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Ratsun: Health/Fitness

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Ok Ratsun ,,,


Long Story Short ,,,I use to lift when younger ,,, stopped along the way ,,, got unhealthy ,,,, Changed my lifestyle about a year ago ,,, Eating Much Healthier ,,, Drinking LOTS of water , Taking Vitamins A,B,C,D , Omega fish Oils ,,, lots of protein (different sources including powder) ,,, Cut Alcohol Completely , Cut Caffeine down significantly


I do Cardio Exercising for ((( 30 minutes - 1 hour ))) daily ,,, ( Running(not much)/Jogging/Swimming of that like ,,, )


I Lift Weights Every Other Day for ((( 30 minutes - 1 hour ))) ,,, (3-4 times a week for muscle recover/rest period )


I have recently "plateaud" in Lifting Weights (hard time building above currently where at) ,,, (,,, I am doing a variation of Strength training/Drop Sets ,,,)



My Question(s) is to Ratsun Members/Anyone ,,,


(1) If you have "plateaued" what did you do to "break" it ,,, and continue to gain ?


(2) What is your Diet ?


(3) What Supplements do you take ?


(4) What is a good overall protein powder for building ? Does it work ?


(5) How long have you been doing your "routine" ?


(6) Does it work for you ?


(7) What would you change ?




This is kind of a weird thread ,,, a few funny's are fine ,,, laugh.gif ,,, but I am trying to gather as much information as I can to better myself ,,, and improve my routines ,,, and yes I have "searched" tongue.gifwink.gifbiggrin.gif


Please Post as much or as little as you deem fit ,,, smile.gif





Thanks Ratsun !



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Im at the point also but i just continue to ride my bike around here and there and go smimming.. havent Taken any supplements and i stopped eating out late... Im stuck at the same weight and body shape but im kinda lazy to step it up to see more differences.. lol

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Im at the point also but i just continue to ride my bike around here and there and go smimming.. havent Taken any supplements and i stopped eating out late... Im stuck at the same weight and body shape but im kinda lazy to step it up to see more differences.. lol


Excellent ! ,,, :cool: ,,,, haha :lol:


I lift beers from the table to my mouth now and then, work on the datsun every weekend.


ollz :lol: ,,, cool ,,, cool ,,, Do you down them all at the same time like bawse ? :lol: ;)

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I have sex with much younger women, it tends to burn off more calories quicker. I also ride my bike all over. Working o the datsun helps too. I take green tea tabs and have great energy. I am at work at 5am and usually don't get shuteye till around midnight, so keeping going is the big secret. I have lost so much weight since my divorce lol

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Excellent ! ,,, :cool: ,,,, haha :lol:




ollz :lol: ,,, cool ,,, cool ,,, Do you down them all at the same time like bawse ? :lol: ;)



I do everything like a bawse. Even when i do something wrong or fucked up, its like a bawse!

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Its my sexy body, I Do What I Want!


Yes ,,, mmmmmmmmmmm Mullet !!! :lol: ollz B)



I have sex with much younger women, it tends to burn off more calories quicker. I also ride my bike all over. Working o the datsun helps too. I take green tea tabs and have great energy. I am at work at 5am and usually don't get shuteye till around midnight, so keeping going is the big secret. I have lost so much weight since my divorce lol


ollz ,,, Green Tea is good stuff ,,, careful with the amount ;) !!! ,,, u haz lost so much weight since your divorce !? of course ,,, it was ex-wife !!! :lol: jk jk :console:


I do everything like a bawse. Even when i do something wrong or fucked up, its like a bawse!


ollz,,, :thumbup:

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I've gained like 50 since I got married....I need to get rid of it.....





Thank you sir ! :D



Happens to the best of us no ? ! ,,, heard that's part of a happy marriage to ;) :) ,,,



Hardest part was starting "again" for me :)



good luck to you too man !!!

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One word:



^^^ HOLY CRAP !!! kinda looks hardcore ,,, :cool:



Too bad my knees and ankles are giving out ,,, :rolleyes: ,,, gotta be careful with them ,,, so I have to use machines like treadmills and Elipticals ,,,


Military Presses strain my back pretty good ,,, :unsure: ,, so IF I do them I am careful/lighter weights



Free Weights are best for a lot of things ,,, for me at least ,,, :D


i weighed 145 lbs since i was 11. yeah, i was like 2ft tall and a fatty... about 3 years ago i put on 40lbs.. now im 185. skinny runs in my family, guess im the fatty :D


Well,,,, I can relate ,,, I wear smaller pants now ,,, than I did when I was twelve :blink: ,,,,,, :lol: ( mmmm chunky ! )


I Honestly Don't know what I weigh naow ,,, I know aprox what I do ,,, only for nutrition purposes ,,, :lol: :D


I weight about 140, and I'm 6'1. I used to be 200lbs, but dropped 50 pounds in about two months, and another ten after that.




