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The Real Truth

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There is alot of miss information going around Ratsun, thats just not true...


Im not here to name fingers and point names. Just want the "Truth" out there regarding me and this 710. A certian someone sold me out and told exaggerated stories about this situation, so here goes...


I was told that the car was going to be scrapped. I was told that the owner was being super sketchy about not meeting up or doing paperwork. I got the address then I went to check the car out, and found it behind a car dealership. I went into the car dealership and asked a guy about the car... I said "I want that car, can I have it?" he said sure and if I needed any help to just ask mechanics. I thanked him and spent the next 20min moving it around and hooking up a tow bar to it. I then brought it home.


The day after android posted that the car was gone I pmd him stating that I wanted to pay for the car. I confided in a couple ratsun members about what I had done, and that I wanted to make it right and pay up. I have sence tried to email him, but it was a no go, others had same problem. I showed someone today my phone call records and notes showing that over a week ago I was calling all the numbers connected to the property trying to set everything straight. Days ago I got back the public info request I sent out just after I got the car.


Today I called, again to the owner of the property. He told me that some person called him saying that the car was stolen. He said that he did get the message I left on his phone a week plus ago. He told me that android was a good friend of his and he will get in contact with him this weekend. I set up to go and pay for the car on monday.


So many times I have gotten cars from ppl for free with no title, never has a shit storm like this gone down. Im not saying that I did no wrong in this. I learned that I cant save all of em and I can only hope you guys dont think im a total dirt bag. I never was goin for stealing this car, only saving it. And I fucked up bigtime! I regret everything I did envolving this situation, I shouldnt have went and asked for the car, and when I saw the post from android I should have come clean right away.


I will never do anything like this ever again, I have learned a HUGE lesson here and can only hope that you can forgive me!


I thank you all for reading this, and appologise for all the BS that it has created.



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It's always tenuous ground to take something in an attempt to save it, especially if someone can claim you stole it. I've heard nothing but good stuff about you, and the couple times I've met you, you've been a stand up guy. It's good to see you're trying to set everything right, and hopefully the owner of the vehicle will realize that as well. Hell, if it was just sitting behind a business, he's lucky it just didn't get impounded. Then he'd be out money and a car.

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The truth was a person/persons that got miss information about this situation and proceeded to hold me to task. No hard feelers!


was he/she/it directly affected by this? (IE the person that got the car "taken" from?) or just one of nosey assholes that gets involved into things that doesn't pertain to them at all

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was he/she/it directly affected by this? (IE the person that got the car "taken" from?) or just one of nosey assholes that gets involved into things that doesn't pertain to them at all


Sort of like those "neighborhood superheros" who call the cops because some kids are sitting on the roof of their own house, but the dumb bitches always report something like "I smell the weed! I think they're smoking the marijupana!"

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Sort of like those "neighborhood superheros" who call the cops because some kids are sitting on the roof of their own house, but the dumb bitches always report something like "I smell the weed! I think they're smoking the marijupana!"


Oh god, those "vigilantes" that always to more harm than good.

basturds ollz

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At times I hate how anonymous the internet can be, people get 10 foot tall and think they can post anything and get all over emotional instead of being civil and handling things like adults.


I've seen plenty of threads on here handle issues like this go well here on ratsun, but that's only because both parties acted as adults. I'm sure all ya'll who have been around on ratsun know what I am talking about too. :lol:

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Holy unveiling, Batman! This is the first I've heard of this~ can't read ALL the posts! I for one formulate my opinions of others by direct contact with them (bad pun~ don't dare take that anywhere Dave), and not the gossip/opinions of others. For this Ratsun'er, you'll always be that fun-lovin guy bein drug behind a truck through the pastureland, the dude with the coolest shoes ever~ and the car that farts ASSPENNIES~!!!lol.giflol.giflol.gif




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Holy unveiling, Batman! This is the first I've heard of this~ can't read ALL the posts! I for one formulate my opinions of others by direct contact with them (bad pun~ don't dare take that anywhere Dave), and not the gossip/opinions of others. For this Ratsun'er, you'll always be that fun-lovin guy bein drug behind a truck through the pastureland, the dude with the coolest shoes ever~ and the car that farts ASSPENNIES~!!!lol.giflol.giflol.gif






I think I spend too much time on here, only reason I know about it is from random post that made me go "what the hell..?" that seemed more like someone trolling then with a serious issue.

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Well shit, sounds to me like you just got misinformed. So here's my question, is there actually a police report filed for the 710 as a stolen vehicle, and is the filer of that report going to press charges?

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Well shit, sounds to me like you just got misinformed. So here's my question, is there actually a police report filed for the 710 as a stolen vehicle, and is the filer of that report going to press charges?



The title is clean and I have the information for that person. Android didnt put it in his name and was SUPER hard for to get ahold of.

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The title is clean and I have the information for that person. Android didnt put it in his name and was SUPER hard for to get ahold of.



And there's the truth. If you buy a car and don't transfer the title, you have no legal rights. Plus you can seriously put the PO in a bad spot, which, having been in the PO situation myself with an irresponsible buyer, I have no mercy for that kind of person. This is why I keep the license plates when I sell any kind of vehicle now. If the buyer comes back immediately with title transfer, I hand them over.

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