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My 2006 Avalanche was stolen...

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….From Kaiser in Baldwin Park Monday night. Wife and I were @ a baby care basics class (arrived at 5:45pm), came out and there was a white accord in my spot, 8:15pm. Immediately called the police and got on the internet to track the truck (I sell tracking units). Go figure, not a good signal in that area for the mobile internet. Baldwin Park Police got online and tracked it for me. It's last check in was I10 & sunset (71mph) 7:23pm. After that it was disconnected. I never actually installed it as I use my unit as a demo unit to show shops how big the unit it. We file the report with the officer when he arrived. My brother in law came and picked us up.


So I get home, log into the tracking system site to see if maybe I get lucky and they didn’t actually unplug it. I pull up the vehicle history and see a "GSM reconnection" down in Montebello. I snatch up the phone and had to call 3 police agencies before I figured out who's city it was in. Brother in Law says lets go...so I'm on the phone with Montebello PD and they are sending officers down there. We met up with them and there was no truck. Later I found out that when it reconnected it was going 37mph. The officer takes us on a street that is on the other sides of the park that maybe just maybe the signal bounced from, nothing. He asked one of the other officers to go check a normal ditch spot. She come back with nothing. But then about 5 min later she says that she might have a possible. Then we get told to follow. We get down to this house and I see an Av backed into the drive way and some lady getting cuffed. But truck is not mine. I felt bad, but then I hit my panic button and MY alarm went off....!!!!!!!!! I quickly shut it off.


So finally the forensic/Crime scene lady gets there to take some pictures. Two Flat beds show up, DRAGS their truck out of the drive way and we get to look mine over a little bit, can’t touch it, only look.


Back seats missing, back glass missing, stealth box gone, door panels are off but accounted for. Door speakers were out of the door. There was a floor jack under the rear end but the wheels were still on it. My spare tire lock thing was busted and my spare was down. Head unit was torn out, ignition switch is in a unknown condition, lower trim was torn down. I was not allowed to look the truck over as its evidence and getting checked for prints.

Finally around 5:30am they get the search warrant and go into the house. Nothing of mine was in there. We moved to the garage and recovered my amps, tracking system, jump box, wife’s Lamaze stuff and some of my other things. Bed covers, back seats and box, nowhere to be seen. I guess this girls truck was vandalized a few months ago so the rear seats in her truck might actually be mine, but time will tell.

I’m just glad the truck was recovered mostly in tact…. The tracking system will get permanently installed as soon as I get the truck back…..




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Congrats on the recovery!!


I may have to invest in one of your tracking systems now cool.gif


I think it would have paid for its self....


That sucks.... I have an 06 Silverado Z71 and sometimes fear I will come out to no truck. Chevy has no steering wheel lock (only a shifter lock that can easily be broken). How did they get in the truck? Driver door lock cyl punched out?


it looks like the lock was punched, the alarm system is a shitty design. I was not allowed to touch the truck as they were going to dust for prints. The girl they arrested didnt live there and she didnt talk @ the station.



That SUX, im sorry that happened. But its a GREAT advertizing point. I doubt you would have gotten anything back without your tracking unit. Good luck with everything


probably right.

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Punching out the lock and turning inside the door turns off the factory alarm (see it everyday at work). On my truck I eliminated the lock cylinder and installed a rear door handle up front with no key hole. Only way in is breaking a window and that will definitely set off the factory alarm.


I think Onstar also tracks your vehicle.

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Punching out the lock and turning inside the door turns off the factory alarm (see it everyday at work). On my truck I eliminated the lock cylinder and installed a rear door handle up front with no key hole. Only way in is breaking a window and that will definitely set off the factory alarm.


I think Onstar also tracks your vehicle.



Thats what I'll be doing with the handles. But cant they still punch under the handle?


Onstar would only work if I called, reactivated service and then asked them to track it, but no clue how long that would take...and if they unplugged the mirror...usless.

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NIS720..i think I'll do that also as well as another alarm.


Dirk...the perp had her truck backed up to mine. Mine was head into the TINY ass garage with the rear wheels and back bumper sticking out. Her Avalanche was backed up so our rear bumpers were almost touching. She was asleep in the front seat of her Avalanche.

The alarm went off in their garage due to me hitting the "panic" button on my remote from across the street.


Her truck was a 2004, looked like the same color and everything as mine....

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NIS720..i think I'll do that also as well as another alarm.


Dirk...the perp had her truck backed up to mine. Mine was head into the TINY ass garage with the rear wheels and back bumper sticking out. Her Avalanche was backed up so our rear bumpers were almost touching. She was asleep in the front seat of her Avalanche.


Her truck was a 2004, looked like the same color and everything as mine....

Ok, first off sorry about the truck man, glad to hear some one might get caught.

That being said, looking past the fact these guys are sleezeballs, who would hide a stolen truck behind a truck thats nearly identical?

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Ok, first off sorry about the truck man, glad to hear some one might get caught.

That being said, looking past the fact these guys are sleezeballs, who would hide a stolen truck behind a truck thats nearly identical?


