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Several years ago my friends wife called me about his birthday present, skydiving. I said how much as I was always broke, typical hangglider pilot, anyways I said OK, so I show up at the field and we go threw the intro/instruction which took a few hours, most the time trying to explain that we know how to set up an aproach to land, and we took lunch and then piled into the airplane, I have come to the conclusion that skydivers will pile into anything that will lift off the ground because they don't plan on being in it for long if anything goes wrong, and definately don't plan on being in it when it's time to try to put it back on the ground. My friends convinced me to go first, so I clipped in to the loop so the chute would be pulled open, and out I went onto the bar and the bottom of the wing spread eagled for maybe 5 seconds, which seemed like a minute, and let go, next thing I know I am being violently thrown/swung around and the chute opens perfect, I grab onto the steering handles, fly it around for a couple minutes and land it, which basicly is a controlled forward crash as no one can run that fast, and I can run fairly fast to land my hangglider, as if the nose of the glider hits the ground, EVERYONE yells WACK, which is just embarrasing. Larry goes next, and has an uneventfull jump except for his lines are twisted, which you just grab the lines and twist and kick till untwisted, next his wife jumps, well her lines are twisted also, but she fixed the issue and landed where she was supposed to also, BTW, larry told me that when I jumped, my strap started hitting the side of the plane and he almost grabbed the wife and exited the plane as he thought it was falling apart. We decided to do another jump, we went in the same order, I was first, uneventfull jump, but I landed on my feet this time, I also made sure I kept my eyes on the plane this time, it looks just like on TV when the camera man stays focused on the plane, the plane flys away and up from you really fast. Larry was next, and his lines twisted again, he fixed the issue and landed, Tina was last, out she came, and the chute didn't open at all, it was just flapping in the wind for 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 feet and still wasn't opening, now me and larry are just standing there watching this crap, finally she released the main chute and fell for another couple hundred feet with this little tiny chute flapping above her head, and then the reserve popped out perfect, she grabbed the steering handles and got it into the wind and landed way out there, I turned to Larry and said "I have had enough", and we left. Hanggliding seems much safer if you ask me, but I guess I was bias. I would imagine it would be cool to go up to 18,000 feet or more and exit the airplane and freefall for a couple or more minutes at 90+mph, but all that learning at 1300 feet or less is just a waste of time, your not even in the air for 3 minutes.

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OOOOOOH i got one more adventure!


after a day of hiking Black Diamond Mines



my friends and i got kicked out, then snuck back in at 3 ish in the morning, and decided to camp there, we had food, fireworks, lasers and enough fuckery to last us the whole night. well our "camp" got cut short because we heard a a baby coyote whimpering, then we heard its mother.... we heard growling jumped out from underneath or blankets with pocket knives in hand and was ready for a fight, we waited for a hour or so and nothing happened. lol. keep in mind your anticipating the damn cayote to jump on you. so we decide to book it back home. we walked to our nearest friends' house which was about 6 miles away.. we had to walk alongside a freeway, jump off a bridge into freezing cold water and walk on train tracks for the majority of the way back home. we crashed as soon as we got to my buddies house and didnt wake up till the next day around 11. lol gets me all ready for the Marine Corps!

BTW- most of friends that were there with me are going to join, that was our motivation most of the time, but half way through it quickly changed to just getting the fuck out of wherever we were. alright. goodnight you fucks. <3

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I don't have any aviation stories, but there is a good one involving a truckload of kids, paintballs, other kids, the cops, and why I had a wreckless driving charge at 18. ;) Remind me to tell it at CanDy 2012.


Oh, and I did outrun a cop while driving to mom and dad's one icy evening while home for Christmas vacation some years back. In a 2wd D21 I might add. ;) That's a CanDy story too.

