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Dancing: now illegal in America

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Are you kidding me? Walking up to people and telling them they will be arrested and held in jail all weekend with out explaining or justifying WHY is handling a situation well?


Are you part ofthe tea party?

No longer do they need a reason. Check out the Patriot act.

It's very easy. You are now a domestic terrorist. No joke.


But hey, this doesn't bother me attitude is all good until they come for you.

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No longer do they need a reason. Check out the Patriot act.

It's very easy. You are now a domestic terrorist. No joke.


But hey, this doesn't bother me attitude is all good until they come for you.


And yes that is exactly what I was talking about, government keeps tightening their grip on civil liberties like press and assembly and free speech.


It's just a matter of time before we have to take it all back.

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Lol and your little name calling comments are the only opinion you have expressed mr z train. Is that small minded insult really your only stand on the oppression of civil rights in America? Because that would seem pretty stupid. Narrow minded, childish, and many other suitable names Of a less savory nature.


Oh let me guess sense im dumb, your republican, you don't believe in evolution, you think it isn't patriotic to question or challenge your government.


Close? Maybe just a little? ;)

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And yes that is exactly what I was talking about, government keeps tightening their grip on civil liberties like press and assembly and free speech.


It's just a matter of time before we have to take it all back.


It's not a matter of time. It has already happened. People don't feel like they have lost their rights but they have. The patriot act took all our bill of rights and suspended habeus corpus they have secret police secret prisons and secret courts. Don't piss them off unless you're ready to take it all the way.

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Lol, it's sad really, no national healthcare system because political lobbyists, education budget going down while prison budget goon up.


New laws in place to prosecute people with little or no cause, and no sense if national unity


We are really moving backwards.

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Lol, it's sad really, no national healthcare system because political lobbyists, education budget going down while prison budget goon up.


New laws in place to prosecute people with little or no cause, and no sense if national unity


We are really moving backwards.



no wonder Canada is one of THE most loved countries in the world. and that our $$ is worth more than American now

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Yeah z chopper, Canada is cool, my wife and I used to go to whistler.


I just hope my fellow Americans can see the path we are going down, both democrat and republican policies have good and bad points to them, but the middle class gets smaller and smaller while big biz and government keeps the wheel of fear and debt rolling.


And almost every 1st world nation besides America has a national healthcare plan.


Privatizing health care was part of Nixon, most "smart" people know how good old nixan practiced his ethics in politics

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No,im not kidding you,did you watch that video from the beginning ? the demonstrators were asked over and over again to not dance.The police were too polite if you ask me.They were very patient and tried to diffuse the situation with a simple request.Just a little tip for you if you get arrested or are about to.Do what they ask you to do and you probably wont get your face pushed into the ground.Why does this upset you so much? ,im no fan of law enforcement myself but there is a reason we have it.

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See the point is that they should be able to dance where ever they want, they are not impeding traffic or causing any public disturbance from what I was able to see.


At Jefferson memorial of all places to arrest people for public assembly or speech or expression of any kind is funny because he himself was a major contributer to those very liberties we used to enjoy.


It's dancing in public, what nation can call itself free when you can't dance at a fucking state park or monument that is maintained and build on tax payer money with out fear of prosecution.



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See the point is that they should be able to dance where ever they want, they are not impeding traffic or causing any public disturbance from what I was able to see.


At Jefferson memorial of all places to arrest people for public assembly or speech or expression of any kind is funny because he himself was a major contributer to those very liberties we used to enjoy.


It's dancing in public, what nation can call itself free when you can dance at a fucking state park or monument?




im with you brother

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i got a couple people in Texas that would definitely mind someone dancing in their front yard.


but a public place, like John said, they were asked to stop dancing, they got what was coming to them for disobeying.


as far as a law against dancing at a memorial, I've never heard of it, and if such a law exists, the Gov might as well shut me up, burn books, and shoot us for talking about our "great Government" :P

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But it's public property, and with that, as long as they are not causing even a minimal public disturbance or stopping traffic then what Is the Dam problem.


From what I saw of the 3 diff cameras that have come out in this situation.


About 18/25 people walked into Jefferson as a rather small flash mob to dance quietly in celebration of civil rights, on memorial weekend.


Cops came and politely said stop dancing, dancers asked "why", cops say "because I said so", dancers say" but why do we have to stop ", cops say "you will be arrested".


And then they go on to ask by what right or law can they possibly arrested, the pig never tells them why, them proceeds to threaten American citizens with a full weekend in jail while still not telling them WHY they are being threatened with jail and arrest.


You guys are ok with this, I know I spell horribly but im sure it's readable.

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