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Buyer beware- erichwaslike


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I hate to do this, but I am trying to help other fellow Ratsuners from being screwed out of their money.


Goods paid for

SU carbs set (received)

Stock air cleaner got em (received)

Driver's side fender (not received)

VIN plate (not received)

Alt brackets (not received)

Head light relay (received)

Fuse block relay (not received)



May 12th- paid for above goods

June 21- some goods shipped

August 8th- got a message saying he hasn't been on much, he'll ship the goods soon

August 25th- sent message asking to ship remaining parts ASAP or give partial refund

No update as of today


If anyone wants a full message history I can post it. PayPal can't give me a refund because it's been over 45 days.


I realize that posting an issue like this on a forum may be a "bitch move," but so is taking someone elses money.

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Id let Erich chime in before anyone goes apeshit.



Iv worked with him before, he was very patient and easy to deal with.



Hopefully its just some lag, shit happens sometimes.


Iv informed him of the situation so Id hope he pipes up and this gets handled calmly and responsibly.

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you need to try talking to him before posting like this


I did, It's hard to carry on a conversation when only one person is talking. I sent a message at Aug 25th and haven't heard anything



Iv informed him of the situation so Id hope he pipes up and this gets handled calmly and responsibly.


Thanks Skib!

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here is the list with prices i gave him quoted straight from the pms


Rear tailights, not sure on these, my good ones are mismatched wagon and sedan so i may be keeping the fadded lense

SU carbs set got em but i cant find the isolators. if u dont need the intake ill do $90 on the carbs alone or $110 with the intake

Stock air cleaner got em $15

Driver's side fender got it $35

VIN plate got it. if u send me ur vin number ill restamp it. $15 stamped

Alt brackets got some not sure if i have a full extra set ill figure out a price when i find em all

Head light relay still looking but i swear i have a extra

Fuse block relay... u mean the stock fuse block? ive got an extra $10


all prices are +shipping but i figure we can try to get it all out in one box so it cheaper


[deleted pic]



here is his reply


Hey bud, I am still interested in


SU carbs set got em but i cant find the isolators. if u dont need the intake ill do $90 on the carbs alone or $110 with the intake

Stock air cleaner got em $15

Driver's side fender got it $35

VIN plate got it. if u send me ur vin number ill restamp it. $15 stamped

Alt brackets got some not sure if i have a full extra set ill figure out a price when i find em all

Head light relay still looking but i swear i have a extra

Fuse block relay... u mean the stock fuse block? ive got an extra $10


Can you give me a total for all of the above including the UPS shipping?




here is the amount i told him to send


id say 330, its 165 for the parts i have and 150 for shipping(ups estimate) and 15 for boxing and such.


if and when u wanna take care of it my paypal is [edit]@yahoo.com


thats 165 on parts

90 for carbs

15 for the air cleaner

35 for the fender

15 for the vin

10 for the fuse block

165 if u add it up.

one hell of a deall for all that. less that the junk yard would charge i bet


i never gave a price for the alt brackets or headlight relay as i dont have them as said below. the headlight relay he says he received is actually the stock fuse block he is calling the fuse block relay.

this is regarding the alt mounts

i only have roadster mounts and they put the alt too far forward. i have put a gm alt on my car adn plan on making a new set of mounts for it, just havent decided if i want to sell my originals. if i do u have first grabs at em. i thought i had 411 ones b4 and i prolly did but i had alot of stuf stolen from my parts car while it was outside my shop.


only reason i point this out is so it goes on public record that i am not stiffing him on alt brackets or the headlight relay. yes i have lagged horribly on shipping the last 2 items but i had circumstances that were keeping me from doing so. the fender is going out monday and i will most likely be issuing a refund on the vin as i cant find it after i moved my shop and my house last month. all i can say is im sorry. i just didnt want my name being drug threw the mud without a chance to defend myself and correct the facts that were posted incorrectly regarding the transaction

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in his defense we have talked back and forth but he didnt give me any notice that it was at this point




As much as I try to stay out of this kind of stuff....


Did he really give you "notice"? 4.5 months since paid for and items not received, I think you gave your own notice.

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As much as I try to stay out of this kind of stuff....