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Several years ago I climbed Mt. Adams for the first time, we started out about 4am, there were 5 of us, I had a 40 pound pack, and a pentex SF1 camera which weighs a lot, it took 9 hrs to get to the top, 9 hrs. of steady walking/climbing, at the false summit(800' short of the top) we started playing hacky sack with clampons on our feet, can you imagine what we looked like to the other climbers playing hacky sack at 12,000 with spikes on, they probably though we were hypoxic/crazy. Anyway we got to the top and a blizzard hit during me taking or oics. of us up there, we ate a bunch of shurooms, and back down to the false summit we went, from there you can slide on your ass like a sled for quite a ways, you stand there and watch your buddy slide out of sight into the blizzard, by this time the shurooms are kicking in, keep in mind that we are on top of a mountain in a blizzard, it wasn't hard to figure out where are group was, we were all laughing are ass's off, BTW after you slide on your ass for 10 minutes on frozen snow, you can't feel your ass anymore. After quite a while of sliding down this glacier, I start to get worried about the right turn we need to make onto another snow field, but they just want to slide as it is much easier than walking, I finally convinced them we needed to make our exit off this snow field, there was nothing but rocks, we didn't come up here on rocks, I was thinking we slid to far, but stay together I said to myself, after a while we finally came to a snow field, and I was instantly strait/sober, in front of me was the worst sight I could think of at that moment, a snow field without a foot print on it, nobody had been there, there was a hundred people at least that climbed that day, now I was in the keep going down hill mode after that, after a while we finally started finding foot prints, as it turned out, instead of taking a slight right turn after sliding to long, we took a hard right and got back to where we were supposed to be, we finally came to the trail off the show field, and them idiots seen some more snow and wanted to slide on there ass again, I looked at the trail, looked at them, and told them I was following the trail, turned and started walking, they followed me, a half hour later we seen where that snow field went, right off a cliff. It took 13 hrs. to climb that day, I did it by myself in 9 hrs. the next weekend, it was sunny the whole day, like an idiot, I forgot to take my wallet out of my back pocket when I started sliding, it came out the first 20 feet, I didn't notice for 3000 feet, that took a while to climb back up to the false summit where my wallet was, added at least an hour to the climb. I will always remember that first climb, what an adventure.

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I remember this one time back in June 2011, I think we were on teh way to Canby. Chet smoked his clutch, Wide was trippin on some acid and my jizz rag got wrapped around my driveshaft!! Bill was under my truck on the side of I84 and HRH was takin a leak in the bushes. Naow thats a late night story for canDy 2012 :lol: :lol:

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Im kinda a bitch around mt. Adams, I fell into dead horse caverns and was trapped in the glacier stream darkness for 30+ hours, caves havnt ben the same sense. I have a map of,that cavern my dad made when he was 20 somthing,and planto go back and confront that it someday. I never did reach the summit, maybe I should give it another go.

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OOOOOOH i got one more adventure!


after a day of hiking Black Diamond Mines



my friends and i got kicked out, then snuck back in at 3 ish in the morning, and decided to camp there, we had food, fireworks, lasers and enough fuckery to last us the whole night. well our "camp" got cut short because we heard a a baby coyote whimpering, then we heard its mother.... we heard growling jumped out from underneath or blankets with pocket knives in hand and was ready for a fight, we waited for a hour or so and nothing happened. lol. keep in mind your anticipating the damn cayote to jump on you. so we decide to book it back home. we walked to our nearest friends' house which was about 6 miles away.. we had to walk alongside a freeway, jump off a bridge into freezing cold water and walk on train tracks for the majority of the way back home. we crashed as soon as we got to my buddies house and didnt wake up till the next day around 11. lol gets me all ready for the Marine Corps!

BTW- most of friends that were there with me are going to join, that was our motivation most of the time, but half way through it quickly changed to just getting the fuck out of wherever we were. alright. goodnight you fucks. <3


You won't last long in the marines if a coyote scares you lol

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Since the the doper stories have surfaced(cant take it back now) I had a scary adventure in the tie you won province(sp most deff not right. I met these damn avril lavrine fan kanooks in the bar district and they challenged me to a drink off, I lost of course couse those canaynays can out drink a hippo, and as a punishment I had to find some hash.

