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Wife wants a divorce... But I get to keep my Datsun!

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my neighbor cooks his steaks also frozen and when it's done, it taste Fnnnn great. It's tender and juicy. Always thought your suppose to un- thaw your meat 1st.


go figure...




lol, taint, I won't go their. lolz

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It all comes down to procedure. I make a thermos of tea at work for when I'm out in the field. I found a measuring cup filled with hot tap water and microwaved for 3:40 sec. is just perfect. It's hot enough to enjoy but cool enough you don't burn yourself if in a hurry. Once I got it right I just do the same every morning.

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Excellent...lid from bean can is removed

Was camping as a young teenager with some friends....decided to put a large can of beans on the fire to heat it up.

Forgot about it...until......KA FUCK'N BOOM

Peppered the immediate area and tent, which included us.....with some 'slow baked beans'... :frantics: ...... :lol:

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marinate your frozen steak in warm beer...like microwave the beer and soak it in a dish.....but yes cook the steak thawed.....mikes right, nothing like cutting through volcanic crust tio find med rare ....






edit dont micro wave a can of beer ...pour beer into microwaveable safe container and warm it up....forgot ur girl left, no one wants a beersplosion

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  • 1 month later...

Just find an ugly girl with a great ass and have her cook for ya,, all the while getting some revenge nookie. Then when she gets tired of the bullshit,, kick her to the curb and have the satisfaction of initiating the breakup. Idunno,, seems like a good idea to me anyways.

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My wife left too, a year ago now actually.


I do kind of miss having a steady girl friend, but things aren't so bad. My ex gave me the "cars or me" bullshit. I sold the car and chose her, she left a month later. In the last year I've had more girl friends and pussy then ever before. And the great part is, I get to keep doing my datsun shit. I don't have to hear "You spend more time working on your cars then you do with me". I can come and go as I please, do what I want, whenever I want. Don't go chasing her down, man. You shouldn't have to fight someone to be with you. They should want to, if not let them go. You also shouldn't have to change yourself, either. Do your thing, sooner or later someone will dig it and want to be a part of it.


Take your time to get your head straight and get that divorce done and over. You're young and you'll bounce back quick.

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It's all compromise, give and take. If you have a low tolerance for giving then find someone that's the same... you will get what you deserve.


If you marry, marry your best friend. A friend will forgive and forget what a lover won't.

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Women are just hard to figure out. Not divorced yet just seperated.... And still in the same house together. Some days are great and others I might as well be home by myself. Just seeing what's gonna come out of it. Still hope most days but we'll see what happens.



I work on my Datsun to keep me sane and been going to meets to get more ratsun in my week. So one good thing is my truck is getting allot more work done to it than it's had in a long time

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Optimistically a separation is a breather while you work on fixing your marriage. Being apart gives time to reflect on what it's like to be apart and some practice on getting along together. It also cuts the other way and prepares for divorce. Sort of like a reverse engagement. Sometimes it's financially difficult to actually live apart and this can be very stressful. I know a couple that are separated but live together and have been for years. If separated and living together I urge you to seek marriage counseling together with your wife or go alone. It's usual to be single or married. Separated is a form of limbo being neither. Find out if worth fixing or moving on. Life is too short.

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