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New and WTB; advice, help, suggestions!

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Hello, I'm new to Datsun cars and this forum. I am a 17 (18 in November) year old female in Los Angeles, California. I currently have a 2000 Honda Civic EX coupe, commuting 15 miles via highway for school (once a week) and 5-8 miles via city for work (everyday) but I'm very interested in the classic Datsun cars (two door and automatic preferably) and hearing about all the low maintenance required for the classics.


My first question: Why do Datsun cars require such low maintenance?

2. How many miles per gallon can these classics get?

3. How much would insurance be? My current being about $30/month.


I like the shark looking car on the banner for the website, but I don't know which model that is. I'll leave it from there. Hopefully, you can ask me questions too so I can get an idea of what I want. Thank you! :)

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I would say that newer cars need less maintenance. Longer between oil changes and tune ups and not much goes wrong with them on average BUT when it does you are screwed. The average person today has no idea or way to fix their new cars. They are all electronic. They are totally at the mercy of the dealer or their mechanic. Little sensors cost hundreds of dollars and labor here is close to $100 an hour.


The beauty of older Datsuns is that you can look at them and diagnose the problem... even if you can't fix it you can often at least get home. They are simple and with few electronics. (if any) Only two things are needed for the motor to run. Gas (fuel delivery) and spark. (ignition) If you have one and fix the other it will almost certainly start. Try figuring that out on an '80 or newer car. The best cure for future problems is preventative maintainance today. Replace worn parts on time and the old Datsuns are remarkably reliable.


I would say that you have to take some initiative and learn about your Datsun. Knowing about it means you can fix and maintain it yourself. For you, I would keep driving the civic for work (reliable and cheap on gas) and have the Datsun when you have time to drive and enjoy it. (and all the looks and thumb's up you'll get)


The artwork at the top of the page is Fisch's "Street Fighter" modeled on a WWII fighter plane used in SE Asia. It is a 510. Mileage for a 510 would be in the high 20s and others will depend on engine size and weight.


The P-40 Warhawk with Flying Tiger 'colors'


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1. How the eff do you get $30 insurance as a 17 year old?

2. When do you turn 18?

3. Use google image to look up these Datsun models: 411, 510, 521, 610, 620, 710. There's many more, but these are my favorites.

4. Welcome to Ratsun. Unless you're an old hairy dude posing as a teenaged female. Cuz that's sick, and most of us aren't into that.

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1. How the eff do you get $30 insurance as a 17 year old?

2. When do you turn 18?(haha take it easy)

3. Use google image to look up these Datsun models: 411, 510, 521, 610, 620, 710. There's many more, but thats my favorite.

4. Welcome to Ratsun. Unless you're an old hairy dude posing as a teenaged female. Cuz that's sick, and most of us aren't into that.(im down if youre a good pretender)

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Listen to datzenmike. I'd like to add that you should look for a car that has been owned by a Datsun enthusiast or one that has had very few different owners. Datsuns were marketed as cheap cars and therefore most had cheap owners who skipped necessary repairs. A Datsun that has had a bunch of ham handed idiots for owners and was never maintained will probably be as unreliable as a Yugo.

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1. How the eff do you get $30 insurance as a 17 year old?

2. When do you turn 18?

3. Use google image to look up these Datsun models: 411, 510, 521, 610, 620, 710. There's many more, but these are my favorites.

4. Welcome to Ratsun. Unless you're an old hairy dude posing as a teenaged female. Cuz that's sick, and most of us aren't into that.


I use Geico and it's about $30 a month.. Eighteen in November. Thanks but I'm not interested in old hairy dudes posing as teenaged anythings. On the honda-tech forums, all there are are 40-60 year old creepy hags. I've seen enough of them.

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Also look up the 240z , 260z , 280z , 280zx.


^^^ Just a note that these particular cars are not maintenance free...in fact really far from it.

I've owned a handful of 240z's and a couple 280zx's.


Nearly all other datsun's will get better gas mileage.

The zcars have larger 6-cylinders.


These are mine/were mine











280zx 2+2

5cb94556.jpg (comfy though)




Gas mileage is anywhere between 15-17 city 19-25 highway on both of these.

Depends on a lot of stuff.

Lots of tinkering needed.. no lie.


Good luck !

