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Boaty's '79 King Cab

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Eh, decided against it. They don't leak, and they are sealed in there really well. I see no reason to pull them out if they are all good only to put new ones back in - plus they are only a few years old.


Anyways here's some block clean-up pics.




Every time I pop the manifolds off I cringe thinking about how I haven't ripped out a die grinder to port-match the head to the intake. Obvious gains could be had but I'm just too lazy. Plus there's nothing wrong with bottom end, right? :D



24-hour soak in Chem-Dip solvent. I love this stuff. It's not so caustic as to eat metal away but it'll strip whatever is on something, off of it. Including the cad plating in 24 hours apparently. It's all good. They'll all get anti-seized before I reassemble anyways. I just like all my stuff to be clean. Hell if I had the option and money, they'd all be brand new from Nissan... something about brand new plated bolts that juts look good. :D




This little bugger has met it's last days. I never extracted it years ago when I should have, but it's never leaked anywhere around this area so I didn't really stress over it. Only that there's a hole without a bolt in the timing cover. So I suppose I shall try and get it out of there now... if I fail, oh well. Like I said, doesn't leak.



Anyways, once I buy some more brakleen and after a bit more wire brushing & such, I'll be painting it (VHT Satin Black). I'll definitely get pictures of that.

i'm also going to start cleaning up everything else and start sanding and polishing... valve cover will be last, but I'm going to start working on the timing cover and miscellaneous bits first.



Hey - question for you guys.

What water outlet do you use that doesn't have the nipple for the manifold feed tube? This head doesn't even have water port provisioning so I don't know why I still have water running up to it... I plan to remove that and plug the manifold. I can't remember if it's early 240Z or 280zx... if somebody can tell me that'd be cool. If somebody has one laying around, that'd even be better. Eliminates one more useless hose!

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I have an L16 thermostat housing so it doesn't have that shit. The SU's have the water provisioning, but the head does not. I've always connected it because it was there and was too lazy to track down the Z-car water outlet that only has one nipple going to the heater. Oh well it's the least of my concerns at the moment.


Rest of the block is painted now. The GM Satin black is coming out more and more like gloss black, but whatever. Easier to clean? :D

I'll give it a day to rest and cure out, and in the mean time I can start working on cleaning up the pulleys and brackets and stuff, and getting those painted.


I love Chem-Dip. Stuff works wonders, especially in the heat we've been having. I like me some nice good clean bits. Nothing is more annoying than working on a disgusting, greasy mess. Why people don't fix and clean their engines like they do the rest of the car is beyond me. Take care of it, and it'll take care of you! Cars have souls, you know.

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Interior after I ripped the carpet out. Grungy!




And all cleaned up, all the dirt removed, wiped down really good (the paint was actually mint under the seats/back half of the cab). Laid down some FatMat and some Low-E (EZ-COOL) insulation I had left over from my 510. I'll have to grab another roll of that stuff. I should have plenty of sound deadener for the rest of the cab... wow what a difference! I will have to hit the roof under the headliner at a later date, because it's now the only panel aside from the doors right now that reverberates like a beer can. Rear floors and the side panels just have a little thud now. Much better.



I also hooked a battery up to the main power to see what I'm going to be working with in the next few weeks wiring-wise. Jesus Christ, all I am going to say is that I effing hate hippie mechanics.

There are wires all stuffed under the dash going nowhere (literally, double terminated grounds that are like 5' long and just screwed on both ends into the cab for grounds... lol).


I only have wipers on high, nothing on low.

Heater fan only blows on high, and sounds like a supercharger. Could be bad fan, could be an obstruction.. haven't ripped the heater box out yet.

I only have one instrument panel light, and it's hanging somewhere under the dash behind the heater controls.

I have no turn signals inside the dash, and only the passenger side exterior lamps work. And fast.

Headlight switch doesn't do anything, I have no lights at the knobs.

If I turn the headlights ON, I have nothing.

If I hit the dimmer switch and turn them on HIGH beam, I have ONE low-beam lamp on the passenger side.

If I turn the headlight switch on, the light gets brighter. 3 of the others do nothing, could be burned out, but I'm going to just assume it's bad wiring.


Looks like I'm going to have to work some BoatMagic™ and get all intimate with the wiring harness, something I was hoping I wouldn't have to do.

I'll start at the fuse box and work my way forward after I clean up all the obvious clusterfucks under the hood... like the one wire going to the high beam, through the firewall, wrapped around the harness 4 or 5 times, and then sinched under one of the fuses.


Damnit I hate hippies sometimes. >.<

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  • 1 month later...

I work graveyard. I no longer have time to do fucking anything, and I sleep all day.

Oh and it's that time of the year again. No shop. No garage. I don't expect it to move any time soon. I wrapped my engine in a plastic bag, which is still out in the rain.


Shows you my motivation level.

And so far I've had one 2-day off back to back success. Every other 2 or 3 days off in a row has included me covering for somebody. And since that happened, I had no opportunity to get anything done before the Oregon chill set in.


Yeah, I'm ranting now. Seats I got were left outside. Rear panel got left outside. Bucket of bolts was left in the rain too. (My clean bolts!!!! :( )

So I haven't even inspected the damage.

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Because Oregon.

Think I am going to buy one of those pop up tent things.


You realize that it snowed on us at work last week, right? Lol. It's NOT warm. And it's gonna be a foggy day tomorrow and in the 60's, so I might get some stuff done. Sleeping during the day without a garage is sucky though. I had to waste this day because I pulled a double all nighter with two shifts, I went to sleep this morning around 11:30, Had been up since Wednesday about 5pm. Killlllin me lol.

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I work graveyard. I no longer have time to do fucking anything, and I sleep all day.

Oh and it's that time of the year again. No shop. No garage. I don't expect it to move any time soon. I wrapped my engine in a plastic bag, which is still out in the rain.


Shows you my motivation level.



That sucks

Squirt some oil in the cylinders and roll it over each week.

IDK how big the engine is ... you can also buy rather large plastic tubs ,,,

The tent idear is much better


Or a car-port pop up kit... and some "temporary" sides to keep things out a bit.

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  • 4 months later...

I looked at it yesterday while working on the 510.
Haven't done anything to it, it sits in my yard - and I have no desire whatsoever to touch the bitch until the weather turns nice. No more working in the damned mud/dirt/snow/rain/whatever, totally done with that. So til the weather turns nice on my days OFF then she will sit until further notice. Unfortunately.

Still need to find seats. Still need to find a 5 speed. Still need to put my L20B back together (just needs front cover/oil pan and gaskets, new water pump and I should prolly get a new oil pump since I accidentally left it out in the snow).

Oh and registration/tags, tires and wheels, etc.

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