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Who's 720 ?!?!?!

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once again i dont see what the problem is...


does a z car haul gravel, does a 510 haul 5 cords of wood...


i dont see any of you baggin on my truck and it just about as hacked up as this truck... it aint fucking useless...


fucking christ... get over yourselves... it just like any other ratrod.



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once again i dont see what the problem is...


does a z car haul gravel, does a 510 haul 5 cords of wood...


i dont see any of you baggin on my truck and it just about as hacked up as this truck... it aint fucking useless...


fucking christ... get over yourselves... it just like any other ratrod.




This is no longer a truck, it can't carry wood either and as for driving I doubt you can legally do that either without rear view mirrors, seat belts and signal lights. All it can do is be low, if that's useful.

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once again i dont see what the problem is...


does a z car haul gravel, does a 510 haul 5 cords of wood...


i dont see any of you baggin on my truck and it just about as hacked up as this truck... it aint fucking useless...


fucking christ... get over yourselves... it just like any other ratrod.





I'd have to disagree. As controversial as the design of this truck is, I'd say its primary purpose is to the SHOWN, not driven. It's a complete form over function design. There is no way you can sanely say or agree that this truck was designed with the primary intent of driving; that it was created to be a safe, industry standard meeting vehicle, built for the purpose of utility and economy.

One cannot embark on a mission to devise a machine such as this without knowing full and well that there will be an onslaught of judgment and disgust towards it. That's why it was brought into being; for shock value. I don't think that it was the truck itself that brought about the reputation that has here on the forum, but the prior owner and his attitude/ethics regarding it.


Also, regarding being just like any other Rat Rod, this is not just like any other Rat Rod. Not even close. There are true Rat Rods, created on a budget, caring very little for aesthetics, but more for function. This .. thing on the other hand was made with ONLY aesthetics in mind. Alot of money was dumped into making it look the way it does.


As far as everyone rolling their eyes and having a problem with it? I think it's been pointed out repeatedly throughout this thread about the continual reminder of its existence.. much like the recent assault of threads and posts regarding the 510's appearance in the Transformers movie, not because every hates the vehicle so much. We've already been there, done that, and moved on. It brought about an unpleasant situation in the past, and not worth being revisited.


It's ok. It's the internet.

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I'd have to disagree. As controversial as the design of this truck is, I'd say its primary purpose is to the SHOWN, not driven. It's a complete form over function design




lulz it cant hardpark any harder.





It's ok. It's the internet.






roflwafle :rofl:

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I caant believe you assholes still have so much HATE for this truck!?!?!?! Its pure ignorance!!!!


Like %90 of the vehicles on this forum are either non running/working! That truck is a purpose built vehicle that is DAMN good at what it was made for!!


Tell me that a SR20DETT 2dr 510 is a driveable/safe vehicle!!!


And for the previous owner... He got flammed for nonsensical BS and BOOTED when he started to strike back!


Tell me that you could put concrete and wood in HALF of the trucks on this forum with no prollems!

(Some can Some cant)


If you dont like the truck, DONT POST IN THREADS ABOUT IT!

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I try and stay out of internet fights and stuff.



But that truck is pretty sweet. You guys have to stop thinking about it as a Datsun truck and think about it from the ratrod prespective. It's small, relatively light, old enough. I'm sure he wasn't thinking about it being a Datsun as much as a Mini-truck.


Which most ratrods are dropped and chopped as small and short as you can get it, with as big tires, and bigger engine. Lots of rust, nonsensical parts, I'm sure the trailer it got there on is nearby too......



Looks like a typical ratrod to me.



I'm sure you are all sick of hearing about it.


I mean it is ALL over ratsun.

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Its not really that i hate the truck. Im tired of it, CONSTANTLY being brought up. LOOK, SEARCH, idk but realize there has been so many fucking threads on this damn truck. Like i said, next one to open one im going to mail a turd in a box to their house, put som elil wheels on it and call it a lowrider.

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It was a moddified truck, the VIN is not as big a deal as ppl were makin it out to be!


And the VIN thing is not all that was out of line...


Dont take my word for it, read the thread!


I did and was supprised again at who/what was said, from/to people that are supposed to like to Mod cars...



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That's what I feel like after reading this thread.


And if someone is going to fix the title and put 620, can you fix it and put the correct 'whose' while you're at it, because that bugs me even more..... k, thanks :thumbup:

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Maybe there should be a post in the "Read This First" section of cars/trucks that have been brought up more times than any of us want to see.

"Rookie...we've already talked about these soooo many times...Don't repost!"


This thing.


510 limo.




And I'm sure there are more.


I'd be interested in seeing the old threads that have given the owner(s) of this truck such bad re pour on this forum.

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