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Nissan Project 370Z vs 1970 Datsun 240Z with RB26 Track Battle!

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I liked it.  Haha, the owner of the 240 even has the matching hair of the 70's for his car...


Of course if you strip newer cars of there options, and leave the technology... well, it should be better...  If there was a budget., Brand new Z and then add the upgrade vs old Z with upgrades... best bang for the buck would be early Z...  Pluse, noone cares about new cars here, anyone and everyone can get them.  And they have no character or love behind the build...  No pride or passion behind the 370, where was its owner???

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Right. The 370 was built by the forum bench racers of nobodies, from Trollville... and the 240, by one guy and his vision of what he wanted. ...  And you will get more thumbs up and acknowledgment out of a early Z, over the new Z and, any one douchebag with money can have...  You will quickly grow tierd for your "New" design and sell it for the next "new" one that gets regurgitated back into the masses for yet another prissy with a never ending story of how much he paid for it...

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The 370z definitely sounded mean, but I'd still take the 240z any day of the week.  And actually, I think the RB26 sounded way better for the exhaust note.  Straight sixes just sound gooood.  They should bring out the next new Z with a straight six again.

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The 240 is one of my all time dream cars. One I am inching closer to owning. But the 370 is an impressive machine. The thing is though, is that the 370 was essentially built with no limit on what could be done. No limits on tech or money and yet it was beaten in one category by and barely beat out the 240 in two others. Mr MacSwain(?) built a badass 240 no doubt about it, and it was a labor of love, not the result of a poll.

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I frikin loved that build on the 240. Nice wheels, nice color, Great engine swap. And the guy built it in his garage. Don't have anything to say about the other car.


I have to say that back when I did alot of Auto X I drove a friends 350 that had a few mods and an LSD. I was faster in his car than my 240.

But I would never give up my 240 Just too much fun...

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Two badass cars imo. Honestly though, the results are about what I would expect. The 240 was setup for autocross, so that should naturally be it's forte. The 370, while it had a lot of money dumped into it, probably wasn't completely sorted out for any of the tests. With a better driver, the braking would be better with the 240, but then at the same time they would be braking even later with the 370. One day, I hope to have both cars in the driveway again.


I'm happy the 240 did so well though. It's always fun to see how the old cars can still stick it to the new ones when properly done. And it was very very nice!

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Hi guys

Thanks for the kind words about the 240Z. Had a blast in Vegas. Don't be too critical about the driver. Not an easy task to have you practice driving filmed and edited into the final video. Not to mention jumping from 2013 cockpit into 1970's and back and forth. Anyway...

It's all about the story and not much about the competition. I love my Z and it seems that the rest of the world is finally figuring out what we new for years... Datsun rules!



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Hi guys

Thanks for the kind words about the 240Z. Had a blast in Vegas. Don't be too critical about the driver. Not an easy task to have you practice driving filmed and edited into the final video. Not to mention jumping from 2013 cockpit into 1970's and back and forth. Anyway...

It's all about the story and not much about the competition. I love my Z and it seems that the rest of the world is finally figuring out what we new for years... Datsun rules!



I loved the Z I think it did great what made it better was you build it, I wish they would have picked another host to do the show.
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Glad to see ya here, Gordon. Do you have any ohter Datsuns? Or is the Z THE car for you?



I'm going to finish the Z and get started on a 510, maybe a goon. I cant wait to get started on that. Still looking for the right car. I do spend a lot of time on Ratsun, lurking around. I have been here for years. Just don't post a lot.



I wish they would have picked another host to do the show.


He was so nice to me and tried to make me feel comfortable. There was about 25 people, lawyers, camera, lighting, all standing there staring at us. He was actually pretty cool. Not many drivers can make the switch to hosting a show.




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Decent video... if I may ask, did they throw a value out for their price for their build? What have you spent on it over those 3 years?


Seems it only barely beat you and depending on the amount of money put into it, it may not have even been worth it. Id pick an S30 every time. 

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I have every receipt for every part. I am scared to add it up.


They only stuff I had other people do was the roll bar, the exhaust, and the paint. I figured the roll bar was cheaper to have somebody else do it. I probably would have bent 5 mile of tubing before I got it to fit. Same for the stainless exhaust.The paint was with a friend and I spent 5K on that. No down draft, baked on finish. Just buddy and his garage. I cannot imagine how much it would cost to have somebody else do it.


Their 370 was incredible inside and out. The turbo setup was insane with screamer pipes dumping the waste. It was built for racing. I cannot imagine what they spent on it.

Big bucks. Steve Lam was the wrench. He's from LA. Cool guy. Nissan owns the Z. Its a Mule they used and gave it to him to modify. Steve was under some pretty big pressure.



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That was a cool video to watch. So far as I am concerned the 240 was the winner. No power steering, ABS, or traction control and it still did that well, and even beat the 370 in Autocross! AWESOME!

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