Did he really give you "notice"? 4.5 months since paid for and items not received, I think you gave your own notice.

ill say b4 any of this that it sucks that i have to explain and defend myself to anyone but the op.


its not like i took his money and didnt send anything. i sent some stuff earlier and was waiting to send him the fender when i got the vin tag restamped for his car since my number punches came up missing. he was informed of this. since then ive moved out of my shop and house and the vin has been misplaced somewhere and i intend to return his money if i cant find it by the end of this week.


here is the problem with threads like this, as many said it turns into a shit show. im here defending my honor as a seller and trying to keep from being shunned by the entire ratsun site liek some of the other users that have intentionaly scammed ppl. im not one of those ppl. then u have ppl that are giving "gwb" shit for posting this. he felt it was necessary to do in order to get the results he wanted. that shoodnt be up for debate. i dont really see y anyone has to come in and say oh ur a peice of shit (in a few more words) to either of us. only reason i posted back here is casue all this went public and im trying to save face. yes i screwed up i admit it. i also had some things that were not in my control that kept me from completing this in a timely manner.


my hopes are that this will get fixed and he will retract his statement in that i took money without sending parts and just say that i was very slow with shipping.

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Erich, I don't think anybody will shy from doing business with you, seeing as you have come into the thread, explained the situation, and every (sane) human being here knows that life can get in the way sometimes. You clearly had some things going on recently, which you couldn't see happening, and caused some unfortunate delays.


That being said, you (as a seller) have a responsibility to uphold. When a contract is made (PM's and sale threads), and money is handed over, shipping SOME of the items is not enough. Until all of the items have been received, there should be no delay in communication. Again, I understand that life gets in the way, but taking 3 weeks to reply to someone who is concerned that they have paid for something and are now never going to see either the item or their money back is a concern. GWB clearly hadn't been told much of what Erich has come in here and told all of us, which is why he posted this thread in the first place. Even just a quick email back letting him know that "hey I've moved or whatever... I know it's shitty of me, but if I can't get the vin by the end of the week, I'll ship the rest of your stuff and give you a refund for that." like you told the rest of Ratsun here in your replies would have resolved this issue and you wouldn't be defending your honor.


To clear the air, I'm not sitting here trying to flame Erich. I'm trying to share my $.02 that ANY seller needs to be on top of their job AS a seller until the transaction is complete if they hope to have their good name remain intact. I don't think anybody should resist the urge to shop with Erich again, because clearly he hasn't run away with the money, and it sounds like the drama in his life has settled down and a delay like has happened recently won't be happening again in the near future.


Reminds me of my first bad handjob, actually... I was driving a 2002 Mitsubishi Galant at the time, and was downtown in Chico. I was hitting the party scene pretty hard back then, and I kept finding that women were pretty easy to come by when there was a keg around. Ashley was at the second or third party I went to, and after some banter back and forth (drunk banter on her part, fairly sober on mine), she tagged along with me for the rest of the night as we walked up and down Ivy St. By the end of the night, she wasn't ready to stop partying, so I told her that we would keep the party going back at the dorms. When we got back to Lassen Hall, the clock was just pushing past about 3:30am on a Friday (thank GOD I took Friday's as a free day!!). We got back to my room, and thankfully my roomate Doug chose to sleep with his computer class buddies in their dorm pretty much the whole year, so she and I were alone with my good friend Jack, and her friend Morgan (no, not a 4-sum.. just some liquor).


Before I let her have her way with her friend and leave me to cry and masturbate in the corner because she's having too good a time with someone else (again..liquor), since obviously it'd happened before.... I had to lay down the ground rules and tell her that since she's in my room, we should make the most of the situation and make sure we have a good time. She knew just what I meant, and she took a swig off the Captain which threw her hair back, and she gave me close to the sexiest look I think I've ever gotten from a woman in my life, even since then in my next 5 years of conquests. It seemed to happen in slow motion, her walking from the closet where I had my booze, taking the aforementioned drink, throwing her hair back, flashing me a look, then setting the bottle down on the footboard of my dorm bed.


Now this is where things went from potentially "record books" amazing to "south of the border" type shit. I want to preface what I'm about to type by saying that there are many things that I would recommend a woman NEVER to do when she's trying to please a man. Answering a phone, calling him the wrong name, forgetting how to use your hands, asking if it's okay every 30 seconds, attempting to eat or drink, asking where the restroom is, ruining something of his and inventing the shakeweight.