I was pretty shure if cought id never see the light of day again so I asked mostly tourist my age, but they mostly scoffed and waved me on, untill I ran into these three guys that said they just got out of the service. They knew right where to get it and flagged a cab and all 4 of us pilled into the back seat of this vigor and headed off imto the unknown(to me) exchanging stories.

These guys told me how that in iran it manatory to serve in the army and they just got out so iy was time to parTY HARD. I had a cccp shirt on so they assumed I was russian and when I told them I was american the climate change completely.

That eas about 10min into and hour drive into who knows where and realy made the rest of the ride pretty tense. But we got ti the next town and they pointed me to a small street and said thats my best bet and drove off leaving me to my fate. Instantly people started trying to sell me shoes and cashmere and bj's and I just pushed thru headed to the hostile to find a like minded person, i did ask a few folks bout the hash with no effect. Then this little kid (6 or so) grabbed my hand and started yanking on it say " hashiesh hashiesh come come" u took my hand back and looked around abit weiry(duh) and followed the little kid at a distance .

Down the street..... Up a dark alley...... Thru somones house and onto another much darker street the kid ran up to this black dude and pointed to me walktin down the street about 100 ft behind him. The guy pushed the little kid down and yeld at him and he took off. It scared the shit out of me when he looked back and started walking towards me, " you want somting" he said very abbrasivly. At tgis point I noticed he had a huge scar aroumd his neck, astho his head had ben ripped off and reattached, I told gim what I was after and we walked into the alley and exchanged stories as he weighed me out. He was from daibi and had lived there till he was 10 or so and moved to china.

Deal went ok but on the way out he had buddies all of wich imsisting I take "this cab" fyck no I thought and said " oh no im just going to grab a few beers and ill be right back well party it up" it was a lie I wanted out of there bad.

When I wemt around the corner that little kud was there and demanded(it was addorable) payment for taking me there, I paid and kept walking faster and faster toward the hostile a few blocks away.

I crashed there that night and met this awsome lady from wales, the next morning her and I took a cab back th tie you won(again thats spelled wrong) and rastled the canadians out of bed for a new adventure.


So me 3 canook chicks an englishmen and charlie the welch lady headed out into the heat. Saw alot that day and had a great time . The englishmen left at some point leaving me with a sort of herum. When the sun set we hit up a bar called the moonkey and the canadians tried to teach me to drink, while I tried to teach them to smoke hash, we get waisted and then I spend the better part of the night trying to get the canadians to makeout.... We stubbled thru the streets loving life till one canook started barfing so the other 2 wanted to take her back to the hostile.

Well it was late and I ended up climbing the razor wire fence and waking the owner up to let the girls in.

Tried my hardiest to get alittle canadian-welch-american actoin going, that got some good hard lulz from the canadians who dragged there freind off.

But charlie from wales..... Wont forget that, we stimped around for a couple days till she had to catch her flight and that was that.




Oh 10 grams hash(probly more opium than hash) 12 bucks usd

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Lack of forsight + active imagination x no fear of looking foolish - common sense = adventures :lol:

I once tried to ski mammoth mt california in my chuck taylers, wayno seems like the kinda guys i hang with ollz


haha i wore chuck taylers to bungee...had to climb up a hill...didn't work out very well :lol: was pawing with both of my hands...daym hill!! :lol:

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I once made a long sweaty drive to seattle to get a sunny from pumkin.......

Im prety shure(pumkin would have to confirm) that I started the ass penny joke unintentionaly. But on the way back I found a rest stop out side of demoines? Any ways there was a guy picking up trash in the park area. He looked pissed off at the world and I just walked buy, while i was pissing he came into the rest room and threw the sack away then ge walked into the stall and stood on the toilet anf staired at me, he said " if some one else comes in let me know" and climbed of the toilet and dissapeared behind the stall wall. I ran baxk oyt to the truck and told my brother what was up and he agreed it was weird.

