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1972 datsun wagon

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No need to act that way with everyone, if we didn't take the forum seriously there wouldn't be one for you to come to for information. Use what info there already is here and move on we don't need people with a bad attitude and think were a holes for not spoon feeding you.

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I get home for work and read this! Thanks for the Ollz. OP use the search button other wise you look like an idiot. Search google with a question and add ratsun to it.




If this is a troll, your talking to one of the masters of the site. (Don't know if that's good or bad)




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No need to act that way with everyone, if we didn't take the forum seriously there wouldn't be one for you to come to for information. Use what info there already is here and move on we don't need people with a bad attitude and think were a holes for not spoon feeding you.
wasnt trying to get "spoon fed" or piss anyone off just not a big on how to use the web as much as people do just wanted to find hard to find parts

So sorry for snapping before

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wasnt trying to get "spoon fed" or piss anyone off just not a big on how to use the web as much as people do just wanted to find hard to find parts

So sorry for snapping before

Nice retraction (not)


Insert girly crying emoticon here.


I've posted my last comment in your useless thread, Yebra8, your what I politey refer to as a "retrospective abortion candidate".


Bye bye :)

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I am starting a new project and was wondering if anyone had some input. I am putting a s13 sr20det into my 1972 datson 510 wagon I have the whole motor. What else will indeed to get it going

drive shaft, shorter i think...custom crossmember, harness, trans mount (custom) , patience, thick skin and pics                        










































-if you want moar info here,  

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wow, you guys are a little hard-on the new guy. kudos Maybe Yebra8 don't know that you can google that info by putting  s13 sr20det ratsun in the search bar. It will bring up the info needed~ maybe. Here's what came up. https://www.google.com/webhp?source=search_app#hl=en&gs_rn=7&gs_ri=psy-ab&gs_mss=s13%20sr20det%20ra&tok=1_MzopB5gm9Yf7FdJCuoaQ&cp=18&gs_id=u&xhr=t&q=s13+sr20det+ratsun&es_nrs=true&pf=p&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&oq=s13+sr20det+ratsun&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,d.b2U&fp=66e4fd86a5ac38f8&biw=1024&bih=649

Just make sure whatever info your looking for, that you put Ratsun at the end. Hope this helps you get started on your project. Good luck and please post pic's of it. We are pic's whores also.


Also you going to need some gloves and a hard skin around here, believe me. Don't take anything personal. Welcome to Ratsun.  



posting this because we like looking and fapping at pretty women also. :thumbup: . 


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yes it was and u didn't see the small word. I was being a little sarcastic, well trying.


I didn't want to go full blown azzhole to start my day off. lol 


small word

 kudos = excepted because it's normal around here sometimes.  :devil:

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yes it was and u didn't see the small word. I was being a little sarcastic, well trying.


I didn't want to go full blown azzhole to start my day off. lol 


small word

 kudos = excepted because it's normal around here sometimes.  :devil:

lol didnt see the tiny letters i think i need to get my eyes checked 


regardless there is no point in there being ANOTHER (actually he started 2 one in the engine section as well) thread on the subject when its been covered over and over and over  and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over 

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#1 ~ lol didnt see the tiny letters i think i need to get my eyes checked 


#2 ~ regardless there is no point in there being ANOTHER (actually he started 2 one in the engine section as well) thread on the subject when its been covered over and over and over  and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over 

#1 didn't realize ur eye's were bad, sorry aboot that, I'll use the size 10 for now on. Not sure what your age is but you should have them checked. I wear glasses now but only when I drive, should of had them checked 20 years ago. 


#2 seen that, he can run but can not hide on Ratsun. The info is here on the form, he / they / whoever / newbie's just got to dig for it. That's what I do when I need info. I have found info that I need later, it pays to do a lot of reading. 

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Hey man, FYI ... If you quote someone, please put some space between the quote and your reply ... (My first week on this site) #Im just saying



Good one home boy!!!

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