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The Real Truth

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I hope that the other ratsun members(involved) decide to let everyone know thier part in this aswell.

my part, im involved, dont know how id explain it, I sent $.

ellaberate if you will dave as im barely litteraite, and half as articulated...... <••• See lol

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I hope that the other ratsun members(involved) decide to let everyone know thier part in this aswell.


That would be up to them but for myself I wish it would all go away.


my part, im involved, dont know how id explain it, I knew where the car was.... I sent the $s.

So basicly im responsuable for the slimey parts, dave talked to the owner and saves it.

Flame away.

ellaberate if you will dave as im barely litteraite, and half as articulated...... <••• See lol


There will be no flaming here. The truth is that this involves just a few people, some willingly some by accident, all pissed off. The whole of Ratsun does not need to get involved with their opinion of something that does not directly involve them. Lets move forward.

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"Hello, I'm Leonard Nimoy. The following tale of alien encounter is true and by true, I mean false. Its all lies. But they're entertaining lies, and in the end isn't that the real truth? The answer is no."





Jesus Micro,, that is about the most retro reference ever used.........Ever.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Aww Ratsun. One of these days we're going to bet invaded by some feminist group, and lolz will abound.



n' there will be more than enough sammishes to go around..

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