2 minutes later guy came out in realy short bib overalls and fishnets heals and wig... Still looked pissed off as he got into his semi truck.

ever since when I pass a semi I gota wonder what kunda freaky dudes drivin that thing.

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The dumbest thing I "almost" did was to steal a Browning M2 machine gun from 2 sleeping ARVN [that's Army of Viet Nam in real English]. I 1962 I was at a US Army MAG outpost in Phu Bai South of Hue city. I had an Army sergeant and 3 civilians with me. After eating lunch, we noticed that it was way too quiet over in the corner guard post where 2 "galant ARVN soldiers" were guarding our post. The 5 of us tiptoed over and discovered them sound asleep! Guards? We immediately set about stealing their M2. We removed the ammunition belt and the cartridge box with very little noise and took them outside. Returning to steal the M2 we had a real epiphany. They were alive, and we 5 would make a hell of a racket moving the machine gun out the door. No matter how sleepy they were they still had their sidearms and we would be well siloutted in the doorway. Sanity prevailed, we took the ammo box and belt to the US Army LtCol in charge and invited him and the ARVN Captain in charge to go ask the 2 vigilant guards where the hell their ammo was. Don't know or care what happened to Sleepy and Dopey.

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You won't last long in the marines if a coyote scares you lol


all i had was a 3 inch blade, and a bunch of beef jerky, at the time i thought mothers were pretty protective of their babies and whatever, lol

if i had a 22 pistol that would of been very different or a longer blade.... didnt feel like getting torn to shreds that day, maybe next time though i will

this exact knife

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The dumbest thing I "almost" did was to steal a Browning M2 machine gun from 2 sleeping ARVN [that's Army of Viet Nam in real English]. I 1962 I was at a US Army MAG outpost in Phu Bai South of Hue city. I had an Army sergeant and 3 civilians with me. After eating lunch, we noticed that it was way too quiet over in the corner guard post where 2 "galant ARVN soldiers" were guarding our post. The 5 of us tiptoed over and discovered them sound asleep! Guards? We immediately set about stealing their M2. We removed the ammunition belt and the cartridge box with very little noise and took them outside. Returning to steal the M2 we had a real epiphany. They were alive, and we 5 would make a hell of a racket moving the machine gun out the door. No matter how sleepy they were they still had their sidearms and we would be well siloutted in the doorway. Sanity prevailed, we took the ammo box and belt to the US Army LtCol in charge and invited him and the ARVN Captain in charge to go ask the 2 vigilant guards where the hell their ammo was. Don't know or care what happened to Sleepy and Dopey.


hahah woahhh!! coolll :lol: :lol: :thumbup:

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I am not a writer, these are just memories anymore, but at the time I was doing stuff I had never done before.

