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Ethanol, The Ponzi Scheme and YOU: A Retrospective.

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I vote nationwide gas boycotts for a day. Its helped in the past.


It gives people the illusion that they are in control by doing something  but really just a waste of time. Pick a day when you don't buy gas. People knowing they won't buy gas on Wednesday top up the night before or just buy it Thursday morn.... The bottom line.... over the three days the same amount of gas is bought.


If you wanted to really teach a gas company a lesson pick a supplier and don't buy from them but their competitor. Gas mostly comes from the same place anyway. But you may hurt some station conglomerate.


Best way to hurt 'the gas companies' is to leave car at home and bike or take the bus. Course no one will do that, it takes more resolve than people are willing to invest. It way easier to bitch about the price and just pay it.


I bike to work and since Canby I have bought exactly one gallon of gas for my weed eater.

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Please explain how ethanol is related to a Ponzi scheme.


because the only people who profit in the end is the corn growers, everyone else loses


the car owners get bagged

the gas stations get bagged by angry car owners

the oil companies dont make as much money on ethy



and besides i already said once before i called it a ponzi scheme because i just wanted to use the word ponzi scheme.

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IDK, my car's engine went for 10 years and almost 260,000 before dying of a head gasket failure, and it never had a leaky seal, nor did my 280,000 mile 94 Accord, which went through using the gas in 1994, and all the way through now to when they have added up to 10% ethanol., never had a leak or issue. this is actually the first I have heard anything bad about Ethanol, other than its a stupid waste of time and natural resources, which I totally agree with.


I will also say that E85 is some AMAZING SHIT FOR MAKING GOBS OF RIDICULOUS HORSEPOWER!!!!!!!, I have so many friends running e85 its not even funny, some of them are running straight e85 with giant turbos and over 1000 HP. heres the thing though, to run ethanol, you have to inject almost twice as much of it to get the same power as gasoline. BUT that power is extremely detonation resistante due to the high actual octane rating of the e85, it isnt 85 octane FYI


I have another friend who has a 2.5 gallon tank of e85 in his trunk and once the turbo reaches a certain boost point, it injects small ammounts of e85 to decrease knocking and raise octane when under extreme boost. he pushes about 485 wheel horse power, on his SRT-4 and most of these people are not new to ethanol, its commonplace in the performance scene here.

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sometime in the summer of 1987 the price of gas fell to 59¢ a gallon and I only remember that because it was the same price as a liter of soda at the gas station and, yes, I said "liter" as in the container was some kind of wax paper that you filled with soda, then folded the top and secured it with a plastic clip. not sure whatever happened to those.

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yeah but you can make that argument for alot of things honestly, it doesnt just work that way, just like the carbon footprint of the prius,its not cut and dry simplicity (i fucking hate the prius with all of my effort to hate something that I can muster) but they still leave less of a "footprint" if you will, yes their expensive as hell to manufacture and take up more resources, but no the batteries dont die in 5-10 years and cost 10,000 to replace, thats all bullshit unfortunately (I really wish it wasnt.....) just like all the shit surrounding ethanol.



additionally I have killed like 3 weedwackers in a period of time that 3 weedwackers should not be dead in, but it had nothing to do with ethanol, the chinese make all of those pieces of shit these days, and unless you buy a really nice piece of equipment, its gonna die, thats just the way it is. yes it totally sucks, I grew up in the last of the days when you could repair any weedwacker or lawnmower, with parts from your hardwars store no less, but now they are barely worth the metal their made with, and they all die terrible deaths.


anyone remember the days when you had Husquevarna Dirt bikes?, they still do, but they used to be more common. (they still make the best off road bikes on the planet)


but remember you used to be able to rebuild a husky with parts from the hardware store??, ahh the days.

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Straight alcohol has a much higher octane rating but contains less energy in it than gas does. To get the most out of it you really should run compressions above 13 to 1.  Blending it in with gas just dilutes everything down on an 8.5 compression motor.



.....just imagine a civilization that fell because it starved to death using it's food to power it's vehicles.

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How does it not work this way? Just saying it doesn't then rambling on about a Prius doesn't explain much lol 


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It's like saying we need to tax you more because people are paying less tax. 


