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What the fuck is wrong with people these days?


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So I just vented to my roommate, but need some additional outlet and comments.


I got off work today and went up to mom and dad's to get a burrette. (Device for measuring liquid, 25 ml to be exact.) Going to measure my cylinder head volume that way, and the piston dish for the motor I'm building.


I go up there, get the burrette, go to Lowes, get some plexiglass and some flood light bulbs, and head for home. In Coeur d' Alene at this point. I'm driving normal speed, in the right lane, and some gold colored grand am starts passing me really slow like, and I don't care, I'm just cruising in the right lane thinking hurry up and pass you moron, there are people behind you.


He gets up along side, I have my window open, arm out, sunglasses, Datsun hat and Napa shirt, and starts making motions with his hand to him, then me, then him, then me. I catch this out of the corner of my eye and start paying attention like anyone would, what I have a tire flat, brake light out, etc.


Now that he has my full attention, he follows it up with a motion that's pretty much universal. Fist in front of face, moving back and forth in front of his mouth. You guessed it, guy wants a blowjob, then does some more me? you? motion with his hand. So I'm having a hard time comprehending this and literally say out loud to no one in the car, "What the fuck?" And he starts to pull away slowly and gets in front of me a few car lengths ahead while I'm still flabbergasted for lack of a better word.


So I'm thinking to myself, did that actually just happen? In Idaho? Yep, it did, so I say fuck that and kick it down a gear and pass him, get in front of him and start slowing down to force him to slow down. Box him in between a car in the left lane and then he executes a quick pass, to which I swerve over fully in his lane and make him ride the shoulder and he gives me the open arms "What did I do?" expression. And I give him a big Ratsun salute, and then he speeds off.


I can't catch him, don't even try, the hardbody is not fast, but I increase the speed to catch him eventually and somehow he must have taken an exit because I thought I had him and then got up to that car and it turned out to be a gold Honda instead.


Anyway, I'm still trying to figure out if I mistook his gestures for something other than it was, and I can't think of a damn thing. He didn't have anybody else in the car from what I could see. A smaller latino looking guy. I don't even care if he was gay, the fact that he thought it would be okay to proposition a complete stranger for a blowjob on the freeway really ticks me off. Especially because it was me. I can't think of any gesture that could be confused with "would you like to suck my dick?" It's blowing my mind that it would happen in redneck Idaho. I checked the truck when I got home to see if someone had stuck a rainbow coalition sticker on my truck or something. Nope.



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No, see, I've actually been hit on by gay guys before (In San Fran) and honestly, that doesn't bug me, just told the dude hey sorry man, don't swing that way. This pisses me off because the dude is stupid enough to pull that shit on the freeway. He's lucky he didn't find a dumber redneck to try it on. Hell, I thought about shooting his car to get my point across but highway patrol frowns on brandishing a weapon.

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what in the fuck man there are some weird people out there


my feelings on the whole gay thing is if thats what makes them happy so be it just dont force it on me that counts as forcing it on me in my book

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No, see, I've actually been hit on by gay guys before (In San Fran) and honestly, that doesn't bug me, just told the dude hey sorry man, don't swing that way. This pisses me off because the dude is stupid enough to pull that shit on the freeway. He's lucky he didn't find a dumber redneck to try it on. Hell, I thought about shooting his car to get my point across but highway patrol frowns on brandishing a weapon.



Good on the self control.. But yeah.. Its happened to me before also but i just cant hold from laughin and tell them No thanks.. im strait.. but i feel bad cuz they put themselves out there... But yeah... lets see what would happend if they try it in TEXAS!!

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Back years ago i was walking when did not have a car at the time. When a guy in a classic chevy, the 67-72 years, stopped and offered a ride. Of course can't be to bad. Guy looked normal and had a nice truck. Then the guy asked if i needed to stop somewhere on the way to where i said i was going. Then offered to give a favor that i of course denied and asked to be let out right here since i am not for that kind of thing. Guess i guess ifin you are that way you got to ask somebody and might be a little less likely to get hurt doing that in a car next to another on the freeway. I also believe not so many people would be that way if tv did not try to make it seem so ok to be when it is not.

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Matt your a handsome dude! Is it so surprising that both sexes might think so? :lol: No big deal. If some chick was driving and gestured like that with her fist and poked her cheek out with her tongue you'd be pissed off?? Hahahaha I don't think so. You feel that something you did set off his gay-dar?? He was merely hitting on you hoping to get lucky. You have nothing to feel insecure about. C'mere and give me a big hug. :lol:

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Now that he has my full attention, he follows it up with a motion that's pretty much universal. Fist in front of face, moving back and forth in front of his mouth. You guessed it, guy wants a blowjob, then does some more me? you? motion with his hand. So I'm having a hard time comprehending this and literally say out loud to no one in the car, "What the fuck?" And he starts to pull away slowly and gets in front of me a few car lengths ahead while I'm still flabbergasted for lack of a better word.