She set the bottle down, and sat down on my lap facing me and my brain ticked off a little mental note that this was about to be the best night of my life... my brain hasn't been the same since that night... After making out for a minute, which was actually really good, but it could just be me thinking that it was good because it was the last decent thing that happened over the next hour. Her shirt came off at my hands, which followed with my shirt coming off at her hands. I had been wearing a short sleeved button up shirt, which would mean the right way to remove it is to undo the buttons... Nope, she started tugging at my shirt which got my tangled into an awkward "my shirt is never going to make it past my shoulders" kind of struggle, and finally she grabbed the bottom of it to try to peel it off over my head, which worked in two ways. First, it made it past my head... Second, it worked kind of like a terrible sling shot. I had been bent over slightly, trying to help her endeavor to remove my shirt, so when it came off with a big swing to her left, she took my shirt and launched the bottle of rum that had been laughing at us on the footboard of my bed to the other end of the bed, and promptly shattered and rained glass and alcohol all over the floor and parts of my desk that was sitting near the wall and window on that side of the room. Brain tells me that it's a quick clean up later and the night is still gonna be worth it. This girl was gonna get it.


I kept my cool, only because there was now an even higher chance that ole Wag here was going to finish strong. Back to kissing, I guide her hands down toward my belt, hoping she would get the message. She did. She dropped down, and started pawing at my belt. Now, I've had people struggle getting my belts off before. I don't know why, as a belt is a FAIRLY straight forward device, but some people can't do it smooth without at least a little fiddling. Ashley, though... she apparently had no control of her fingers, because it was like someone had replaced her hands with fish, and she was hoping that by flopping them around like wet pieces of meat my belt would magically come undone. I gave her a minute of this nonsense before I helped her out, which she seemed grateful for. Another minute or two later, and I was helping her undo my button and zipper, too, since apparently she's not just bad with belts.


We moved slightly to our right, and I leaned back against the bed as she was about to get to work. My brain had apparently told other parts of my body what was going on tonight, so there was no need to beat around the bush. She took ahold of me with one hand and the other hand came up to her mouth and she made the "Shhhhh...." symbol at me, which I thought was incredibly sexy until I saw her then reach back down and bring up a cell phone. Brutal. She was no good at belts, and she was no good at multi tasking. The next few minutes went by as a hazy memory of jerky conversation to her roomate, who was worried about her and was calling because it was 4am and she wasn't home yet, and a jerky conversation between her right hand and myself. I was pleased when the phone got put away.


There was a 2 or 3 minute window following the phone call which was actually pretty good. How her drunken brain got her body into a rhythm still evades me to this day, but she did. Then she had to pee. I had to tell her which door it was down the hall, and a minute later then stand with my head out the hall and point her the was down the hall she did not just go because she didn't know "I meant her left, not my left"... which, by the way, when you're walking out a door, they're the SAME left.


I have a feeling she made another phone call, because I was going to attempt to turn her phone off while she was gone, but it was gone with her. A few minutes later she came back, and told me there were no more distractions, which I was glad to hear, but turned out to be set up like a bowling pin, about to be knocked back down.. We basically had to start back over, because even with the anticipation of what was to come (lol), a 5 minute bathroom break kind of kills the mood. At least I didn't have a belt on anymore.


I decided to take control this time and put her on the bed. Now, I'm not about to brag about "I can last this long, blah blah blah," because in reality, if she had just kept her mouth shut, or even passed out (which would have made for a much better night, but a much worse story), I'd have been spent in the next few minutes... But in reality, things were a bit different. For about 15 minutes following her arrival to the room, there was a blend of different positions, basically just my dumb hope that she would stay interested in ONE of them long enough for her to stop the incessant questions. Every 30 seconds... on the DOT, I might add... she would ask "How's this feel?" "You like that?" "Is that good" "Does that feel nice?" Oh my god, I swear I counted a few times and right when I hit 30, a new question came out. I guess I should be nicer about it, because at least she cared, but I've had sex with women since then that just lay there almost like they're asleep (or dead, lol) and it's preferable to the annoyance I received by the sexual interrogation.


Somehow, by the grace of god, I started getting close. I made the mistake of telling her this, hoping it would stop the questions. It stopped the sex. I have to give her credit, her head was in the right place, but she didn't pull it off. Okay, I'm going to retract that statement. While the actually meaning of it was right, the wording could be taken as better than reality, as you'll soon find out. Her mind was telling her to cap the night off with a bang, but she didn't follow through. She dropped down off the bed and told me to stand up, she wanted me to finish on her. I could never say no to an offer like that, but I wish I had that ability. She wrapped both hands around me and started tugging. The Shakeweight was not in existence in 2005, but in early 2006, on that fateful Friday morning at around 4:30am, the concept had been invented. I tried to slow her down, but she didn't get the hint, and I ended up with some very painful chafing over the next day or two, which really bummed me out for any better experiences that weekend. After a minute of pain, I had to stop her, and gingerly tried to do myself. Sadly, it was too little too late. I hurt like if I had an STD down there, from the violence that just place on my genitals.


