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Photo shoot for Nissan's 80th Anny

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One question did you ever think about painting that wagon orange? it would look way better :w00t: and the Patrol made it up on the trailer okay.  :angel: 


Oh but my wagon made it in the trailer first, :w00t:  Just like it does most of the time.

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What is this orange you speak of ??? I don't really care for orange. I kinda like my wagon just the way it is thank you very much.


I know one thing for sure. I need to loose some weight. FUCK I'm a fat ass.


Start running!! ;)  But if you're really overweight, I'd consider the pool first to slim down, then biking, then running.

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Start running!! ;)  But if you're really overweight, I'd consider the pool first to slim down, then biking, then running.


I think I just need to slim the gut down a bit. Too much craft beer and good cookin.  I'm 6'1" 205 so not really super over weight just a big belly.

Plus they had me in a shirt that I would never wear. A little smaller than I like. Made me look even bigger than I am.

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I think I just need to slim the gut down a bit. Too much craft beer and good cookin.  I'm 6'1" 205 so not really super over weight just a big belly.

Plus they had me in a shirt that I would never wear. A little smaller than I like. Made me look even bigger than I am.

damn wtf, Im 6'1 and 185 and I am not even remotely overweight, how does 20 extra pounds make that big a diff?

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Because it needs a trailer? :angel:


Actully that's the second time it's been on a trailer smarty pants. And any time you want to run for pinks just let me know. Oh wait how many awards do you have that say first place best wagon.....

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Actully that's the second time it's been on a trailer smarty pants. And any time you want to run for pinks just let me know. Oh wait how many awards do you have that say first place best wagon.....

You know I love your wagon and it is way better than mine, I have only one best of show given to me by John Morton and one magazine article on it, the rest were only second places. I don't have any with my Patrol, but Ashton did refer to it as the holy grail.  I wouldn't race you for pinks because if you hit a bump you would just break your wagon again.  B)

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You know I love your wagon and it is way better than mine, I have only one best of show given to me by John Morton and one magazine article on it, the rest were only second places. I don't have any with my Patrol, but Ashton did refer to it as the holy grail.  I wouldn't race you for pinks because if you hit a bump you would just break your wagon again.  B)


Your cracking me up. I'll trade ya cars any day..


And the patrol is just badass. I really like it with the stock wheels on it.

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hey hey hey lets get the other motor in tune and then race for pinks.hint hint


No dont need nothing,i am going to attempt to put the so called FJ in the truck today and see were i stand.

again even with his new motor I could race him with my Patrol in low gear, if the track was a ramp! :rofl:

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What is this orange you speak of ??? I don't really care for orange. I kinda like my wagon just the way it is thank you very much.


I know one thing for sure. I need to loose some weight. FUCK I'm a fat ass.

so john you just had to go there whats wrong with orange   :angry:

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Kinda puts the damper on the Little Red Wagon thing if it was orange...


When I was a kid I used to play soccer (like little league). Each of the teams had a specific color uniform so that it was easy to tell all the teams apart. We had orange one year and the voted name for the season was "Orange Hot Bullets." Even as 5y/o I knew that sounded stupid... 

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Kinda puts the damper on the Little Red Wagon thing if it was orange...


Just sayin!!!  Thanks fucker..I was wondering why you were not in this shoot. Were you busy on vacation or what.

your car would have been perfect for this.

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After going to the trouble [not really trouble to all us Datsun nuts] of taking all these pictures, let's see if the sales or marketing department of Nissan USA knows what to do with all this!


From what I was told most of this is being done thru Nissan's head office in Japan. Most of the people involved on Friday were from Japan.

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From what I was told most of this is being done thru Nissan's head office in Japan. Most of the people involved on Friday were from Japan.


Well then they must be going off the list of cars and trucks in the Zama Collection. There are no 411s in Zama, but might be a 410. The official model sequence chart on the Nissan home page does not acknowlege that the 410 ever evolved into the 411 and 411SS and 411SSS models. Interesting.


They really should contact Arizonahitman and photograph his beautiful red WRL411!

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I'm not really sure, But I was told that they did shoot some photos at Zama, The Nissan big wigs got to pick out their favorite car at the museum and have their photos taken.


And again I'm not sure what they were looking for. I know for a fact there are some over the top Datsuns here in So Cal and the north west that would have been a better choice than my crappy little wagon. But I'll take the fame while it lasts. And who knows I might end up on the edit room floor we will see.

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  What I understand is not all the cars photographed will actually make it into the ad. Lets just keep our fingers crossed. The ad is still evolving it could be billboards, internet or printed ads. By the way the Dream Garage 90's campaign there was a Patrol in it. That Patrol was found at a junkyard this past year by Leslie Brown.  The big question is does she restore it to how it looked in the poster or back to stock? She was able to identify it by the non stock characteristics. Then the question is those who make it into the ad do you keep your vehicles the same for the rest of it's life or risk constant comparison to the add?  (that wasn't the way it looked in the ad! etc) Does it add value to your vehicle because it was the one in the ad? Or does it just end up in a junkyard years later? because no one recognized it or thought it was special.  The Roy Rogers patrol and trucks are out there somewhere? or were they crushed along time ago? Your chosen vehicles could be the next lost holy grail that collectors will be seeking. I worked like crazy getting mine to a state that I could live with for the rest of its life if this turns out to be a truism. I wanted to be a good example of what a stock Patrol looked like. Some of the culling from ad could actually end up how period correct you are.

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