So I'm thinking to myself, did that actually just happen? In Idaho? Yep, it did, so I say fuck that and kick it down a gear and pass him, get in front of him and start slowing down to force him to slow down. Box him in between a car in the left lane and then he executes a quick pass, to which I swerve over fully in his lane and make him ride the shoulder and he gives me the open arms "What did I do?" expression. And I give him a big Ratsun salute, and then he speeds off.




Unless I'm misunderstanding your words~ he didn't want a blow job, he wanted to GIVE one. From that point it sounds more like you escalated the situation (with the passing/boxing) rather than he. Queers are like bullies~ in that if you ignore them they'll (usually) go away, tho much quicker. As insulting and vulgar as it may seem at the moment(and you now have a greater insight on what it's like to be a girl~ with the wolf whistles, dog-panting, lame come-ons, etc..), best to let it go~ let God/mother nature/karma have His/her/it's way with him. Judge ye not....


I've been sayin this for I don't know how long, and I'd submit it to Wikipedia if it were politically correct, BUT~


The (my) definition of homophobia is: a word invented by queers to make straight people feel bad about being NORMAL.


There was actually a scientist back in the 80's that PROVED a genetic DNA difference between normal and homosexual peeps! He was ostracized by both the political and scientific communities because it wasn't politically correct to address and label such an issue. Don your blinders everyone, or bury your head in the sand~ for if we don't see, hear or discuss the issue it will surely disappear! Right..... That's my story, and I'm stickin to it.


Swingin my bat from the NORMAL side of the plate~


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hrm...well...not sure why he would be doing that...were you doing the same thing your avatar(jay) was doing? That might do it...or maybe if you were wearing a mesh tank top or something.


Yeah...I don't think it makes a person a homophobe to feel uncomfortable being hit on by the same sex...but what everyone said about getting used to it is probably the only thing to do. Years ago people would hide preferences like that for fear of getting hurt or killed because of their sexual identity, but that isn't the case anymore. The best thing to do is be polite, tell them you don't swing that way(and maybe re-evaluate your wardrobe/behavior), and take it as a creepy feeling compliment.

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I also believe not so many people would be that way if tv did not try to make it seem so ok to be when it is not.


News flash, gays have been around since time began. It isn't right or wrong any more than the color of your eyes. TV has educated people to the fact that gays are out there and are human beings like ourselves and we should be more tolerant of them, that's all. If you believe in an infallible god then how could he have made a mistake like a gay person? Probably because he didn't and we are simply diverse and wonderful in our diversity. .

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News flash, gays have been around since time began. It isn't right or wrong any more than the color of your eyes. TV has educated people to the fact that gays are out there and are human beings like ourselves and we should be more tolerant of them, that's all. If you believe in an infallible god then how could he have made a mistake like a gay person? Probably because he didn't and we are simply diverse and wonderful in our diversity. .


without dragging right or wrong or religion into a discussion, it should be a simple enough philosophy to live and let live. I still think it is ok to be creeped out when propositioned by a member of the same sex, doesn't mean you have to let it go any further than that. regardless of if you believe in God or not, people are not infallible...and we fear what we don't understand and what is different. Some of that is natural, some of it is unhealthy...and oddly enough, it is...human...

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I've been say this for I don't know how long, and I'd submit it to Wikipedia if it were politically correct, BUT~


The (my) definition of homophobia is: a word invented by queers to make straight people feel bad about being NORMAL.


PC in one sentence and the word 'queer' in the next. :lol: :lol: (I love it)


Oh, and if there was a 'queer' gene, surely in the last 30 years or so it would have become mainstream accepted. There isn't and it hasn't.





Usually politics, religion and sex posts end up locked down. Keep this in mind. Everyone can have an opinion.

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Getting used to it isn't the issue. I have gay friends, hell my college roommate flipped sexes after college. I don't feel uncomfortable around gay people at all. HOWEVER, some dickless wonder asking/wanting to give a blowjob ON THE FREEWAY gesturing at me, really pisses me off. If a chick did the same thing, I'd probably laugh it off, so I suppose I'm a hypocrite in that regard. I sure as shit wouldn't take her up on it because she would most likely be a trashy hooker/nuts.


If it was in a bar and I just got hit on, I'd laugh it off. If a dude made that motion or asked me for a blowjob I'd probably tell him to fuck off, just on the freeway, while driving, just not cool in any way.


I'll get over it, just really irritates me. I need a hug, where's datzenmike? ;)

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I have gay friends, hell my college roommate flipped sexes after college.


Yup...everyone else was right...you are attractive enough to have this happen apparently...a former roommate changing batting stances is the "appeal factor" opposite of a ex-girlfriend switching teams...



Kami's cruising outside his species. (cats)


I can picture the conversation at the average crazy old peoples house when they hear of this...


quick! hide the pussy! no! not that one! the furry one! no...the one with less hair...yeah...that one.

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