So I knew I was about to go soft, but didn't want to come across that way. I told her I was ready and told her to close her eyes. She did, and I leaned over and let a nice glob of spit (no loogey, though that would have been more amazing) slowly drop from my mouth onto her cheek and run down her shoulder and chest... She seemed satisfied with that and started getting dressed. Typically I'd offer to let them spend the rest of the night in Doug's bed, but two things kept me from it. First, it was my worst sexual experience to date, and second, Doug's bed wasn't covered in rum and glass, so his bed was about to become my bed. Ashley left, and I hope she made it home okay. I have a feeling she fumbled with the keys and her door, the way she fumbled with my belt and buttons, which always gives me a giggle thinking about fish hands trying to open doors...


But yeah, "The Bad Handie" reminds me a lot of this transaction between GWB and erichwaslike, because it could have been amazing, but now everybody hears about how disappointing it was.

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2eDeYe' date='19 September 2011 - 06:22 AM' timestamp='1316442144' post='549365']

Once this issue has been resolved completely the thread will be relocked. Until then it stays open. :)


Why should this be a public matter though? It's between buyer and seller, both have given their story, no one else should have anything to say about it. I just don't see any good coming from this...

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But sometimes wag things take a while. I took me 2 weeks to get a 620 console out because i had to find a box for it, because it was in great shape and i did NOT want it to get damaged in shipping. I wrapped it in bubble wrap, and finally found a perfect sized box, and shipped it. And the shipper was fine. Ive had times where it takes me weeks to get something out, and my i trader rating on other sites is perfect. Why, because im injured, have a 13 month old, and its a pita for me to get out of the house sometimes with being disabled. Everyone has their reasons. Sometimes on things i get on ebay takes me a month to get just in the damn usa, ive gotten things faster from hong kong sometimes. And it still turns out to be a great thing. Some people just need to learn patience is a vertue and not eveyone can work on other peoples schedules. Us sellers are doing YOU a favor putting things up for sale, we have something we dont want, and instead of just sitting on it like most parts whores that piss most of us datsun people off ( you know the ones who let their cars sit and rust) we actually put the parts we dont need up for sale in case someone happens to need them. So when people get pissy with sellers it makes me mad when its not because of them ripping them off, just taking their time because coem on, without us you wouldnt of found the item you were looking for. Most people think that we should be thankful we have a buyer, but you should be thankful you have a seller actually selling the parts :) most of us could just sit on our stuff and never sell anything. But i do want to add here, there does need to be some sort of communication, and thats on both ends read my post below to understand on that.

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Some people just need to learn patience is a vertue and not eveyone can work on other peoples schedules. Us sellers are doing YOU a favor, we have something we dont want, and instead of just sitting on it like most parts whores that piss most of us datsun people off....



It is not a "favor" if the buyer has sent cash and the seller has not sent the product- it is an incomplete transaction. The buyer has every right to be upset if his product wasn't received in a reasonable amount of time.


That being said- I bought a few Ebbro models from Danfiveten, great price and fast shipping! :P

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I should add if their is comunication in there, when there is zero communication then yes there is a problem. But i normally give my cell and email when i sell stuff to a person, and ask for theirs just in case.


Thign that made me mad, the guy i sold the console to i kept pming him telling him it was taking me a while longer to find a box, and never once got a response from him back, asked him if he got it and never got a response back so im at a loss on that one if it ever even showed up lol.


And thanks on that, i try to get my stuff out asap, but i sold u those before my lil one was out and born, now im a bit slower lol. And injured lol.

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To clear up confusion, danfiveten, I don't think that erich was necessarily in the wrong, but he should have kept contact to let the buyer know that there was still a delay, rather than letting him sit and wait. If I bought something, unless it was agreed that I would have it within a week, I'm fine waiting a few weeks or a month.. so long as I'm aware it will take that long. If something came up on the seller's side, he should have relayed the information to the buyer.


Speaking as a certified logistician, you don't just accept money without SOME sort of contract, be it spoken or not, there is an understood time parameter put on every transaction... it's sometimes necessary to ensure that both parties are on the same page as to how long that parameter extends. Again, just my two cents.

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