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Project: Body Work

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Wtf this is ratsun right...... Dude u wear girl jeans and wear middle school tee shirts that look like there made by big dog when there on u ...... Try being thirty five where taking a shit makes u tired and some times u sit there so long u r legs fall asleep.....



I used to play hoops everyday after I finished college ball that did wonders...... Now I'm like u..... Saying I wanna and maybe doing a few times but petering out after a week or so for some Datto work party ....




Lol when I saw the thread I was like body work huh, Not even one text about any tips or help.... This fucking guy is too much bit then I came in and checked my balls at page one and picked up a copy of men's health

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JRock you crack me up... I figured with a title like that I would get the most traffic. Plus, it is a true title. I actually almost out this is Non-Datsuns Projects, but at the last second didn't.


Well, today was counter productive as I ate nothing but greasy crap all day for Christmas. Luckily I can do ish out the week eating whatever I want and then start Monday. It's not the 1st, but close enough.


Also, I've thought about taking weekly mirror oics of myself to track progress. Figured it might motivate me some as I can see what i look like. Plus, in the end I'll have a sweet slideshow of progress.

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  • 1 month later...
How is the weight loss going? Hopefully you are keeping up with this and have dropped about 5 pounds by now in a healthy and efficient way.


Hey, so far so good... Ive stopped drinking soda for the most part and have been running often (though not as often as I would like). My work schedule has been weird so I havent been able to keep a steady rhythm that I was initially planning. Its only been a short time so nothing substantial yet, but Im hopeful. 


Thanks for keeping track!

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I'm trying to drink up to a gallon of water a day only have a soda once in a long while because they taste so much better when you haven't had one in a long time. My plan Is to get in shape drop all the fat once in shape start lifting again. My best friend just dropped a lot of weight got himself in shape and is using this supplement called blitz said it let's get the job done when working out.


On a other note another of my friends that was serving in the army lost a leg in combat he called himself the strongest cripple, he did it all natural no muscle supplement stuff and did it in months.



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  • 1 month later...

^^^ That's awesome ArcheTypeDatsun and good plan !

Blitz huh ? that's cool.


Just wanted to update the thread and "encourage those who haven't" or wished they have started/get back into it :)


Have been doing jogging off and on In the mornings ... stopped for 3-weeks :rolleyes:

Started lifting weights again after about 1 year hiatus (well have some in-between but not consistent enough to count)

(1 session .. not very heavy ,,, just to get back in the swing of things 2 days ago ,,,, felt alive again muahahahah :devil:


Tonight ... I picked up the L28 Longblock engine stradled against my chest from the back of my truck (less flywheel and crank pulley) ...

and ... walked over about 30ft into the garage with EASE then set it down on a dolly. (tricky coming down because center of gravity shifts as arms are extending out/body bent over some lol)


Didn't feel a thing and could easily do 3-4 more like that lol.

No not a smart idea , but had tested lightly before fully picking up (since pushing it around was so easy lol)


Don't care whether any of you think it's true or not lol ^^^

Point is ,,, get in shape ,,, always long-warmup and long-cool down ,,, lift slow and correct form ,,, and  a lot of things .. fall in place after.

Cars are MUCH easier to work on as well as we all know :D


Point is ,,, Walk , jog , run , use machines , body weight resistance training , toning , bulk ,,, do what fits your needs.

Just get out there and do something :) no pressure and at your own pace


Good luck !!!

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Hey, glad to see this updated. Ive done a decent job of keeping with it. I took the last month or so off due to school, but will be getting back to it this week. Ive got a fitness assessment for the Navy coming up, so I have to make sure Im ready for that. 

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Hey, glad to see this updated. Ive done a decent job of keeping with it. I took the last month or so off due to school, but will be getting back to it this week. Ive got a fitness assessment for the Navy coming up, so I have to make sure Im ready for that. 


Good. Keep with it and you shall be :thumbup:

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Ive never failed one yet so Im not worried... Ive even done one still drunk the night before while in the 100+ degree Guam weather. 


Now that my schedule is solidified for school and I know what to expect, Ill be able to do it even while going to class. Im hoping by the summer I should be in great shape and exercising with ease. 

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