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Datsuns are more reliable than other 1960s-1970s cars. But they are still 40 years old, so you will need to learn how to do your own work or it will cost you a lot of money. Many solutions do not involve money, but only time. Unless you take it to a shop, where time = $100/hour.


A large percentage of us on Ratsun are also 40+ years old. But only a few (or maybe only one) are Creepy.

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IM creepy and always looking for a woman(with alot of money).Plus in my 40s where hair is growing out places I never thought would grow. My music I listen too is in the $1.99 section at Walmark

However Datsun are old cars and require maint and could be last owners hack job(usually a kid). then mulitply this by more kids.


You want nice and relaible best to find a bone stock one drving by grandma or pay for a nice one. But You dont have a garage to keep it so in time it will become a beater also. Key is resources. and sore lots of spare parts(garage again,space)


I say pass and keep the Honda.


Better yet buy a Subaru WRX or a non beat 240sx

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Hey I'm 22 so this might help you out a little. I know a lot of Datsun enthusiasts in Colorado A few of them have a stockpile of parts and one of them is an auto mechanic One day we found 5 510's and bought the bundle of them. Since then, I have had to basically redo my entire car from the ground up. Most of my parts were cheap or free as long as I looked for them from the people I have known for years. When I started out I knew nothing about cars and the whole point of getting a 510 was to learn about how cars work.


I got one that had been sitting for 10 years and all the floors were rusted out. If I didn't have the mechanic with a pile of parts willing to help me out I don't think I would have had the money and/or knowledge to fix my car. Not that they are expensive, it's more the I am young and work part time while going to school so pay is crap.


Knowing the Ratsun community and since you are in LA I am sure some people here would be willing to help you out in fixing tips or maybe even fixing the car if you really needed it and are serious about it. You have to be willing to put in work though.



However Datsun are old cars and require maint and could be last owners hack job(usually a kid). then multiply this by more kids.


You want nice and reliable best to find a bone stock one driving by grandma or pay for a nice one. But You don't have a garage to keep it so in time it will become a beater also. Key is resources. and sore lots of spare parts(garage again,space)


I agree with this, you need space resources, and someone who knows what the hell happened if it starts running or driving weird. If you are serious about getting a Datsun I suggest a 510 mostly because mine hasn't had many issues after I put in the initial time to fix everything. If you go through with the idea and get a Datsun when you fix something do it right don't be that hack job kid he is talking about. Hack jobs and cutting corners only cause more problems in the end.

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RUN FROM RUST!!! Find the car with the least rust and outer body damage. I found my B210 in a junkyard, only there because the old fart that had it croaked. I had it makin smoke and noise in 20 minutes. It had sat for a hot minute, so I went through the brakes, stuck 280z wheels with decent tires on it, put a good battery in it, changed the alternator, and started driving it everywhere. And most people seem to love it.


Spend some time and dont buy the first car you see, those are usually junk. Research Datsuns to find the car you want. If you want a Datsun and not a Nissan, 720 trucks seem to be the most common around here anyway. Lots of Zcars too, but that fuel injection is alien technology to me.


I like my 75 B210, even if it is a little underpowered. Everything is simple. points and a weber carb. ANybody can fix points...seriously. Gap em with a matchbook, problem solved. Carbs are commonly available as long as you arent a cheapskate like me.


Spend some cash on a good car to begin with and you wont have to spend 10x as much reviving a turd.

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Anytime you buy a car, especially a vintage car, buy the best you can find. Pay the extra money and get a better car. Definitely run from rust. Cars with stock or similar to stock engines (ie: Datsun L16, L18, L20 4cyl are all similar) will typically give you less problems than a car that has had a major engine swap like an SR20DET or KA24DE. Also, keep in mind that older cars drive differently than newer Honda's. Figure out which model you want, and then find someone locally that will let you drive their car to see if you still like it. In general vintage cars are more noisy inside and out, especially with performance or aftermarket exhaust. They also don't heat and cool as well. Any vintage car will take more maintenance than a newer car, if you stay on top of the maintenance, you can usually avoid problems. I prefer the '68-73 Datsun 510 (aka "Dime"). It's a sedan with a real back seat, but the soul of a sports car. bazai510(hainz) mentioned the Subaru WRX, I've got one of those too. In My opinion, it's the modern Datsun 510: It's a versatile sedan (or wagon in my case) with the heart and soul of a sports car.


By the way, there are some of us on here under 40 years old, not harry, and not any more of a pervert than your average male! :thumbup:

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