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Newberg: drivers and stop signs

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I know there's quite a few 'berg datsun guys here... I think??  Haha, but anyway... I drive from Hillsburrito to Salem quite often and take 219 instead of lame 217/I-5.  I've seen quite a few 510's attacking the corners on the 219 mountain pass.  The unfortunate part of this route is I have to go through Newberg.


Newberg drivers do not seem to understand stop signs, or are so selfish of their on needs they'll blatantly pull out right in front of you, barely stopping at a sign... just so they can get in front of you.  Doesn't matter what I'm driving, my Starion, 80's mitsu van, or my wife's Infiniti... they cannot wait an extra 5 seconds for me to pass, even though there aren't any cars behind me they have to be in front!!


Many moons ago, 7am in the morning, I'm cruising at 40mph (speed limit) on a main road.  I see this mini van on a side road come up to a stop sign, slowing to stop... the woman driver sees me and then pulls out right in front of me instead of stopping.  She doesn't even try to accelerate fast... and manages to get it up to 25MPH WTF.  I slow down fairly rapidly to not rear end her and honk.  She tries to brake check me, and I get pissed and floor it around her.  Then she tailgates me, and takes a picture of my car... for what I don't know, but to piss her off even more I take a picture of her, with flash lol.  Oh yeah, she had her kids in the van too.


The other day at the Fred Meyer's parking lot/gas station, this mid 40's lady floored it through a 4 way stop without stopping, as I was turning left, so she could get ahead in line for gas.  WTF.  I honked, didn't stop for her, but floored it around her and got in front.  Then she sits behind me, in line for gas, holding her horn... probably screaming and waving her arms but I didn't see because my back window was fogged.  Oh well, she eventually reversed and drove like a jackass to a different line.


Last night, another four way stop, I'm about to come to a complete stop when this red pos Pontiac is pulling up to the stop line... he sees me, and then floors it to get ahead.  In the middle of rush hour traffic... blantant and pointless.


There are just a few accounts off the top of my head.  There have been so many more.  Out of so many cities I've been driving in, Newberg is HORRIBLE for drivers not stopping and pulling out in front of you.  Everytime I drive though, I expect someone to ignore a stop sign somehow.  Could be lack of cops, even though I did have to wait at a four way stop while 20 police motorcycles all ran the stop sign as some sort of douche bag cop parade motorcycle gang.  Maybe the problem is women drivers... lol.


So, what do you newberg residents have to say for yourselves?!  Kidding.  Is it just me or have you noticed this as well??



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Almost funny. I say that because I grew up and graduated there. You don't know how much I miss HWY 219. Every time I'm back in town and a friend has a new toy or suspension mod we head for 219. I bet every 510, 911, 914, etc. with in a 100 miles of there has been over that mountain on 219. I don't miss the tractors and farm equipment going through town though.


Maybe if you had a Datsun they would treat you better :poke:

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Haha.  Yeah, defensive driving doesn't mean getting your panties in a bunch after you have been found in the wrong...  And I mean that for the other drivers, not you Komeuppance.


And DaBlist, my experience is that people always try to muscle you around if you drive a small car.  I find the same thing to be true if you drive an old car.  I have to really put my foot down in my goon to keep from being run off the road.  People hate small old cars for some reason?

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Maybe if you had a Datsun they would treat you better :poke:

Haha... but if I drove a datto I wouldn't have enough power to floor it around these people. Jokes!!


Somedays I really have to resist teaching them their wrongs with vigilante retaliation for the sake of "street justice"... somedays I can't resist, probably futile but I still try. Out of all those people I try to "help" if I reach one, then its not all in vain and I've made a difference for the better... LOL. (*sarcasm disclaimer*)



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You know, it snowed a little here the other morning and I was heading to work.  4 lane one way in the valley.  I'm in the 3rd lane, going 40ish (30 mph limit) and I see a Durango flying up the 4th lane.  So what do I do?  I roll on it in 3rd and kick the rear end out for a few seconds. :)  All of a sudden the driver in the Durango realized it was slippery and slowed the fuck down.  Lulz.

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I see dumb shit like that ALL the time in ATL. Worst drivers on the planet.



My mom and I were headed to AZ so we could get some stuff for her KIA. On the way down Hurt (appropriately named) road, some African (not calling him black, he's literally African) asshole that works from BS real estate company were pulled half ass into the grass on the side of the road, with the rear of their car poking out into the road forcing traffic to cross the center line into oncoming traffic to get around, on a blind corner. We honked as we went around, and got a honk back, and the finger... WTF???


Then theres this guy... at the grocery store. Parks next to a clearly marked sign facing the wrong directing........ I almost wanted to knock on his window and ask him if he was drunk, blind, or stupid because either way he shouldn't be driving. 



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Sign says no parking, not no stopping... Brakes on, car in drive is technically stopped, not parked.


Biggest problem in Oregon, first 2-3 weeks of rain every year, Oregon forgets how to drive in the rain.


He had it there for about 20 minuets in park, (tail lights you see.) His wife was inside shopping and he was there the entire time I was. 



Funny how people forget to drive in the rain, when all it does is rain up there. 

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Sign says no parking, not no stopping... Brakes on, car in drive is technically stopped, not parked.


Biggest problem in Oregon, first 2-3 weeks of rain every year, Oregon forgets how to drive in the rain.


"first 2-3 weeks of rain every year", hmmm, I dont remember it ever stopping raining.

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