I have some secrets cool.gif



Do Tell :D

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Good, don't. Thought i was cool enough to not get addicted.. I did.. Took me a few years to get out of it. the shit that happened in between was unreal. haven't been back since, never will be. To much love for the life now days to even think about the past :D

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I have food allergies. Nasty ass deadly allergies that have had me in the hospital 4 times in the last year.




I GUARAN-fucking-TEE any of you stop eating anything milk, wheat, and soy related perminantly for a month, you will see a drastic change. My metabolism rate is so high, I can eat all day for hours, and never gain a pound.






BTW, izzo, glad to hear you were man enough to kick it. I've seen friends die from that stuff, and it ruins lives. Keep it clean bro.

Edited by metalmonkey47
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I have food allergies. Nasty ass deadly allergies that have had me in the hospital 4 times in the last year.




I GUARAN-fucking-TEE any of you stop eating anything milk, wheat, and soy related perminantly for a month, you will see a drastic change. My metabolism rate is so high, I can eat all day for hours, and never gain a pound.






BTW, izzo, glad to hear you were man enough to kick it. I've seen friends die from that stuff, and it ruins lives. Keep it clean bro.



most people can't kick it. hitting rock bottom a few times got me out of it. This thread is about fitness. I could drop a few stories of the shit that happened, but thats for another day :cool:

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Good, don't. Thought i was cool enough to not get addicted.. I did.. Took me a few years to get out of it. the shit that happened in between was unreal. haven't been back since, never will be. To much love for the life now days to even think about the past :D


I won't :blink: ,,, will take your word for it !!! ,,, never planned too either :)



I have food allergies. Nasty ass deadly allergies that have had me in the hospital 4 times in the last year.




I GUARAN-fucking-TEE any of you stop eating anything milk, wheat, and soy related perminantly for a month, you will see a drastic change. My metabolism rate is so high, I can eat all day for hours, and never gain a pound.






BTW, izzo, glad to hear you were man enough to kick it. I've seen friends die from that stuff, and it ruins lives. Keep it clean bro.


I need a bit of wheat ,,, or my muscle gets eaten/nutrition !!!


Good to know on the dairy though ,,, I LOVE MILK :D :(

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Me i work out every day for an hour then i run 4 1/2 miles drink water every hour to clean out the system for lunch it`s a salad with no dressing and grilled fish then i do half hour on treadmill and for dinner it is only organic fruit ,, and only snack on apple slices



BUT this guy not so much lol.gif


I really wish this had been in focus




Seriously... the boys weight coach tells them to never intake more than 40 grams of protein (assuming bottled kind ) in a meal ( he stresses way less ) and if starting a protein regiment start very small and work your way up.. Apparently it causes the blood to go acidic if to much at once. and it could cause kidney stones if you dont drink shit loads of water to flush the extra out. But he is a health freak and seems to like torturing the players with un-godly amount of reps instead of mass weight.

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Me i work out every day for an hour then i run 4 1/2 miles drink water every hour to clean out the system for lunch it`s a salad with no dressing and grilled fish then i do half hour on treadmill and for dinner it is only organic fruit ,, and only snack on apple slices



BUT this guy not so much lol.gif




Seriously... the boys weight coach tells them to never intake more than 40 grams of protein in a meal ( he stresses way less ) and if starting a protein regiment start very small and work your way up.. Apparently it causes the blood to go acidic if to much at once. and it could cause kidney stones if you dont drink shit loads of water to flush the extra out. But he is a health freak and seems to like torturing the players with un-godly amount of reps instead of mass weight.


Sounds like an excellent regimen :D ,,, I wish I could do 4.5 miles a day ,,, Yes absolutely WATER IS KEY :) ,,,,


40grams you say ? ,,, this is good !!! I think it was like 1 gram per pound of body weight or something like that for body buidling ? ( I am not sure at all !!! )


I eat A LOT of protein ,,, but I drink 6-10 glasses of water a day ,,, lol at the un-godly amount of reps :lol: ,,, yup !!! good ol days


I am planning on "building" soon ,,, Still In "cut" phase ,,, I am only competing against me :lol: :D


Thankyou for the advice on the kidney stones !!! I forgot about that to be honest !!! ( der der der ) :)

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I weighted 205 pounds five years ago, then I got married and gained 70 pounds, a year ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and dropped 45 pounds in 3 months, and that was because I wasn't eating at all. I started to feel very bad when I was eating something, now a year later I'm eating "normally" but I try to avoid junk food and try to ride my bike everyday for at least 1-2 hours a day to keep my weight at 230 pounds.

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