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mrbigtankers 521


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i got a buddy with his pilots license. we been talking about going for a flight to the san juans but just never get the chance due to work and our families. that and he has to rent the plane




i still want a challenger, i'm not allowed to buy any more cars until i get a house though. got a compromise with a new bike though



love the pump btw

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new one is a 2014 ninja 636, old one is a 2005 636


i broke my old one and never got her back together but had the itch. will have to get the blue bike (old) back together before i start tearing down my 620



give me a few and i can get a pic out

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she's been ignored for the past week but she ain't going nowhere. was going to buy a 72 510 goon but that got rejected by the roommate, she doesn't want the place looking like a used car lot. at least not until i get more garage to store in.


love the look of the 521 but again, nowhere to put it and not allowed at this point. 


that and i can only have one project car at a time, i spend to much in the initial phase

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the 620 is my first real project vehicle. never done more than change oil on cars so i'm learning. i'm sure it shows but hey, we all gotta start somewhere right? i'm just glad that datsun people have been accepting so far and answered the few questions i have had. need to work on getting the parts i have from on/around/in the pickup and actually installed before i start buying more, and fix the problem i made when i did the carb swap. but i need to buy more parts for when i get it up on jack stands and swap the brakes sadly. suspension and steering are starting to scare me when i put her on the freeway. 



sorry for the thread jack btw

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Got my new Pump at home, It just looks bitch'in I changed the lights to LED's for night light status, I want to get a few more old gas station things.

Why is the Chevron painted at a slant?????

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Your right,it's not as straight as your guys one,Oh wait do you guys even have one.hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

























Seems to me a waste of money.. It dosen't pump any gas. or buy food, It just looks pretty, Kinda like your FJ. Just looks pretty.  :rofl:

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