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Doty (Deal of the year)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey thanks for the hospitality this weekend at canby! Had a blast! Let's do it again next year yah? Haha BTW BADASS DIME. Almost as cool as your 521 lol ;)


no problem.  we had fun hanging with you and your girl. yea lets do it again next year! and thanks.


only took one picture of most cars at the show sorry




all good. it looks sweet. thank for the pic and part.

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Wut!.....there's never enough!!!

Haha. True. I'm gonna take the truck to busta nuts shop later today and see what's rattling around near the wheels.


Hobo - I hear ya. I probly would still be unpacked if not for my girlfriend wanting to have a clean house. Lol

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Been lagging on the updates so here's a recap.


Noticed my passenger front side maker wasn't lighting up anymore so I took the lense of to change the bulb. Not a good surprise. So I left I for now. Will fix soon.



Replaced pinion gear for speedo. Blue one is the replacement. Finally have a working speedo!



Left my lights on all night one evening and drained the battery. Jumped it the next day with the truck and was working fine.



Till the day after when the battery had died again and left me stranded at an REI parking lot. I got a jump and hightailed it to busta nuts shop where he hooked me up with a new battery just in time for the long haul to canby.



Made it to Salem where the rain awaited us.



Camped out at Silver Falls Thursday night.



Went for a hike and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.



Made it canby Friday afternoon and gave her a good wash.



And here she is looking pretty at the show.



Now you're all caught up.

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