Okay, so I'll ride a bike like Mike mentioned. There has been mentioned bills to require the registration of bikes and paying an associated tax on them..  (Oregon)


I mean for fuck sakes, they just banned plastic bags here (Eugene) at stores and are now charging for paper bags. Stupid fuckers. Plastic is the new devil apparently.

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Well looking at the giant floating islands of garbage in our oceans It hink reeling back on out plastic consumables is justified. Plastic is wonderful but we are becoming choked by it. 

I'm planning out an electric bike build, that should help cut gas costs. Once things like that and the teslas become more common watch gas prices really start to get erratic. 

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Interesting facts.... her's another....412 million people are fed for a year in Niger where here are 50 births per 1,000 adults... that's over 10,000,000 more to feed next year. So more go hungry. Let's stop driving and grow corn until the world is full of people buying shit from China..

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Well looking at the giant floating islands of garbage in our oceans It hink reeling back on out plastic consumables is justified. Plastic is wonderful but we are becoming choked by it. 


I'm planning out an electric bike build, that should help cut gas costs. Once things like that and the teslas become more common watch gas prices really start to get erratic. 


I recycle and plastic bags are simple as shit to recycle. Almost every grocery store has a bin for recycling plastic bags. 


They still didn't ban the plastic bags to put fruit in.. or bulk foods. The problem is not the bags.. it's the means to recycle them. I mean it's a petroleum based product.. 


I'm going to find a way to run my datto on plastic bags. lulz.

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Interesting facts.... her's another....412 million people are fed for a year in Niger where here are 50 births per 1,000 adults... that's over 10,000,000 more to feed next year. So more go hungry. Let's stop driving and grow corn until the world is full of people buying shit from China..



China is poisoning the world.

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I recycle and plastic bags are simple as shit to recycle. Almost every grocery store has a bin for recycling plastic bags. 


They still didn't ban the plastic bags to put fruit in.. or bulk foods. The problem is not the bags.. it's the means to recycle them. I mean it's a petroleum based product.. 


I'm going to find a way to run my datto on plastic bags. lulz.

Well its a few things... How they are produced, the rate in which they are recycled, how they are recycled etc... and its not just bags its all kinds of plastic items. I dont believe its the govs right to ban any of them but if we sit waiting for people to do the right thing we are going to be swimming in the shit. 


I want to run my datto on cigarette butts, number one litter in the world. Free fuel for ever!!!! lol 


Also fuck China, I'm so sick of their over populating, over polluting, undercutting, pirating bullshit. They are going to be the ruin of us all watch. I just hope they destroy themselves 1st.

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Well its a few things... How they are produced, the rate in which they are recycled, how they are recycled etc... and its not just bags its all kinds of plastic items. I dont believe its the govs right to ban any of them but if we sit waiting for people to do the right thing we are going to be swimming in the shit. 


I want to run my datto on cigarette butts, number one litter in the world. Free fuel for ever!!!! lol 


just wait till 2015, theres this guy i know, goes by the name Emmett brown, going to make a fortune in the fusion industry, has a car that runs on trash, travels in time also i believe (you got to pay extra for it)

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You know they would assassinate him 1st lol. the real docu would have black water agents chasing him not the Arabs lol 

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Also fuck China, I'm so sick of their over populating, over polluting, undercutting, pirating bullshit. They are going to be the ruin of us all watch. I just hope they destroy themselves 1st.


Stop buying cheap shit, don't go to WallMart then.

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Stop buying cheap shit, don't go to WallMart then.


theres no escape, china owns us. Even if you stop buying they are the owners of our debts and as such when those loans are called in were ruined if we arnt already (i believe we are).


China can dictate our future since they are the majority share-holders so to speak.


If the USA goes down the crapper, canada will be pulled into the swirling bowl of doom aswell, and well mexico....mexico already got flushed 40 years ago.


The whole world is going down the porcelain throne, one nation at a time. But i will spare the apocalyptic preaching.



Just enjoy the time you have with your friends family and datsun, make sure your right with Jesus and ultimately everything will be fine.



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