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engine sat for 20 years = fun times


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So, the a14 in my '80 210 sat since the 90's.. I changed the oil and filter, and with a fresh battery it seemed to turn over energetically. The stock wiring has some weird issues so I've just been direct wiring everything to see if I can get it to work. I cut the pigtail from the dizzy and wired it to a fresh coil. .I confirmed there was spark. I got the engine to run for a moment on ether.


And then, the engine started to resist turning over, seeming to get stuck. I figured it was a low battery after all that starting, so I recharged the battery and came back another day. Even with a strong battery the engine was very reluctant to turn over. I'm wondering is some rust on the inside is making the engine stick?.. or is the ancient oil pump not pumping (yeah I need to pull the cover and see)?


What are the likely gotchas in an engine that sat so long?.. any tips on how I ought to proceed so I don't f-ck it up? I don't have a garage, so I'd prefer not to pull the engine if I don't have to.


Thanks always-

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After sitting that long, you might want to pull the plugs and spin it till you get some oil presure built up. I pull the valve cover and spin it till there is oil flowing up top. Does the motor move by hand?

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After sitting that long, you might want to pull the plugs and spin it till you get some oil presure built up. I pull the valve cover and spin it till there is oil flowing up top. Does the motor move by hand?

Mystery oil down the holes and let it soak over night


Both offer good advice. I do both, usually with ATF or Mystery oil down the cylinders (not a lot), and definitely crank the motor without plugs in it to verify oil flow first.

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How would I know if there was water in the cylinders? With the plugs removed, would it be squirting out?


Next paycheck = new starter and Marvel + new stuff from the parts board here : )


If the engine turns out to be usable, and the radiator too, then it'll be on to replacing the rotted hydraulic clutch cylinders.. and then brake fun.


I do love how simple the car is.. and how easy it is to reach everything in the engine compartment.

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How would I know if there was water in the cylinders? With the plugs removed, would it be squirting out?.


Yes. The resistance to turning it over by hand is a clue that you need to pull the sparkplugs, disconnect the coil and crank the engine. If the sparkplug holes either squirt water [worst case] or are wet [not all that bad] you have water in that / those cylinders.

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One year with water in the cylinder I'd throw away.


Think about it... if it was cranking alright, Why would it suddenly become harder to crank? What? the water was asleep for 20 years and woke up and decided to get in the way????

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Well, it ran for more like one second on ether..


No time to play with the Datsun today.. when wasn't at work had to troubleshoot my girlfriend's RAV4 throwing an oxygen sensor error.. hope that's the sensor and not the cat.. thankfully we don't have to worry about such things in Datsun world..

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Step by step:

1)Pour Mystery oil in holes and let soak.

2)breaker bar on crank bolt and turn engine over S-L-O-W-L-Y.With plugs out,not much resistance should be felt and it should be smooth

3)turn it over by hand 5-6 times

4)Douche out the fuel system.This means drop the tank and clean it good.Make sure carb is clean.

5)new plugs,put fuel & fire to it and light it off.

6)Check for leaks.Just 'cause you see water -don't panic.It could be a freeze plug or something else stupid.

7)Once it's running and up to temp,Seafoam the snot out of it.

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