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New Photobucket layout sucks

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Holy crap, I LOVE this forum!! You guys come to the rescue & rock it out!! Time to post a pic using the ORIGINAL Photobucket layout...................




Yup, back to the norm of life!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I changed it back too. When you change it back they ask you why, so you can voice your opinion.


It does suck... You can change it back at least for now... I remember when ebay would try new layouts and I would hate them and go back to the old ones. I would tell them what I thought, and eventually it would still end up the new with no way to go back... It is was it is.

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Ooo I didn't know you could change it back to the old version. I hate the new one too. You have to click on your image for it to show the codes you copy and paste. Took me a minute to figure it out when I first got in there. Can't stand it when they make things more complicated. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Add your upgrades but don't change the dang interface. I will leave comments too when I change back. Glad you started this thread yenpit.

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  • 1 month later...



#1 - The albums use to display the entire photos. Now, they only show a CROPPED PORTION of each. - So you have to click on each photo and go to a NEW PAGE just to view it. - I use it to share my photography and have over 200 shots so that means a visitor would have to click 200 times PLUS another 200 times to keep going back to the album just to see my work.


#2 - And around each CROPPED PHOTO, they put these POINTLESS FRAMES around them! - Aww How pretty! Yeah, that's just what everybody wanted! Sooo much beter now....


#3 - The albums use to display SIX pics per row (of the FULL photos) and now they only display FOUR. And if you open the stupid albums tab, it reduces it to a lousy THREE pics per row! - What a waste of space! The actual pictures only take up 50% of the screen!


#4 - They've made the albums tab HIDDEN! - So new visitors who aren't familiar with Photobucket might not even realize that I have other albums!


I totally agree with everyone. Photobucket has made a HUGE MISTAKE with this new layout. I HATE IT!!! I hope their company crumbles to the ground and it WILL if they don't listen to their users and KEEP THE OLD PHOTBUCKET!!!

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I don't know why these site owners and designers think redesigning their site all the time makes it "better". I get sick of these so called improvements. Luckily photobucket will allow you to return to the old layout. I just removed the ESPN app from my phone because so called improvements made it impossible to use and ruined it. I now use CBS sports caster! I stop using car domain for the same reason. "Improvements" ruined the site and made it a pain to use. Facebook is about to do the same and make me delete them.

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can we turn one of the treads into a photobucket rant s thread ....so theres not multiples.......i vote for waynos thread...



fyi everyone always thinks change is good but its not always the case...my take on photobucket is great concept and terrible execution.....it slows my computer down....to a crawl when open

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yeah but why not just a photobucket rant and fixes thread instead of ,  like i do ,  and post a thread that say photobucket is pfffttt...every five minutes..


fyi photobucket is working albeit differently then before ... but its been working for me ... still a computer killer while open though.... no fixing that ...



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cause i have like a shit load of threads on other forums and here all with pics and all with photobucket... i tried both flicker and picassa... i liked picassa from a user stand point but posting on line wasn't as easy when i tried.....and flicker wont even let u post a pic of a tit with out swiping it.....so how could i ever contribute to post tits....thread....plus like i said i love photobuckets ease of use my only complaints are the bogging issue and the new layout as stated sux.....i remember when the new lay out frost came out i tried to organize my pics and usually you can hold ctrl and select multiple images well it wouldn't let u ....since then its back to normal...but moving one image at a time is slow going...like i said i reverted back to the old layout and everything has been fine since that ....


please don't confuse this with the thread i started about ratsun and posting images.......mine is a ratsun issue not a pb issue...mine still works differently every time i try to post a pic on ratsun now it asks me if its ok to allow the site access to my clip board .... which it never did before...and yes when i click the toggle in the corner it still gray scales out my hole menu board and nothing is accessible...but lately i haven't had to go into more reply options to post pics ... it will now do it from quick reply which it wouldn't when that issue was happening...im just sharing my experiences zilla and im sorry if for some reason thats hard for u to understand....

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> when i click the toggle in the corner it still gray scales out my hole menu board and nothing is accessible...


It is a noted Ratsun issue. See http://community.ratsun.net/topic/50139-ratsun-forum-issuesgot-issues-post-emeerr-site-issues/page-4?do=findComment&comment=817051


Thats not an issue; thats the actual coding of the forum itself. Every site Ive been on that has the BBcode toggle will disable the option to click on the buttons and will only let you type. When you flick that toggle your in "code mode" which the site assumes you know... so if you want to put a picture up, you have to manually type in  Its not a flaw, but actual design

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