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Abandoned vehicle

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What we do in CA, is the owner of the property calls us, we call the local PD to VIN check, we tow it to the yard, after 72 hours a lien is put on the vehicle and the lien package is sent to the last registered owner. if they don't pick it up inside the 30 days (if valued $4000 or less) then it is ours.

there is a law about property (home acreage etc) that if it looks abandoned, one can claim it in court and if the court see's that it is indeed abandoned, they give it to the person that claimed it. this was in Texas. not sure if the same applies to vehicles and other states.


I will go ask a tow yard tomorrow.

I might even make it over to the big auto wrecker around here.


Good stuff guys.

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I must be making a name for myself. That's either a compliment or an insult. :D


cool.gif Grade A+ Knowledge Ninja.


Definitely not an insult. I enjoy reading your posts.


And a response inside 5 minutes, I called that one!

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I will go ask a tow yard tomorrow.

I might even make it over to the big auto wrecker around here.


Good stuff guys.


K first, any vehicle left on property, public or private, is the responsibility of the last registered owner. If you have a wrecker tow it away, they will put a lien on it for their costs of removal and storage, you will have no rights to it. You will not be responsible for any fines or fees by a tow company, I don't care where you guys read that or what site it came from, my info comes directly from case law. There are ways around it...


Any peace officer, city employee, of dmv employee can qualify a vehicle as abandoned. Maybe you have a friend or family member with a job in those fields, have them do it. Once that is done, you can put a lien on the title for your costs of storage and labor. If the owner does not petition the lien sale within the specified time, the vehicle is yours (if under 4k like said earlier).


Don't push it onto the street. You will be responsible for any damage, theft, or parking fines. If you really want the truck, go the lien sale route. If you want it gone, take what you want off and call your local pd and report it abandoned. Or tow it way out onto a side road and ditch it, just never admit the vehicle was left at your house, say it was either never there or the owner came and got it.

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I have dealt with similar happenings. You are going to find that in washington, the state has shifted all of this type of abandonment over to tow companies, making them the ones who are tasked with removing the vehicle, tracking down the last registered owner, etc. They are pretty strict with the penalties of abandoning a vehicle, which starts with huge storage fees from the tow, and ends in you getting your license suspended.

I really think you are going to need to look into having a mechanics lien put on it instead of calling it abandoned, you will have a much better chance of ending up with the truck instead of it getting mixed up with another party, namely the tow companies, to try to deal with, unless you find a smaller guy who would be cool helping you. It only takes a few dollars to file a small claim at the sourthouse to start the process.

Just #15's opinion

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To "own" a datsun you have to be able to do whatever it takes to keep it on the road or get it how you want it

To "have" a datsun all you need is a 6x12 patch of grass

Sounds like a "haver", id try and drag it back to him but how far is it? I mean hes a freind of sorts so try and do right by him even if he isnt by you, I dont like people having 1 datsun rotting away let alone 10 but id try and keep my concience either clean, or paid off enoughf to not care. Gooooood luck

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find a way to save this vehicle. Half a motor is about 3 hour to put HEAD on and have a running rig!


Whats is bad is a nice 521 goes to shit just for soemthing simple or half a motor

then soembody on here build a half rotton 521 from scratch and puts his heart and oul in the project. Im thinking why waist your time and just get one of these EZ to complete vehicles

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Take into account that Dat510s family are tow truckers... never give a tow company anything unless you never want to see it again..they are the DEVIL.Tow auction cars regularly start at about $270.00 in WA now because of the high price of scrap,,so buying it back at auction ( cheap ) wont be an option..


Now if you just need it the hell out of your face well .....there you go

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Researching Washington's Adverse Possession laws now. Now I just need to go find a house that has been abandoned. :)


Let us know what you find out about that.


As for the truck...I think I know where I'm going with it-I'll just wait and see what happens as we get closer to the date.

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Let us know what you find out about that.


As for the truck...I think I know where I'm going with it-I'll just wait and see what happens as we get closer to the date.


i really do hope it doesn't go to someone that doesn't know anything about it and just decides to crush it.

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i really do hope it doesn't go to someone that doesn't know anything about it and just decides to crush it.


I'm gonna wait.

Write out a transfer of ownership document.

Threaten to have it towed, and at the cost of lien and tow, it would be more feasible to just sign it to me.


My logic on that is for the shenanigans I've been put through, he owes it to me...


If he balks, it's getting towed. I've got to keep my word...albeit missing a couple of things.


I really don't want it to go anywhere but in my possession.

But I can't keep waiting for someone to grow up.

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Let us know what you find out about that.


As for the truck...I think I know where I'm going with it-I'll just wait and see what happens as we get closer to the date.




10 years possession, 7 if you're paying property taxes. Must possess and utilize the property as if it was your own and you must not be hiding the fact you're using it. You also must be willing to defend it from trespassers (a simple No Trespassing sign counts).


The easiest way to do this is with abandoned houses and buildings. Especially if you can find one that has just sort of fell through the cracks.


RCWs: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=7.28


Section 7.28.080 is especially interesting. From the way I understand it, if you are paying taxes on a property you've AP'd, you gain all sorts of weight in your claim over it.


Might be good to start looking really closely at all those half-empty housing developments around town. The best time to have done this would have been when everyone was upside down in their mortgages and just taping keys to doors.

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  • 3 weeks later...

status update?


Tomorrow is the day.

I think I'm just going to ask for the truck. See what he says.


I figure that I have 8 hours, a couple hundred in parts, and months of waiting on my side.

That should be plenty to equal value of a wrecked 521 with terrible paint and no motor.

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Most states allows for a 'Storage' fee which can be charged on a daily basis.


After you give written warning of the fees, start charging away. It may be about $30 a day.


After a week or two, provide a bill/invoice and demand payment.


In WA, the only ones able to do this is the tow company.

The entire system is set up to support the system.


I'm all on my own in this situation.

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you can call the wsp or sheriff depending on where you live and they will come and inspect the truck, deem it junk, and mail the owner a notice giving him 2 weeks to pick it up. if he doesn't show, you get a junk title. BUT to get a junk titled car back on the road it needs to be reinspected by WSP, but if its just a parts truck who cares? This is all a big time wasting hassle, but it is a legal way to take possession of the truck. I just went thru this so if you have any questions you can PM me.

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you can call the wsp or sheriff depending on where you live and they will come and inspect the truck, deem it junk, and mail the owner a notice giving him 2 weeks to pick it up. if he doesn't show, you get a junk title. BUT to get a junk titled car back on the road it needs to be reinspected by WSP, but if its just a parts truck who cares? This is all a big time wasting hassle, but it is a legal way to take possession of the truck. I just went thru this so if you have any questions you can PM me.


This might be viable...I just don't trust that they won't tow it away.

It is wanted by me for parts. I think I even have dibs coming in for certain things on it too.


I'm kinda glad this guy hasn't been on Ratsun since January.

Haven't even heard from him since July 27th.

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