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Datsun Picture Game

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I seen on Another Forum for Integras Awhile back they had a Picture game going on with theyre cars that you had to take a pic of your car next to whatever the challenge was of the previous picture...was Wondering if there was anything like that up here on Ratsun? or if anybody Would Participate in such Events? Just an idea maybe we can start something up if not? ^_^



Edit to add rules:



Ok So heres how you Play, if anyone is Interested. So Someone Starts off With a Picture of there Choice then they have to Put a Challenge Under there Picture Stating Where they would like to See Another Datsun at, And then Someone trys to Get a Pic of theyre Datsun Next to Whatever That Challenge of the previous Picture May Be. the Intention of this Game is SImply to Have fun and maybe Snap a Pic for a Challenge Whatever you May be Doing.


Reposting This Thread Since my Other one was Kind of Just asking about it.





!) Pictures must be taken while OUTSIDE of your Car.


2)After any comment, please put the current challenge at the bottom so everyone can stay up to date. (just makes it easier)


3)No Rolling Shots


4)No Illegal Challenges


5)No Duplicate Challenges

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