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Help identify this mirror. They hit'n'ran on a friend.

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not to take away from your hunt, but true story, I was walking down the street and got hit by a freaking boat! This Ford F250 barely clips me with his mirror, while I'm giving him the Ratsun salute kapow, the boat he was towing was about a foot wider than the truck - morale of the story - people are assholes

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was youre friend mounted on his high horse? probably wont admit most soc bikers dont follow traffic rules. those bastards in the nissan wont show their face. probably other se douchebags. elvis costello motherfuckers :fu:

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was youre friend mounted on his high horse? probably wont admit most soc bikers dont follow traffic rules. those bastards in the nissan wont show their face. probably other se douchebags. elvis costello motherfuckers :fu:

Apparently it was on one of those narrow one-way streets inside the neighborhoods. He saw the car in his helmet mirror and next thing he knew he was peeling himself off the ground, the mirror was a few feet away from him, and the car was hauling ass around a corner. So yes, while I've personally nearly smeared a dozen clueless cyclists, this case was entirely no fault of his own other than being in the wrong place at the right time.


That's driver side mirror right? Eyes will be peeled whilst driving my route today.

That's the impression I get is drive side.

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You know foxy its funny you say that. Now on the newer nissans, like my 08 sentra se-r, every panel has a sticker with a number on it, its to tell if a panel was replaced or stolen, sticker is a bitch to get off and leaves a indent of tehe numbers. Check that mirror, dont know if it started back then, but i know nissan does it now as of 08. You could probally take it into a dealer if it has that sticker, and they could track what car did it. OH! Call dealers and see if anyone has been looking or ordered a replacement silver mirror for a altima :) Then ask for their name and say they most likely hit your car, match up the damaged mirror to their car with the authorites, and bam, charged for hit and run.

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