Several years ago in my hanggliding prime I accomplished something no one else had at the time, there was a hanggliding site called bremmer near onalaska in washington state, launch is about 2500 feet above the ground, and maybe 3,300 ASL(above sea level) not many pilots like this site, as they do not do well here, and end up landing at the bottom of the hill, I do well here and go X-C(cross country) over 75% of the time, I launched and went strait to 7-8,000 thousand feet ASL and headed east towards morton wa. and cruzed into panoroma mtn./launch(herb named it), and started coring/going back up into the sky, Larry is right behind me as I leave panoroma heading towards johnson mtn. and then Kiona mtn. which I need some height/altitude again, as I go over the back of Kiona I hit a thermal and start climbing again, I let Larry know what is going on as his wife is driving/chasing him and I want a ride back if possible, so I help him when I can, you see, if I land with him I have a ride.:D After topping out at kiona mtn. I head for watch mtn. down wind of me and cruz in on the next peak after watch and hit a boomer, up I go again to 8,000 feet, off I go towards packwood launch to the east of packwood across the valley, this is a 10 mile glide, which is a long glide west of the cascades, I fly over the mill in packwood and see a cloud forming just south of the packwood launch and glide in and hit another boomer and up I go to 9,000+ ASL, about this time larry is asking where I found that thermal, and I am asking if his wife will chase me if I try to go over white pass(crossing my fingers), she chimed in that she would, we fly with ham radios in this time/era, so I head for the goat rocks in the cascades south of white pass, I get there and hit another boomer and climb to 12,000 ASL, and start looking down rimrock lake towards Yakima, but I see a problem, I have never been there and do not see anywhere to land and also there are clouds blocking my veiw of the ground which is another issue, as cloud base east of me is 4,000 feet lower than I am now, a totally differant weather system is east of me, and the thermals are not going as high as I am now, but I head east anyway in glass smooth air, I fly half way down rimrock lake and see nowhere to land, so I turn around and head back, I make it to white pass where the ski area is with a couple thousand feet and look west, and decide it isn't worth trying to get back to packwood and decide to land at the white pass sign on the freeway in the ski area, there was construction on the road, so the road had no cars on it when I landed in the middle of the hiway, I informed tina where I was landing and she told me she was stuck in line at the construction site, and would be there when the flaggers let them threw. This was a 55 mile flight over white pass west of the cascades, I found out later that there was a place to land at the end of rimrock lake that I could have easily made. Larry was unable to find the thermal that I found near the packwood launch, so was unable to get to the pass, but has been to the goat rocks also in the past. wayno

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The dumbest thing I "almost" did was to steal a Browning M2 machine gun from 2 sleeping ARVN [that's Army of Viet Nam in real English]. I 1962 I was at a US Army MAG outpost in Phu Bai South of Hue city. I had an Army sergeant and 3 civilians with me. After eating lunch, we noticed that it was way too quiet over in the corner guard post where 2 "galant ARVN soldiers" were guarding our post. The 5 of us tiptoed over and discovered them sound asleep! Guards? We immediately set about stealing their M2. We removed the ammunition belt and the cartridge box with very little noise and took them outside. Returning to steal the M2 we had a real epiphany. They were alive, and we 5 would make a hell of a racket moving the machine gun out the door. No matter how sleepy they were they still had their sidearms and we would be well siloutted in the doorway. Sanity prevailed, we took the ammo box and belt to the US Army LtCol in charge and invited him and the ARVN Captain in charge to go ask the 2 vigilant guards where the hell their ammo was. Don't know or care what happened to Sleepy and Dopey.

crazy fawker, they would have loved to catch you stealing the browning, and +1 for the silent unload, you ever wish you had ben crazy enuf to do it? Or jack that fawker back and demand their side arms?
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crazy fawker, they would have loved to catch you stealing the browning, and +1 for the silent unload, you ever wish you had ben crazy enuf to do it? Or jack that fawker back and demand their side arms?

The village between Phu Bai and Hue was "unusual". As part of the "pacification" effort, villages were surrounded by ditches with punji sticks in the bottom and a bamboo fence was errected inside the ditch. This village had the ditch on the inside and the fence on the outside to keep everyone in, not out! 2 weeks before I got there the village was surrounded due to an intercept that indicated that the local VC [Viet Cong] were to hold a district meeting in this village. The outside fence was the result and the local VC council was rounded up and summarily executed. I drove through that village every day at 60MPH with my carbine on full auto and safety off! I killed a few roosters that way. 2 weeks after I left a local ARVN unit stopped outside the village for lunch break. As usual, they stretched out under their truck for a nap, "gentleman's agreement" no fighting during "siesta" time. The VC didn't listen and wiped out the entire ARVN convoy. "Don't get mad, get even" does apply.

