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Who's a teamster on here?

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So, I moved to Vegas for a job and it lasted 6 months. After they relieved me of my position a friend of mine talked me into joining the teamsters. I've talked to a few higher ups at a jobsite close to me and they said they will be hiring within the next couple weeks.

Now, my question is, how are the teamsters as far as benefits and so on?

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So, I moved to Vegas for a job and it lasted 6 months. After they relieved me of my position a friend of mine talked me into joining the teamsters. I've talked to a few higher ups at a jobsite close to me and they said they will be hiring within the next couple weeks.

Now, my question is, how are the teamsters as far as benefits and so on?


It looks to me like your fucked..... J/K But I have no input on teamsters. I just hate unions all together.I guess that comes from being a small business owner.


That sucks that they let you go. I thought you worked for Cal trans or some shit like that..

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Nah. I was working for this doche bag that of course promised me all these benefits but when push came to shove he was full of shit. Then he really started looking to get rid of me.


=Teamsters. Only you have to pay dues leading up to getting tossed. Unless you are journeyman xxx and gots mad references. But, right now, a job is a job. Good luck man.

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It looks to me like your fucked..... J/K But I have no input on teamsters. I just hate unions all together.I guess that comes from being a small business owner.


That sucks that they let you go. I thought you worked for Cal trans or some shit like that..


hatered towords unions is misguilded; people have the right organize if they want to. if the government gave more incentives to small businesses instead of subsidizing massive corporations, owners could afford to pay their employees living wages. arguments abouts unions are designed to pit average people like you and i against eachother, while corporations reep the real benifits.

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Oh, I always wanted to be a teamster. So lazy and surly.


Oh boy, you said it brother... I did a stint trying to get on with Consolidated Freightways back in the early 90's, had dock managers (non-union) riding our asses to work faster and fucking veterans brow beating us whilst standing around sucking on lung darts. Would have been the ultimate job had it not been for that particular union. Finally told them all to hug my nut sack. Good money though....

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Unions are self-serving money grubbers. They served their purpose and are now relics


you just proved my point, politicians and BIG business are the epitome of "self-serving money grubbers" but yet you hate the unions? focus it somewhere else, the average american wage has been stagnant for 40 years, while inflation continues to rise. if unions had servered there purpose, minimum wage wouldnt be stuck below the poverty line. until then there will continue to be a need for them

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I know a lot of companies will kill a union as quick as they hear about one forming. I know many companies will fire anyone that even attempts to unionize. I personally do no like them. I am a firm believer that if you work hard and stay out of trouble and kiss a little bit of ass then you have nothing to fear about your job. Unions also drive up the costs because you can be a flunkie working for GM and make 80k a year and be a lazy pile of shit. This is why Escalades cost over 70k (trust me I almost bought one a couple of weeks ago). Also lets not forget that unions were racketeering schemes by the mob as a way of taxing your average man. Americans do not want to buy expensive American made products because the average household income is under 35k per year. This is why I feel everything is made out of the country or outsourced.


I cant blame the union worker because a lot of times you have to be union to even work at specific companies/jobs.


Bring back the days when a person who works hard is rewarded!!!!

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you just proved my point, politicians and BIG business are the epitome of "self-serving money grubbers" but yet you hate the unions? focus it somewhere else, the average american wage has been stagnant for 40 years, while inflation continues to rise. if unions had servered there purpose, minimum wage wouldnt be stuck below the poverty line. until then there will continue to be a need for them

Minimum wage is a joke (both figuratively and literally), and my feelings are the same about big government (which we now have).

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Interesting thread, the only union guys I worked for worked hard as fuck! If I worked with there crew every day I would be ripped, such hard work. I think when it comes to jobs and most everything people will be as lazy as they are and can be. Some people work hard and some don't do much of anything it really has nothing to do with unions. I've worked plenty of places without unions where there are quite a few worthless employes. Unions are good if employees are.

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Americans do not want to buy expensive American made products because the average household income is under 35k per year. This is why I feel everything is made out of the country or outsourced.


everything in america is being outsourced because no business unionized or not, can compete with chinese slave labor. free trade is what has done it in for the american worker, dems and reps are both to blame for this.


ideally paying more for an american brand would mean not buying some cheap junk that needs to be replaced every couple of years. obviously not the case but i really dont think unions are to blame for that. Guilds are arguably the best acustic guitars out there, and those all made by unionized workers. same with fender, play a mexican strat vs an american strat, same materials but there is no comparison.


i wont disagree that there is some corrupt shit going on with unions, at times. but i just think people with much much more money then any of us here, are using unions a disraction from their own corruption.

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everything in america is being outsourced because no business unionized or not, can compete with chinese slave labor. free trade is what has done it in for the american worker, dems and reps are both to blame for this.


ideally paying more for an american brand would mean not buying some cheap junk that needs to be replaced every couple of years. obviously not the case but i really dont think unions are to blame for that. Guilds are arguably the best acustic guitars out there, and those all made by unionized workers. same with fender, play a mexican strat vs an american strat, same materials but there is no comparison.


i wont disagree that there is some corrupt shit going on with unions, at times. but i just think people with much much more money then any of us here, are using unions a disraction from their own corruption.


oops i wrote that with the wrong account lol. i dont need that one anymore now that my real account is out of escrow. thanks to the mods that helped me get it back online btw.

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Unions can be beneficial; a large number of them are simply steaming piles of shit though. Imagine if Walmart workers got unionized... maybe those people would get a fair wage instead of all of their efforts being funneled into the pockets of board members and investors.


The big problem with a lot of unions is the larger they are, the less they give a fuck about their individual members and/or their reputation. Teachers' unions are a perfect example of this. They just want the money the FORCED dues bring them. And they'll protect the shittiest, laziest, most pathetic excuses for "workers" just to maintain the status quo. New York has hundreds of "rubber room" teachers who, after receiving tenure, had decided to no work, or have been removed from the class room for whatever reason, but so long as they show up to the school and sit on their ass in the lounge all day, they receive a paycheck because the city/state can't get them fired because of the unions.


Unions work when they hold both the contractor and the employee accountable. When they don't, you get shift like SEIF.

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The big problem with a lot of unions is the larger they are, the less they give a fuck about their individual members and/or their reputation.


i feel the same way about our government, its too large to give a fuck about normal citizens. we have a bunch of rich people in suits running around washington, that have nothing in common with any of us and we expect that they have our best interests in mind? yeah right. at least unions have potential to be operated fairly -with its members best interests in mind, when they are kept at a small managable scale.


teachers unions need to be retooled, there are alot of dead-beat teachers out there that shouldnt have jobs, but they are the minority. teachers routinely get the short end of the stick, here in texas whenever there is a budget problem, teachers are the first ones to get fired. they work there asses off, its not a normal 9-5 job, most of the time they have to bring their work home with them in order have it ready. i was dating a teacher that was telling me that she had to buy class supplies out-of-pocket or else she wouldnt be able to complete her lesson plan.


dont get me wrong, i can see how unions are a pain in the ass to small businesses, but thats a different arguement. walmart is the most profitable companies in the world and it treats its employees like shit, if you even hint at unionizing, they fire you. you may say a job is a job, but these CEOs are the same people that want to abolish minimum wage, will you still be saying that when these poor saps are working for 4$ an hour because they dont know any better? whos side do you want to be on, the forbes 500 or the average american worker.

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