When we rolled up there was a girl/lady getting hand cuffed and she was taken away. later I heard she was alseep when they rolled up. some people are just dumb. I'm just wondering where the rest of the fuck tards went. They had wheels stacked up ready to go on my truck it looked like


Her (the perp) truck was a 2004. With flash lights it looked like the SAME color & no cladding. Her truck was stock height and stock wheels, mine is lowered on 22's. I dont think they had the right socket to get in the lug holes to get to the lug nuts.... I just wish we could have found the major parts also.

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NIS720..i think I'll do that also as well as another alarm.


Dirk...the perp had her truck backed up to mine. Mine was head into the TINY ass garage with the rear wheels and back bumper sticking out. Her Avalanche was backed up so our rear bumpers were almost touching. She was asleep in the front seat of her Avalanche.

The alarm went off in their garage due to me hitting the "panic" button on my remote from across the street.


Her truck was a 2004, looked like the same color and everything as mine....


I really hope they kicked the shit out of her meth addict punk ass. It should be perfectly legal to curb stomp fucking thieves.


People bust their asses to make money and buy nice things, then these bitches just saunter along and in ten minutes they've stolen hundreds of hours of your labor. Why the fuck these pieces of shit have any "rights" is beyond me.


Texas got it right; someone steals more than $1000 of your shit, you can shoot them.



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Texas is the place to be. shoot someone when they enter your property, shoot someone when they steal.... mmm i'd love that!

great to hear your Avalanche was recovered though! my dad got his 2005 Durango stolen, and we never found it. He got a fat check and i think he might be buying a Nova with it right now... lol

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I took the lock cylinder and rod completely out. No one has tried to break into it so I thinks it's working. Plus I got the painted handles.




what shop are you @? I'll need some quotes on the repair and I know I'll need a handle repainted. I dont know you from anyone else but most of the people I've met here are pretty stand up....

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Ok, first off sorry about the truck man, glad to hear some one might get caught.

That being said, looking past the fact these guys are sleezeballs, who would hide a stolen truck behind a truck thats nearly identical?


They steal a identical truck so the part swap is easier.. And they also do it so can run one plate on both vehicles ..because even if it isn`t written on registration the color of vehicle is documented, the computer systems police use have it on there...That`s why the crazy painted ricers ( purple,pink metalflake green ) get pulled over much more than original painted ones, even if they are both as loud or seeming to do nothing wrong. Other than being ricers.

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what shop are you @? I'll need some quotes on the repair and I know I'll need a handle repainted. I dont know you from anyone else but most of the people I've met here are pretty stand up....


I work for a place that does insurance replacement, so we deal with dealers for interior parts and lots of door handles (specially Chevy). I ordered my door handles already painted based on the color code (via the vin number). PM me if you want the info to the dealer and contact or if you would like me to order it for you.

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Heya, pictures or ban?


Kidding... I'd rage pretty hard if somebody stole my car. It would be a race between law enforcement and myself. I don't mind an overnighter for assault, but don't fuck with my car. :D


Glad to hear it was recovered though!

Pics of the 'lanche?

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You'd get assault and battery, not just assault. Law defines assault as someone being fearful of being harmed by someone else, battery is the actual harm. It's ridiculous. Plus you would get criminal and civil charges since assault and battery are both crimes and torts, as well as trespassing, and it could he elevated to aggravated assault. It's always best to let the cops deal with it, even though its more satisfying to beat someone's ass, they're probably going to get it in jail on top of all of their charges.


Shady, what parts didn't you get back?

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okay...here are what pictrues I was able to get that night. Camera did a shitty job. If someone wants to lighten them up..have @ it.


Dirk, the turck(s) are still with the police. I'm not able to have ANYTHING as they were seized under a court order. They were nice enough to give me my check book, inhaler and our lamaze/baby books back though.



Midgate, back glass and back seats GONE. You can see the headunit and finishing trim is also gond



The perps truck getting taken away to evidence



the CSI lady taking pictures of the truck in their "garage" - there was a floor jack under the rear end.



my stuff piled up in their garage.



after the search warrant this is what we pulled out of the garage. I think I got all my stuff out of it.


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GM's are a joke to steal. They steal them all the time out here. You need a better alarm than that factory shit. You can do some amazing things with them but if they really want it they will just flatbed it and take it. One of the cool features I have on my Land Rover is that the doors double lock. It makes it impossible to open the door at all, you have to break the window and climb in through that. Oh, dont leave your checkbook in your car.


Oh, and some of the posters are almost right on Texas. You can shoot anyone fucking with their car/house. You can also carry a loaded weapon in your car as long as it is concealed, so no flashing it like a gangster.

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Does your Land Rover also have the Double lock that makes it so any door lever or button inside the car pressed or actuated I VERY high decibel speaker sounds off? it is buried in the dash. Also the Double Lock is supposed to electronically disable the motor from running as well.

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Does your Land Rover also have the Double lock that makes it so any door lever or button inside the car pressed or actuated I VERY high decibel speaker sounds off? it is buried in the dash. Also the Double Lock is supposed to electronically disable the motor from running as well.


I dont know if it sets off a piezo and I am not going to try, LOL. Yes it disables the ECU so it wont start.

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