Edited by MikeRL411
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This is a really early X-C flight for me, keep in mind that most of my flying was within 500 feet of the ground except for a few exceptions, and most the my time was spent trying not to hit the ground/land. I went to Lake Chelan for my second season, last year I had flown 30+ miles on one flight, I was stoked. There were a lot of people there at that time/era, it was one of the few places in this country where you would launch, get up and fly so far you couldn't see where you were going to land. I setup the glider(La Moette hermes) and got in the launch line, wasn't long and it was my turn, I ran off and started the thremal search, I was a newbie to this type of flying back then, it became one of the happiest times of my flying era, anyway I thermaled up to 8,000 ASL(above sea level) and made the jump/flight across the columbia river gorge, as a newbie this task is a initiation into the world of X-C flying, and most the time you fail and end up landing, I made it across and found a thermal, but was drifting north, but I was trying to go east towards spokane, that was everyones goal, to make spokane. So I would climb out the best I could trying not to drift to far north, then break away from the thermal and head southeast trying to get back to the hiway and head east at the same time, by the time I would get back to the road I would almost be landing, find a thermal and start climbing again, but drifting north again, an hour later I had made it 15 miles and was close to landing again near the road, I realized I was about to hit the ground if I didn't find a thermal and drift with it, with less than 500 feet before landing I turned down wind and started looking for anything to get up in, I was screaming across the ground at 70+mph, hardly 200 feet off the ground when I finally hit a thermal, I hung on to that thermal the best I could, I kept flying out of it getting hammered everytime I flew out of the lift, almost landing, then getting up a couple hundred feet and lose it again, getting farther away from the road with every turn, for miles this went on barely staying in the air, when I finally found the center(remember I am a newbie), and started going up, at first it was 500 feet, then it was a thousand feet, I topped that thermal out at around 9,000 feet ASL(about 5,000 feet above the ground), since I was drifting north, that is the way I went, I had heard of pilots going that way, but I never had. It was amazing to me when I left the flatlands of eastern wa. and flew out over the columbia river to jump back on the west side of it, I went from 5,000 feet AGL(above ground level) to 8,000 AGL, seemed like I doubled my altitude, i kept going north circling in any lift I found trying to stay high, about thirty miles north of where I decided to go with the drift I found myself down to 6,000 feet ASL(3,000 AGL) and was looking for lift when I hit something really strong and started turning going up about 800 feet a minute, this was about the strongest thing I had ever been in that was steady, I kept circling and finally noticed that I was really getting close to the cloud, it was to late, I got sucked into the cloud, I pulled in as hard as I could trying to get back out the bottom, a couple minutes later I came out the bottom going the wrong way, you can't see anything but white when you are in a cloud, it's like really thick fog, anyway I turned north with the drift, that was the biggest mistake I had made in my life of flying to date, I was sucked right back up into that cloud, i was getting slammed up and down violently for at least 5 minutes strait, my friends think I was doing loops in there, as I couldn't tell what was up or down, in the meantime I was looking around at the glider which didn't make me happy at all, the side wires slamming tight then lose, then tight again, so I quit looking at that depressing site, that was when I noticed ice forming on everything that wasn't getting slammed, I started thinking I was going to break the glider and have to throw my reserve chute, I had heard of people freezing to death in clouds because they threw there chute and the cloud kept taking them higher into the cloud, I finally popped out of the east side of that cloud, I slowed down and looked around, the first think I noticed was a awful turn in the glider, it wouldn't fly strait, the second and third things I noticed was how very cold it was, and I was very cold, and how high I was, I was at least 15,000 feet ASL, 12,000 feet above the ground, that was the highest I had ever been in my life at that time, I turned north and flew to a town called tanasket wa. and got there with about a 500 feet AGL, and was going back and forth in front of this really big rock climbing very slowly, I looked down wind and seen a small private airport, I turned and landed there for a 71 mile flight, my longest so far, my landing sucked as my glider wouldn't fly strait. As it turned out, my reserve chute would have failed, because during a chute clinic it failed. It is not legal to fly in a cloud, the reason the glider wouldn't fly strait was the leading edge was bent badly, very suprised that it did not break. I was alive and been higher and flew farther than I ever had before, life was good. :D

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