Job. I have a '72 1200 that my Dad bought new and I took my drivers test in the car when I was 16. I am now in the restoration process. I am impressed that you have had your car it's whole life.

Thanks! Got lucky getting an uncracked dash assembly. Again, thanks to my ratsun brethren. I've almost had him his whole life. He was 8 when I got him. Now he's 32. I don't know where the time went.

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I work 7AM until 11PM 5 days out of the week with 2 one hour breaks for lunch/snack/fapping. I scrap on the weekends. I turn wrenches on other people's cars whenever I can. $50 for a front end brake job and a drum adjust that I can do in an hour is easy money. I try to set it up so that I can do two or three a week. Although, the heat is slowing that down. I do all that while maintaining a house, taking care of a wife and a little one, and preparing for my second. Hardest working person I know. According to friends of course. What's been really awesome about "the project" is that it's long term, so I can really hunker down and wait for good prices, or rare parts, or generally procrastinate until I have a good day to do as I wish.

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I work 7AM until 11PM 5 days out of the week with 2 one hour breaks for lunch/snack/fapping. I scrap on the weekends. I turn wrenches on other people's cars whenever I can. $50 for a front end brake job and a drum adjust that I can do in an hour is easy money. I try to set it up so that I can do two or three a week. Although, the heat is slowing that down. I do all that while maintaining a house, taking care of a wife and a little one, and preparing for my second. Hardest working person I know. According to friends of course. What's been really awesome about "the project" is that it's long term, so I can really hunker down and wait for good prices, or rare parts, or generally procrastinate until I have a good day to do as I wish.



My hats off to you man.

But... damn.... when do the kids ever see their Dad?

No matter... makes me realize, once again, how damn cushy I have it.

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It sucks. The oldest is only 2 right now and hangs on my leg whenever he gets the chance. He rides around and scraps with me, wrenches with me, mows the yard with me. He's awesome. I have so many friends that tell me I need to go workout with them, but once you've mowed a yard for an hour with a 40lb 2-year old on your shoulders, you won't be needing to work out. I put a lot of time in now so that the debts I have can be paid off. Once those are paid, I'll have the "extra" income to so with as I please. Right now, I'm barely past the "paycheck to paycheck" phase and its tempting to stop. But within 2 years, the only thing I will be paying on will be my house. Over $1500 a month will be freed up for anything that I want. So for now, I'll stay grinding. I'll sacrifice a little bit of time to gain a lot of stress free, quality time with my wife and kids. Plus being able to hit the theme parks whenever the mood strikes is gonna be awesome too. I've got a plan, I promise.

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